Billy GM Application

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Apr 12, 2022
Original Steam login name (your account first ever name): Reekidth3rd
For how long have you played on CG MRP: Vtime- 3w 1day/overall time 5-6monthes
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
UAN name (regiment and rank): PVT 'Big Billy'
NWO name (regiment and rank): STS MSGT N'Djamena 'Billy'
Civilian name: 'The All Father' TPA
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:518877078
Do you have a mic?: yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 6 warning/1 kick
RDM: the guy was mic spamming then I kill him I should call RMP/MPK.
RDM: shot a Ussr truck in the base and then killed a civil inside however I was told to shoot at it.
NRL: SAS hacking call after I die from them. my fault
FearRP: didn't move back when told to with a gun at me.
Failrp: throw grenade at Heli when I was new to sever.
Failrp: assisting the enemy side
Kick: Afk
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- Not much only with refund sessions on DarkRP
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Mafia
How many hours can you be on every day?:
- 6-8HOURS

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- I like to be a GM as I would like to bright fun and enjoyable event to the server for people to play and get rewards from like on map change medals and more as that to keep the sever different events will change a lot of things than the same thing all the time even if it a gambling event. As well it brings more lore and RP to the server as I've seen people called 'base inspectors they ask questions and brought more RP to sever as I like to do something like that for the sever.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
My app will not be anything special and it is not better than others as I just put my ideas on it and hope they are suitable for events and go with lore. As well my experiences with the server have been up and down and I know to be mingey however I know with this role must be trusted and cant mingy around spawning stuff in but hope that people see I want to change how I am seen as a person and can trust me. With helping like to make shore events run well and if someone needs a model change or certain weapon to give back for the event I can do that for them and to ensure that the event is fun for the community.

Please List 3 small event ideas( Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Peacetime event: castle Raid
lore: A eastern restrictions lead has died from an overdose of drugs and all his plans lay still waiting to be taken.
How the event Work: NWO or UAN raid the castle to get the leader's plans and have to fight off the leader's men as they push through. after getting the document taking them to the base will be chased by the ENR.

NWO Event: Headhunter
Lore: Someone has been selling vales NWO document to UAN and needs to be eliminated. However, they are protected by high security.
How the event run: there will be hints around the area to find this take and after the target is found have to kill the security and then get the target. THEN will be executed for his crimes against a "Great Power".

UAN event: Call back
Lore: Soldiers were sent on a mission with highly valuable equipment can it has been 48 hours and no word so must send men to get the equipment back however don't know what lies in front of them.
how the event work: the be a small camp set up with props with 2 himars and will have to take them back but there will be an unknown force awaiting them and will have to defend the himars will UAN get them back.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Event name: operation Clean-up
lore: After all the war over the Virus many deaths have occurred for conflict and the virus leading to an internasal crisis leading the two power (NWO and UAN) to clean it up. it Hader to imagen what terrors could spread to the EU.
How the event would run: NWO and UNA search the city for a cure for the virus will be attacked by zombies and by "the savers" as the war in the city carry on it come to a stop and all territory is capered nothing is found only the name of the man that started it. lead to a norther event.
Event map:

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
lore: A black market arms deal has been selling illegal weapons capable of mass death and needs to put an end to only people who are MPK/AOR to stop him.
Event: There are hints to his hide-out and different locations to find the hint with a note written with the blood of his victims.

Lore: an Unknow space shuttle has landed on the hill and has been picked up by the radar of NWO and UAN after sent there best men for the job.
event: Both STS and SOTF will fight over the shuttle and try to open it after that find data on uncharted areas of space and new bioweapons.

IVG / 15th:
Lore: both IVG and 15th have made an agreement to find a target and have him silenced as they're on the hunt to find camps of dead people and they know who has done it.
event: small camps will be set up and with a hint to where the target is located and then silent him after doing this that don't talk about what happened on that day.

lore: A cargo bob has been carrying high-tech part for the UAF air force however SWB know this and planning to shop this helis to deliver the parts.
event: cargo bob will be defended by UAF as it gets to the base and SWB will have to kill the defense and destroy the cargo bob.After the heli has crashed ground forces will be sent in save what is left.

1stAL / JAC:
lore: On one day A Jac tank was ambushed by a small part of 1stAL and destroyed the tank. leaving JAC on a high alert patrol of the area. however 1stAL plan to eliminate the JAC forces tank to tank.
event: JAC will set up some tanks in an area and have a small area to control. AS 1stAL pushes in with their tank and tries to destroy JAC tanks.

I am willing to take feedback on the event ideas and if needed will change them on the feedback given so I don't mind if you crisis them. Sorry for any spelling or grammar if you see any please tell me and ill fix it.
Last edited:
Oct 17, 2021

I know you're kind of a minge sometimes but sometimes that's the kind of stuff you need to make fun events. As far as you don't abuse your powers I don't see why you shouldn't be given a chance.
Your ideas are good as well, a little bland but that is something you gain with experience so I'm all down for it.
+Has improved his maturity alot
+Seems dedicated aftertalking to him about GM stuff.

+/- The mingey past

Small events

1st small event:
Could be an banger event with an good dupe also good lore.

2nd small event: Good event idea : lore is decent

3th small event: Decent idea nothing to special imo

For small events I will give you an +support


Idea: Its an good idea
Gameplay: Zombie events are fun :D
Lore: The lore is decent to good could be a bit longer imo
Detail: There is detail in the lore but could be a bit more.
Map: The map looks very good and fun.

For map change I give you an +support

Regimental events

Sounds like an fun event for MPK and AOR

SOTF - STS: Goofy and creative idea but would love to know how that space got there(more detail in lore).

IVG - 15th: Decent idea nothing to special but the lore is good

UAF - SWB: Mid idea

JAC - 1stAL: Sounds like war but on an specific point

For Regimental events I give you an Neutral leaning +support

Hey billy I like an good amount of your ideas some of them are a bit bland but most of them stand out imo here fore you will be getting my support on your gamemaster application.

Good luck Billy


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
just by looking at the regimental missions for MPK/AOR i think maybe a mission that requires low members cause as you know MPK and AOR's members are not alot and 15th/IVG its not that special for 15th/IVG and also the i like the STS/SOTF one and i recommand more activity from what i saw in these last days also for the JAC/1AL missions is pretty decent as an idea


+Interesting and good event ideas

-Extremely immature

Hi there Billy, whilst I do think your event ideas are quite good and you are active on the server, I do not feel you possess nearly enough maturity to be entrusted with the role and permissions as well as responsibilities of being a game master. Best of luck on your application.
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