Billy Civil Gamers CGSF App

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2020
1. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:160912049

2. In game name: Billy

3. Do you have any bans? (ANY BANS WILL RESULT IN YOUR APPLICATION BEING WITHDRAWN): Yes none recent was give perms to apply from Commander.

4. Do you have a mic? Yes

5. Is this your first application? If not please link ALL previous CGSF applications. First App

6. If you had to estimate, how many hours of Police/SWAT role-play would you say you had? Not sure probably around 300.

7. How would you deal with a suspect that was failing to cooperate with officers? I would inform him to stop for questioning if he doesn't cooperate I would ideally taze him and restrain him, if he pulls a gun out depending on whether there are many bystanders around I would either open fire to prevent any bystanders getting injured or if it is an secluded area ask him to put the gun away however if he does not comply and keeps being and active threat I would open fire.

8. What would you do if you saw an Officer die? I would report the death over comms and call for backup while trying to locate which direction the murderer fled and deal with him appropriately depending on if he is armed or not. If there are multiple armed suspects I would wait for backup before trying to avenge the fallen officer.

9. During raids you will be required to act in a tactical and effective manner. If required how would you lead a raid? I would first set up a barricade outside the base to prevent any civilians getting hurt in the crossfire or any non police from interfering in the raid. Then I would check if the criminals inside the base are willing to step outside and comply. However if they do not comply I would look for any weak spots of the base to enter from if there are none. I would communicate with all other members of the PD who are present and tell them the order in which to breach and inform them whether a jammer will be used or not to prevent any miscommunication. Then I will breach the base using hex shields and take out the criminals.

10. If a suspect runs away from you as you're talking to him what would you do? (Keep in mind that failing to stop after being signalled by the police is a crime). I would kindly ask him to face the wall with my gun pointed at him if he doesn't value his life and is unarmed I would Taze him and cuff him. I would then educate him on how that what he just did was a criminal offence and continue to speak to him about what I was talking to before he decided to run away. After getting all the information I need I would proceed to arrest him.

Do you meet the following criteria?
- Ability to stay calm
- Polite yet forceful
- Effective coordination
- Excellent marksmanship
-Great role-play ability

Rate out of 10 your skills on these

- Ability to stay calm: 10
- Polite yet forceful: 10
- Effective coordination: 10
- Excellent Marksmanship: 9
- Role-Play Ability: 9

Thanks for reading.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 1, 2021
Hello Sir Billy Civilgamers, I am going to bestow you with my most sincere +support and here is why~
+Hex tunneling prodigy/pioneer.
+Incredibly immersive roleplay.
+Aim on par with Drizay (convicted aimbotter).
+In teamspeak atleast 24 hours a day.
-English is a little rough around the edges but you are always improving.

I believe the CGSF is currently having a hard time and you will be able to get them on their feet. Good luck sir.
  • Wow
  • Haha
Reactions: Redrrx and Billy


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
-Try to RP more
-Very good at raiding
-In pvp your mostly break rules while Fighting But you good
-Enough hours AS PD

-Best of luck

REDRRX | Plat Vip
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CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
Hey, Billy my verdict is +support for the following reasons:
+ Active In-game
+ Seen in TS
+ Seen as PD (could do with playing it a little more)

-/+ Unsure of RP ability
+ Can lead a raid

I think you would be a good fit for CGSF as long as you can iron out some of those points I mentioned.
Best of luck!

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Reactions: Billy and Redrrx


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020
-Had a nice chat with you in Teamspeak
-Active In-Game
-Active In TS3
-Good at raiding
-Good at combat
-Decent RP
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Reactions: Billy


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 26, 2020
I'll go with a +Support
-Your RP is pretty good
-Your combat is okay
-Your hex tunnels are good
-You haven't been back (from what I have seen) for very long
Best of luck
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