Name: Bubba
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78883323
Previous Rank (convert if required): (Admin at the time of demotion) Senior Admin for SCP-USA
Who demoted you?:Cloak
Date of demotion?: 1/19/23
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): MRP (Appealing to be SCP-USA staff)
What is the case against you?:
Is this true?: Yes. Although this was a while ago and I don't have a good memory this is all to the best of my knowledge.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: I have only been demoted from MRP Admin.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I have been warned once in the community in Oct 2022 on MRP during an event for base camping. (bs situation)
What is your side of the story?: In my opinion, receiving a permanent blacklist from the staff team only for resigning/transferring multiple times in a short duration is completely unacceptable. I understand that what I did was frustrating or annoying, but to give me a permanent blacklist is crazy. The only other people who got permanently blacklisted were people who actually did something bad that harmed the server. Such as abusing powers, harassing players, trying to damage the server, or worse things (if you know you know). From my perspective as an old staff member, I think 6 months, maybe even a year would have been more acceptable than what I was given.
Why should you return / what will you change?:
It amazes me that after the crazy amount of time and work, I put into the staff team, from being staff shortly after SCP-UK was launched, to helping out the SCP-USA helper team, building the staff team, the rp team, pushing its launch trying to get us up to the #1 spot on game tracker. Even when I wasn't staff, helping the MRP-USA server. And the help I did with MRP-UK. I made so, so many friends in this community. Some who left years ago, that I still talk to, even while typing this. After being gone from the community for almost a year, I decided to come back, knowing we are closer to the release of Site-9 which I and a few old players are interested in. I've only been playing for about a month now, and I've begun to remember why I love this community so much. Seeing old players remember me and meeting new players, some already being people I talk to regularly in-game is such a good feeling to have again.
I've really enjoyed my time back on the server so far. Even if the staff team may not be looking to accept me into the team at this time. My main reason for this post is for my staff blacklist to be removed.
To anyone who was staff during my time as Senior Admin on SCP-USA or Admin on MRP-UK. Thank you for all your help and all the amazing time we had. Those moments were generally some of the best times I had on PC. I hope to be a part of the team once again in the future.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78883323
Previous Rank (convert if required): (Admin at the time of demotion) Senior Admin for SCP-USA
Who demoted you?:Cloak
Date of demotion?: 1/19/23
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): MRP (Appealing to be SCP-USA staff)
What is the case against you?:
For Network Leadership purposes, Please if you have any questions or would like to talk with me to go a little further into detail I would gladly accept. There are some things I could add that I only feel comfortable talking with NL about. ( .Bubba_ )
SCP USA - MRP (June 30th - October 23rd)
Shortly after I resigned from Senior Admin on SCP USA (June 30th) I decided to go back to playing the MRP server, as while I was staff for SCP-USA, MRP had the update from Nato vs USSR - UAN vs NWO. I enjoyed playing the new MRP server and although I was just staff on SCP, I decided to apply for staff on MRP and help the server. I was accepted back into MRP as a Head Mod and then a month later, I was promoted to Admin and joined SC. As Admin I decided to join the Platform team which I was lead for on SCP-USA. On MRP the team was being led differently and I was not able to do much for the team as only the Senior Admin was able to do ban appeals. I could deal with player vs player complaints, although that was a very rare occasion. As for In-game, I was on whenever I was able to play (I was working a 40+ hour/week job.) and I was always able to get my requirements done in-game and help with any SL issues while available. I was also able to check Discord whenever needed on my phone, at work, or at home for platform team needs. However, on October 23rd Caleb and Chad Power decided to demote me for my activity in-game. Although I was getting my requirements in-game and for the platform team they both thought I was not active "in-game enough" for SL. Which I found odd as I was doing everything I could with the time I had to play the server. I was keeping in touch with the staff team, the platform team, and watching the forums on my phone, while at work or away from home. I was also getting my requirements in-game and attending staff meetings while at work. Yet they decided to demote me from Admin. They also said they asked the rest of SL about the demotion, and they agreed, however after personally asking the rest of SL, none of them had any clue about it, except both supers and Chad. I argued about the demotion including how Caleb, the one demoting me, had the same Vtime as I did, but half being afk time as a super admin. I was pretty mad at this whole thing and decided I would like to be removed from the staff team rather than stay and be put down as an H-mod after everything I did. During this, I tried to talk with Cloak personally about the demotion for over a month with little to no responses, until he finally said to just make a demotion appeal rather than talking with me and deciding if the demotion was worthy or not. And so I did and was accepted back as H-mod, however, I was still really disappointed with what all happened and just decided to check out SCP again shortly after where some old staff members I knew said the SL team could use some help again.
