Bubba's Gamemaster Application

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Content Team
Dec 24, 2020
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): <hsv>Thiccslicky</hsv>

For how long have you played on CG MRP: Since october, so about 8 - 9 months.


In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: CST

NATO name (regiment and rank): SAS SGT Bubba (For those who didn't know, my name was previously Hydra, I recently changed my name back to Bubba)

USSR name (regiment and rank): SHA MSGT Soviet Bubba {ORS}

Civilian name: Civilin_Hydra

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78883323

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes this is my first application for Gamemaster. I have made a Staff Application before, but I'm guessing this question is about Gamemaster apps.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, I only have 1 warning to my knowledge which was in October for base camping. It was during an event that had the enemy base about 10 feet from a capture zone. There was no indication it was the enemy base.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: I do not have experience as a Gamemaster in a community. On a different server, I would run small events as a senior mod, but I was not an actual Gamemaster.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: This is my first server that contains a form of serious roleplay. I feel I have learned a lot from the server over the months.
How many hours can you be on everyday?: Depends on my schedule for work, but when I can play, it's pretty much just how long I want to play. This can be anywhere from 2 - 5 hours, maybe longer.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I've been on this server for quite a while. About 4 months ago I was a moderator for a good month or two. Over the past 8 months, I have greatly enjoyed this server. I would play for almost 8 hours a day always finding something to do. Even when I took a small break from the server, I still stayed fairly active in the Discord and TS3. Over time from being indifferent regiments, I have gathered a good amount of knowledge on what people in these regiments like to do, and what they would like to see at events both big and small.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: As I had mentioned above, I have been in many regiments. I know what people like to see in events, it could be map change events or just small events on the current map. I know lots of people who are either regimental command or High command than can help give me more ideas for events that can satisfy all regiments both NATO and USSR. Personally, I think I can pretty creative at times. There have been many event ideas I have thought about, which I can use if I were to be accepted. I like the current people in the gamemaster team, and I hope we can all work together to make really cool and fun events for everyone on the server. Most items on the server I don't really care about, like money or things like limited-time items (pumpkins, easter eggs, Bean polish Christmas vodka) that I could give out as rewards, which can help involve some competition to certain events. I would also like to find ideas for events that are outside the server. A good example is the karaoke event that happened during afghan or the V-points giveaway that was in discord.

Please List 5 small event ideas(Which wouldn't require a map change):
There are many events that can include stories even on the current map, some can be just small quick events that would be fun for many people. Here are some examples I could think of.

1. The Luck test. Basically, I would get a prox mine and put it under a prop (a box, barrel, car), and place 4 others with no prox mine. The player would then have to walk up to a prop and see rather they would blow up or survive. If they live the move on to the next round. Each round there will be fewer and fewer props until there are only 2 left. The last 2 players will then pick which side they want to go on, and walk to the prop at the same time. The winner would get a prize of cash or an item. I think this would be pretty funny to watch as a spectator.

2. Awol High command. Could be either a UHC or NHC. UHC/NHC LTGEN has gone Awol. He took the regiment he leads and set up a fort in town (would build a FOB). The team that has the awol HC will group up to attack the FOB to try and take out the HC (to do this I would change the jobs of who would like to join the event to a certain job, I would make a FOB for them to spawn at for the attack). The attacking team and defending team have unlimited lives, but the awol HC has only one. Once the HC is executed the attackers win, if the defenders on the HC hold off the attackers for more than 10 minutes they win.

3. Bunker Ghost. While NATO was building a FOB in Bunker, out of nowhere one of their members get stabbed by what seems like nothing. While MP was investigating the incident, they notice an ammo stache move on its own over in the corner. The ISAF standing right next to the ammo is also stabbed right in front of their eyes. They realized there is some entity going around killing their members. NATO (for the event anyone who wants to join) must try to kill the ghost before the battalion is killed. The player who is a ghost will be on the enemy team therefore they have no dot. They will be cloaked and have a high amount of health. They will only have a knife. Their objective is to eliminate all NATO in the bunker. The players in NATO must work together to kill the ghost.

Talent show. I'm sure you know what this is. This will happen in TS3, There will be an in-game stage for those who want to participate in-game. It will be in TS3 for those who cannot get in-game at the moment. There will be 3 winners, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The reward will be a cash prize, and if senior staff want to, we can do what we did for the karaoke event where the winners got a special tag. This can end up being a pretty interesting even for many people.

Ultimate Hide and seek. The reason it is called Ulitmate Hide and Seek is that the hider will be scaled to a small model, around half the size of the normal models. They have 5 minutes to run around the map (anywhere but the bases) to hide. Once the time is up the seekers will have 15 - 20 minutes to find the hider. The first person to find the hider will win a very good reward. Could be money 50 -100k or even a knife, of course donated by me.

