Partially Accepted Bring back the old hipfire

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Aleem Abdul

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
May 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It removes the massive increase the the spread of the hipfire which has already been reduced once but it still enormous, it changes it to how it use to be which made guns usable at short to medium range when not aiming rather than only being viable when you are hugging the other person. (Even then its completely random chance whether your bullets hit or not)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes, it was reduced previously but is still way to big

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Less luck involved in gunfights
Less incentive to camp and make wars boring camping fests
People may actually be encouraged to push and move instead of just sit and hold angles

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People who push and try to move around in wars will do better harming the people who enjoy not moving and holding an angle in a building all war.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It was removed after a very vocal minority complained about it, it functioned perfectly for a very long time without issue and many would like to see its return, it makes combat more fun and enjoyable when spread is tighter and less luck based, if it worked well for so long i see no issue with it returning.
Upvote 2


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
+support a lot of admins cry that oh it makes it unfair on new players and what I say to that is you are a lying cunt as of right now if a new player comes on they will get absolutely steam rolled by at least 15 of the players that I can name that play actively and another 15 that comes on every now and again and then outside of those 30 the other like 50% of the community will still kill them 8 out of 10 times as they are just better
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Hello @Aleem Abdul,

I'm not going to ACCEPT or DENY this suggestion. The SL team are still under active discussion for this. Although there is overwhelming support from the community I cannot reasonably bring back the laser-beam hipfire. I may make a new change-vote asking for more input regarding this.

As of right now I'm trying to find a reasonable middle ground where it's not too OP but it's more skill based rather than a RNG spread which luck is the main factor in gun fights. I massively dislike the current gunplay and a lot of people agree with that analysis.

As for right now I'm going to leave this suggestion OPEN to the community to get more feedback. Please feel free to share this suggestion around the different regiments and across both factions to get allow a broader perspective of this.

Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion.

Kind Regards,
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