- Jan 2, 2023
- 1,660
- 371
- 111
Which server are you applying for?: UK
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:626730025
Discord name: bsector_
For how long have you played on MRP: I started playing MRP a few months ago, however I have played previously. My current vtime is: 8d, 16hr
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
NATO name (regiment and rank): NATO PSC 'Biscuirts'
USSR name (regiment and rank): 10thSD SLT 'Biscuits'
Civilian name: Biscuirts
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No, this is my first application for UHC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have recieved one FearRP warning, this was because I was still relatively new to MRP and wasn't entirely sure how MRP's FearRP differs from SCP-RP's FearRP.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:626730025
Discord name: bsector_
For how long have you played on MRP: I started playing MRP a few months ago, however I have played previously. My current vtime is: 8d, 16hr
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
NATO name (regiment and rank): NATO PSC 'Biscuirts'
USSR name (regiment and rank): 10thSD SLT 'Biscuits'
Civilian name: Biscuirts
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No, this is my first application for UHC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have recieved one FearRP warning, this was because I was still relatively new to MRP and wasn't entirely sure how MRP's FearRP differs from SCP-RP's FearRP.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: I've not held any High Command positions within MRP.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
Considering the most recent departure from USSR High Command being the 10th Regimental General, I feel it'd be a reasonable time to apply for High Command.
Leadership Experience: Within MRP, I have led 10thSD on a multitude of wars where we always perform to a high standard, I ensure we're properly following orders and make sure we're always responding to callouts, battling enemy tanks and giving appropriate callouts for other regiments such as ABT.
Furthermore, outside of MRP, I've held a long list of roles within SCP-RP, though MRP may differ from SCP, the overall leadership of regiments and ensuring performance still applies, I've held roles such as UNGOC-C GEN, Site Advisor, DEA Dpt. Manager, CI DELCOM and BCOM respectively.
Professionality: On MRP, I always try to remain a professional and calm individual, avoiding conflict with players and making sure people enjoy the game to their fullest, remaining professional as a member of High Command is of utter importance and should never be ignored.
Roleplay Abilities: Due to my long tenure within SCP-RP, I've contributed to a large amount of roleplay within the server, especially with opposite factions (e.g CI working with UNGOC etc), though this may not relate to MRP it shows my ability and confidence within roleplay.
Adaptability: Though I may be quite new to MRP and it's customs, I have quickly adapted and learnt how to properly play MRP, no doubt I will quickly adapt to the role of a USSR High Command member.
List your in-game ranks on MRP: 10thSD SLT, RMP SGM, 1stAL SFC
List your strengths and weaknesses:
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Leadership Experience Adaptability within new roles Document Writing Tanking | Autistic Helicopters War leading experience Can get frustrated sometimes |
Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:

"10thSD JLT 'Biscuits' scouting out NATO Light Armoured deployments in Afghanistan"
Maxim 'Biscuits' Navarro's history outside of the Soviet Red Army is mostly unknown, old documentation seems to relate to a previous time within the New World Order's 1st Armoured Legion at a Non-Commissioned Officer ranking.
Notable Participations:
1. 2055 - RANK: Master Sergeant, Maxim acted as the Tank Commander of a T-72 during the invasion of Bhutan
2. 2058 - RANK: Warrant Officer, Maxim operated a TAM, T-90 and a T-72 during the invasion of Poland by the USSR.
3. 2059 - RANK: Senior Warrant Officer, Maxim coordinated a small detachment of T-90As during the battle for Administrative Zone 00
Ranking: 10th Steel Division SLT
Deployment: Afghanistan
Orders: Oversee deployment of Infantry Fighting Vehicles and Tanks in the Farah Region within Afghanistan

Maxim walks into his office, though he knows somebody is here with him, he shrugs it off. It's the usual for him.
A letter sits on his desk, seemingly important.
"A letter from USSR High Command?"
Maxim opens the letter, and reads his new standing orders.
Ranking: USSR High Command Major General
Orders: Management of all Armoured Divisions within Afghanistan
Assigned by: Marshal of the Soviet Union Mr. Abdul
What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
Members of USSR High Command are the highest form of USSR and have a large amount of duties within RP.
UHC Members are expected to lead wars for USSR, or assign leads when appropriate, furthmore UHC Members are expected to lead large roleplay scenarios such as events or player-led roleplay.
UHC Members should be looking to create roleplay for USSR members, this can include NATO players aswell, they should also act as rolemodels for lower USSR members.
UHC Members are the final point of contact for any issues within USSR, and are expected to take any and all reports seriously and professionally.
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
UHC Members are expected to manage the regiments within USSR, usually being assigned as a 'Regimental General' for a regiment, where they assist, answer questions and resolve any disputes within the regiment. However, they're still expected to assist other regiments in the same way.
UHC Members should be helping organise large roleplay events with the Event Team, Gamemasters etc, as they're also expected to lead these roleplay events.
UHC also may write documentation for their regiments, or approve documentation written by the CO / RC teams within the regiments.
Hi, just as a little note before you give your opinions on this application, I understand that I may not have the most experience within MRP and leading in general, but while this application is up I will be actively trying to lead wars, I'm also always leading 10th in war, peacetime etc.
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