Please List 2 Big Event Ideas(Which would be what we call (Map Change Events):

The Valley War. After USSR's great success in the Highland sector, NATO had retrieved into the mountains. In this mountain range, NATO found a large area that was only accessible by a long valley. After ABT had done some reconnaissance they had found the new NATO base. What they saw amazed them. NATO had built a full base including tank factories, helipads, and many other buildings. USSR knew they needed to attack now. After around 2 days of preparation USSR sent out to attack the newly made NATO base. They had planned a surprise attack. To start the large-scale battle, USSR launched a barrage of missiles into the valley to clear it out then pushed in. Unfortunately for them, NATO was ready for an attack and had set up defenses in the valley.

Just like other map changes, this war will last for 2 - 3 hours. Either NATO will hold of USSR or USSR will but through the gates and take over the NATO base. There will be only 1 cap point, the NATO base. USSR can build up FOB's for the push on the NATO base. There will be places to allow cover for FOB's. Tanks will be allowed, and each team can take out 1 heli at a time. USSR will also have a base for when they lose FOB's or for other common needs.

Search and rescue. During a visit from the man himself, Vladimir Putin was kidnapped by a group of NATO spies. Knowing USSR would be coming any minute now, NATO transports Putin to run to town in the middle of a deserted area. Fortunately for USSR a group of militia that had previously been supplied with weapons by the USSR were around the area and spotted Putin being dragged into a basement of a building. They then immediately inform USSR and send them the location of Putin. USSR is to attack the city now filled with NATO and clear out the basement securing Putin. After Putin is secured, USSR must transport him back to the USSR base, without NATO killing them.

FOB's will not be needed for the event. Tanks will be allowed. Depending on the skybox, if its high enough, heli's will be allowed after 30 - 45 mins. Neither side can kill Putin at any point in the event, and Putin will have no guns (can just be godded just incase). The way NATO wins is if they can hold off USSR from returning Putin to base. Putin may only move if he is with USSR. If NATO is around him, he must follow nato.

What missions would you make for each regiment in Nato(SAS,MP,17th,JAF,ISAF) please list 1 mission per regiment:

SAS - After a failed kidnap attempt on a lost USSR, the USSR member has run into hiding in Towns. SAS will have to go around and breach every building to try and capture the USSR. (This can also be used as breaching training for any new PVT's).

MP - A USSR Spy has escaped the jails and is now hiding around the base. This event will test MP's ability to lock down the base and search for a spy disguised as NATO. This will help teach the new MP how to ID check NATO, set up security, and also teach NATO what to do during a Defcon situation.

17th - USSR has set up a convoy with a high-value target to drive through a territory, 17th's job is to set up an ambush consisting of tanks, and any other armored vehicles. The USSR will also have tanks in the convoy. This can teach members about tank vs tank battles.

JAF - During a reconnaissance mission, JAF notices a never-before-seen USSR aircraft. They then proceed to shoot it down. As the UFO is falling, they noticed a USSR High Command jumped out and para dropped to the ground. JAF ground troops when then have to paradrop onto the UHC and attempt to kidnap the High Command. This can help with paradrop training, along with teaching JAF how to kidnap with the help of paradroppings.

ISAF - After intercepting a USSR message, they are informed that a USSR FOB has a new technological weapon stationed inside. Their mission is to search the map for the USSR FOB that has the weapon. Once they locate the FOB, they then have to fight off USSR waiting inside. This can help with finding FOB's and how to deal with any USSR interaction if they are noticed.

What missions would you make for each regiment in
USSR(AG,KGB,10TH,ABT,SHA) please list 1 mission per regiment:

AG - After receiving info from a Spy that is guarding a Nato High command, AG now knows a BGEN will be setting up a FOB in South Town with 4 other Nato soldiers. AG is to set up an ambush and wait for the BGEN to approach South Town so they can capture and interrogate him.
(Can be used as kidnap/interrogation training)

KGB - During KGB's daily base check, a small package containing an illegal substance is found in the LTCOL+ room. KGB then calls all regimental command and UHC to the same room and immediately starts searching everyone for drugs. Anyone who is caught with drugs must be interrogated to find out where they received the substances from. (I know KGB like to do bunk inspections/drug bust so I think it would be fun to do)

10th - While 10th was on a reconnaissance mission their GPS suddenly malfunctions. Without knowing 10th is currently driving around in nato territory. They are then suddenly attacked by nato forces that were resupplying a nearby FOB. (just like the event for 17th, this can help with tank vs tank conflicts)

ABT - After losing their last KA-52 during a large dogfight battle JAF recover the downed heli and spend the next few weeks repairing it. While ABT was watching out for any NATO while ground troops were building a FOB, they notice in the distance they see a KA-52 flying around NATO territory. Confused ABT fly closer and notice it's a JAF pilot flying the heli. ABT is to either take down the heli, or try to recapture the now NATO-owned KA-52. (Can help with dog fight training)

SHA - After lots of hard work from big man Cal :)salute:). SHA has gathered lots of soldiers highly skilled in combat. To test these men's skills SHA has planned to attack the NATO base. They plan on making is to all the way to the General of the Armies office. (Can help for when USSR does a base raid on NATO, of course, to not cause confusion, I would announce that there is an event going on).

