Bubba's SSHC Application

Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78883323
Discord name: _bubba.
For how long have you played on MRP: Since launch
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
NATO name (regiment and rank): Bubba
USSR name (regiment and rank): SGRU CPT Soviet Bubba
Civilian name: Bubba
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
3 times, 2 applied, one during MRP-US
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, I have 1 warning from the first map change event. The Nato base was 2 feet from a cap point which caused quite some confusion.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
Yes, I do. I have been in HC three times, once making it to CGEN. I've also been reg com multiple times. You can look at my signature to see my previous MRP ranks.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
I've played MRP since the launch of the server, being in high ranks throughout its existence, and being able to adapt to all the gameplay, content, and map changes over time. I have been a part of every regiment in USSR, being LTCOL for AG(SGRU) and LTCOL for SHA, along with SNCO ranks in the others. This has taught me how to utilize every regiment best when it comes to tactics and placement during wars. With this, I'm also experienced in manning heli's and gunning tanks if ATR or 11th are not available during wartime. I've had to lead many wars in my time, both as CO and HC learning and utilizing almost every tactic on every map we currently have (except Vietnam, please remove it :D )
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
List your strengths and weaknesses:

Server knowledge.
Reg management skills.

Activity can change due to work. Will improve if made HC of course.
Might not take everything seriously at times.

Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The year is 1939 and a world-scale war was raging on. There was one special forces regiment in the USSR code name "Alfa Group" which was led by Colonel █████ and Lieutenant Colonel "Bubba". Alfa Group more commonly known as AG was one of the top-performing regiments in the USSR at the time. AG found major success across Afghanistan, Siberia, Russia, Korea, and Syria during Operation Free Dawn.

Lieutenant Colonel Bubba was mostly known for his amazing leadership and combat abilities on the battlefield. Bubba was the leader of the recon squad known as the "Head Hunters". These men were the most experienced snipers in the sector. The Head Hunters showed their outstanding abilities in Operation Sandstorm located in Afghanistan scoring a Major victory and securing a major NATO weapon manufacturing base. LTCOL Bubba earned his first medal the "Order of the Red Star" during this operation.

During the next 4 months, Bubba continued to show his military expertise leading AG and supporting the USSR to countless victories across the Middle East. However soon he would receive a call from the Marshal.

Marshal █████: Hello LtCol Bubba. At about 14:00 SSHC received a transmission claiming a nearby allied base was heavily bombed by the Nato forces. Luckily a small platoon from SHA along with one of their Generals was nearby. They were sent to investigate and attempt to rescue and render aid to survivors at the base. Unfortunately, they went radio silent about 30 minutes ago. I've been told that...

LtCol Bubba: Don't worry sir, I'll send out the CSAR squad immediately, I'll contact ATR to get us a bird in the sky. I want any remaining SHA to stand by and wait for m...

Marshal █████: LtCol it's no use... We had ATR deploy a recon drone to investigate... It seems like the BTR the General was in hit an IED and the convoy was ambushed by the Eastern Resistance.

LtCol Bubba: Dammit, were already down enough soldiers, now another General? The fuck to we do now Marshal.

Marshal █████: Well first were gonna need a new General. LtCol... I know how loyal you are to the Alfa Group and the "Headhunters", but I know if there is anyone in this god-awful war that wants to kick NATO's ass back to their land it's you. I've been watching how you've led your men these past few months and I can say without a doubt, you are our strongest leader in the USSR. So what do you say... LtCol, think you're ready for the Supreme High Command.

SSHC MGEN Bubba: Yes sir... ready to kick NATO's ass back to their filthy land, and take back our glorious Motherland. Get the B2's ready... The fun has just begun.

(yes ig lore is aobut me as AG LTCOL... just go with it, make more sense for a HC promo.)

What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
Leading USSR during war.
Making sure every regiment is functioning properly.

Make sure USSR is always productive; building FOBs, kidnapping NATO, assaulting Nato FOBs, and doing recon missions.
Help out any Co's or regiments with questions, concerns, or any updates to the regiment.
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
Make sure players stay active within the regiments.
Support and inform any new players looking to start in the server.
Communicate with SL and NHC about any concerns or suggestions about the server.
Take care of any out of RP complaints on any USSR members.
