Brian Bell Resignation Appeal

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=Unsure on rule knowledge
-1 Recent Warning

Best of luck on your application!
Thanks for the reply, If you'd like to check my rule knowledge I'd be more than happy to confirm with a chat in teamspeak. I try to keep myself up to date with the "known" rules which aren't written and should be pretty perfect with everything that is written. Of course I acknowledge the - for a recent warning and my only justification was it was unintentional. I agree rules were broken and would be happy to go more into detail if you'd like to hear.


Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
MASSIVE +Support
  • The best COL in USSR
  • Mature
  • Friendly
  • Even if he's not staff, he's always there to help out with any questions/issues you may have
Overall, I can't think of a single reason why Brian shouldn't be able to apply for staff again!
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