- Active IG
- Active TS3
- I've read ur ideas which it better than everyone ngl
- a good friend
- Mature as always

Mr. Bubba,
you've been here for a long time and i want to say welcome back to MRP
u've proven urself that ur mature and always loyal to USSR,
you and i started from ISAF and joined USSR and got AG Lt Colonel
im proud that u made to that point and worked hard for it too
seening u joined back, it makes me that im gonna die to a SHA Sniper again :Sir:
amazing application my guy.
Gamemasters donate from their pockets? Kinda counter-intuitive innit



Small Event Ideas
1 - Very unique and lovely idea, would most definitely want to see this happen soon.
2 - Honestly a bit confused about what the preceding events are in this case.
3 - Bunker is a bad idea to lock troops into with a transparent ghost with high HP. If the ghost were instead translucent (one of them moving transparent materials) with realistic HP then this would be a good idea.
4 - What talents can you show on TS3? It is voice comms only, this idea is basically the already existing Rap Battles/Karaoke Nights.
5 - Similar to comments as in 1, I like the idea and I most certainly want to see it happen.

Big Event Ideas

1 - Not a bad concept but imo feels a bit less doesn't it? Repeated offensives against a single base will make it boring for NATO too. Nonetheless hoping you improve on this idea, you have my support.
2 - Good concept but doesn't seem like an event that would warrant a map change, more a small event idea.

Regimental Event Ideas
All of them have two things in common, they are well thought and involve giving the regiments some surreal application.

While improvements are definitely due, you are a fitting candidate as you have described. Hence you have my +Support. Good luck!


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020

You're great with RP and I've seen you do multiple RP scenarios on this server. You're event ideas are also great.

Active In-game and teamspeak
Good rule knowledge since he was previously staff


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Content Team
Dec 24, 2020
Gamemasters donate from their pockets? Kinda counter-intuitive innit



Small Event Ideas
1 - Very unique and lovely idea, would most definitely want to see this happen soon.
2 - Honestly a bit confused about what the preceding events are in this case.
3 - Bunker is a bad idea to lock troops into with a transparent ghost with high HP. If the ghost were instead translucent (one of them moving transparent materials) with realistic HP then this would be a good idea.
4 - What talents can you show on TS3? It is voice comms only, this idea is basically the already existing Rap Battles/Karaoke Nights.
5 - Similar to comments as in 1, I like the idea and I most certainly want to see it happen.

Big Event Ideas
1 - Not a bad concept but imo feels a bit less doesn't it? Repeated offensives against a single base will make it boring for NATO too. Nonetheless hoping you improve on this idea, you have my support.
2 - Good concept but doesn't seem like an event that would warrant a map change, more a small event idea.

Regimental Event Ideas
All of them have two things in common, they are well thought and involve giving the regiments some surreal application.

While improvements are definitely due, you are a fitting candidate as you have described. Hence you have my +Support. Good luck!
Thank you for the reply! I’ll keep these in mind to improve some of my events.
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Active member
Mar 1, 2021

-Good ideas

for the reasons above I am going for a +support, best of luck



Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Content Team
Dec 24, 2020
Gamemasters donate from their pockets? Kinda counter-intuitive innit



Small Event Ideas
1 - Very unique and lovely idea, would most definitely want to see this happen soon.
2 - Honestly a bit confused about what the preceding events are in this case.
3 - Bunker is a bad idea to lock troops into with a transparent ghost with high HP. If the ghost were instead translucent (one of them moving transparent materials) with realistic HP then this would be a good idea.
4 - What talents can you show on TS3? It is voice comms only, this idea is basically the already existing Rap Battles/Karaoke Nights.
5 - Similar to comments as in 1, I like the idea and I most certainly want to see it happen.

Big Event Ideas
1 - Not a bad concept but imo feels a bit less doesn't it? Repeated offensives against a single base will make it boring for NATO too. Nonetheless hoping you improve on this idea, you have my support.
2 - Good concept but doesn't seem like an event that would warrant a map change, more a small event idea.

Regimental Event Ideas
All of them have two things in common, they are well thought and involve giving the regiments some surreal application.

While improvements are definitely due, you are a fitting candidate as you have described. Hence you have my +Support. Good luck!
Was just reading through my replies again. For the Talent show, you said, "What talents can you show on TS3? It is voice comms only". What I was trying to say is if someone wanted to sing, or play an instrument for their talent they could, and not have to join the server to participate. I understand what you are saying, but I wanted to try and kinda clear it up. But I will also think of other ways to improve the idea if needed.
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