Bobby1 Gm appeal (serious this time)

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Steam ID STEAM_0:0:91861058
Previous Rank (convert if required): Gamemaster
Who demoted you?: Cal(even though it was a resignation)
Date of demotion?: 18/04/2021
What is the case against you?: I thought I was gonna leave the server but in reality, I went on a two week LOA
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: I've never been demoted staff or rank-wise.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I have a few warns for RDM back on highlands and my most recent one was for scamming during a casino event.
What is your side of the story?: I thought I wanted to leave the server for good and try to focus more on myself but have realized I am able to do both of those things at the same time. Being GM was probably my favorite part of playing on the server, I preferred it over actually playing in wars, etc. It feels a lot different playing now without the opportunity to do my events and help people enjoy this server even more.
Why should you return / what will you change?:
When I first came back I was a huge minge and nato and USSR but now I've been a serious player again who wants to help the community enjoy the server. People will probably still think of me as a minge from my last appeal but back then I really had no intention to be serious but having thought over it for a while coming back as a GM is a thing I want to really focus on. When I was a GM I really enjoyed running my events and getting told by the people they enjoyed the events and that I should do more of those types of events. I feel like I should return as I remember looking at the Trello and seeing in a week's worth of the events I had done the majority of them, so that would be quality I have for the team.

Hope you consider my appeal, stay grand:sneaky:!!!


Dec 24, 2020

Haven't really interacted with you much, since I am USSR Main so I am going with a =Neutral.

Good Luck!


Active member
Mar 1, 2021

-Haven't interacted with you
-Your last demotion appeal was 9 days ago and it was obviously a joke application
-Haven't seen you ingame

I am giving you a neutral for the reasons stated above
good luck with your application!

Apr 7, 2021
+/- Support
-Active IG/TS3
-I haven’t really had enough interactions with you recently to judge if you’ve changed.
-When you first returned you were a huge minge and didn’t seem to be interested in any sort of RP.

Hey Bobby, I will be going with a neutral because I haven’t been on enough recently to see if you’ve changed.

Best of luck!


CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020

Your attitude at this time is not at the level we want from a Game Master. You may re-appeal in 2 weeks after you have changed this.​
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