Ban appeal

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New Member
Mar 22, 2024
Your in-game name: evaHn
Your SteamID: 76561198086289887
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 3/22/2024
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): MRDM/NITRP
Who banned you: Robertos Harrison
Ban length?: 2 weeks
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: take the arrest and call an admin instead
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? no
Why should you be unbanned: i was messing around with a high ranking officer, i cant remember his name bc i got banned so quickly for it. but we were purposefully goofing off, he was stripping me of my comms and we were having fist fights and just messing around breaking server rules but only on eachother bc we were both 100% ok with it and didnt have an issue. But when 2 people saw me win a fist fight him. they tried arresting me and when i told them not to and was tryna tell them he was ok with it they wouldnt stop. So to avoid a long unnecessary jail time i killed the 2 people trying to arrest me. An admin saw it, got upset at it and banned me for 2 weeks
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I dont want to ruin someones day on the server so i follow the rules always and only goof of with someone i know is ok with it and we arent affecting anyone else.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
bc its fun and i enjoy rping a lot and im very new and was just trying to have fun and 3 people saw and got the complete wrong idea of it.

and on top of that. The person i was messing around with didnt get banned either even when i tried to tell the admin the situation and that he had broken several rules on me too
Feb 28, 2023
Hello evahn!

I banned you because you were killing people in base. You also said that the other party was 100% okay with this, but after I asked the people that were involved, they didn't appreciate that you killed them. So you were maybe "goofing" off, but the others weren't in on this. The people you mentioned in the sit whom where "breaking" the rules, you did not attach any proof of this. So the only thing we had to go off was the Logs, which did not show any rule breaks within what you explained, In future reference If there is a reason you were getting arrested, and its stated clearly that you can't kill the police (AOR) to get out of a prison sentence. I Hope you understand the reasons you received this Ban, and why we applied these reasons.

I decided to ban you as for your actions in not only from the RDM but also how you were talking to me in the staff sit, after your rude comments towards me I understood your intention. Which is why you also received a NITRP.

Here is the evidence:


New Member
Mar 22, 2024
Ofc the 2 people who didnt know the situation at all between me and yoku goofing off are going to get upset when you kill them. You didnt even give me the chance to talk to them or anyone or bring anyone else into the sit you just jumped straight to conclusions. SO OFC im going to be upset at you bro. Im sorry i cant handle my temper that well but if youre going to jump to conclusions and not even bring YOKU the person who i was messing around with to talk abt anything that happened

Please try not jumping to conclusions so quickly bc you dont know the situation.


New Member
Mar 22, 2024
You never asked the person i was actually goofing off with if he was ok with it you just asked the people who didnt see what the situation was at all, and who just got killed their opinion on their experience. I really wonder what theyre going to say :DDD


New Member
Mar 22, 2024
And i shouldnt be arrested when the person i fist fighted to death gave permission to it
Jun 3, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @evaHn ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing this thread and reading both sides of the story, the conclusion on your ban is that it was completely valid, players are not allowed to shoot friendlies who are trying to arrest them and this is considered RDM. Considering your attitude while replying to this thread I feel that you lack remorse and have not understood why you have received your ban.

If you have any questions regarding the decision on your appeal please feel free to reach out to me!
- Steven Connor​
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