Main Reason for Blacklist. MRP -> SCP-USA -> MRP-USA (November 27th - Janurary 19th)
After being told by some SCP SL that they could use some help, and with everything that just happened with MRP, I decided to attempt a transfer to SCP-USA. I got approval from both supers from MRP and SCP-USA, as well as a community supervisor. I then put my transfer in, just for it to be denied by Cloak. When asked, he said he would not like to transfer me. When I asked the reason he said, it was because I recently was reinstated into the staff team. He then says he would like for me to resign from MRP, the make a resignation appeal for SCP-USA. This confused me as I assumed it would make everything easier to just make me a transfer through the SL team, rather than telling everyone on MRP I'm resigning, and then immediately post an appeal for SCP-USA, which gave me a bad look in the community. When I asked if there was some guideline for transferring on why we couldn't just do it the easy way, all cloak said was "The only guideline for transferring is that it needs my approval". So I made an appeal for SCP-USA and got reinstated as H-mod, although the SCP SL was trying to get me SL so I could help right away, Cloak denied them and told them to put me at Head mod with a 1-month promotion cooldown.
And then with my luck, 2 weeks later, MRP-USA was announced and applications for the helper team were made available. Ever since I joined this community and joined MRP shortly after its launch, I have been waiting for MRP-USA. A bunch of old players from MRP, and SCP-USA were all talking about playing it and applying. And of course, I had to try and talk with Cloak one last time to allow me to staff and help the MRP-USA server. On December 12th, I tried to talk with Cloak, however, he kept saying he had plans or "I'm still thinking about it" when trying to talk with him. In the meantime, I got approval from the SCP supers as well as MRP supers for the whole situation. I also mentioned that I would still stay in the SCP staff team if I was denied, as I was planning on going for SL again at the time. Honestly, it was shortly after the Community supervisor role was announced and I had some thought of going for it through SCP-USA. Finally, on December 31st, Cloak said he would allow me to be on the staff team and the helper team. I then left the SCP team and started playing MRP-UK waiting for MRP-USA.
I was told I would be S-mod when the server would come out. And so I waited for the server. After a while, there was some small chat within the helper team, some more teasers, and talk about ranks and whatnot, but there was an issue with getting the server. The Server kept getting delayed and soon it was just silence and sitting around waiting for this server. During this time, I got bored of waiting for the server. I was working 2 jobs at the time, and focusing more on my life than g-mod to be honest. So after a month of waiting, I finally told Cloak to just remove me from the MRP-USA staff list. It was then that I was blacklisted from the staff team. I was told by Cloak I would be blacklisted from staff if I "messed with him"
I will add that I continued in the helper team, and the server launched with me in the SC team. During this, the server had some issues, with both players and the staff team. Half of SC left the server 1 week in, multiple experienced UK players were playing and giving no chance for the new players to learn the server, bringing the player count down. Even after Cloak told UK players to stop playing, the player count never really went back up. I tried my best to help Legion Kuo :salute: keep the SC team alive, until finally I too decided to give up on the server as there would only be 1 or 2 wars a day happening. I found no point in spending more time on the server. A few months later, the MRP-USA server was shut down and merged into MRP-UK. This means that all the trouble and work for me to get staff was going to be pointless in the end anyway.
SCP USA - MRP (June 30th - October 23rd)
Shortly after I resigned from Senior Admin on SCP USA (June 30th) I decided to go back to playing the MRP server, as while I was staff for SCP-USA, MRP had the update from Nato vs USSR - UAN vs NWO. I enjoyed playing the new MRP server and although I was just staff on SCP, I decided to apply for staff on MRP and help the server. I was accepted back into MRP as a Head Mod and then a month later, I was promoted to Admin and joined SC. As Admin I decided to join the Platform team which I was lead for on SCP-USA. On MRP the team was being led differently and I was not able to do much for the team as only the Senior Admin was able to do ban appeals. I could deal with player vs player complaints, although that was a very rare occasion. As for In-game, I was on whenever I was able to play (I was working a 40+ hour/week job.) and I was always able to get my requirements done in-game and help with any SL issues while available. I was also able to check Discord whenever needed on my phone, at work, or at home for platform team needs. However, on October 23rd Caleb and Chad Power decided to demote me for my activity in-game. Although I was getting my requirements in-game and for the platform team they both thought I was not active "in-game enough" for SL. Which I found odd as I was doing everything I could with the time I had to play the server. I was keeping in touch with the staff team, the platform team, and watching the forums on my phone, while at work or away from home. I was also getting my requirements in-game and attending staff meetings while at work. Yet they decided to demote me from Admin. They also said they asked the rest of SL about the demotion, and they agreed, however after personally asking the rest of SL, none of them had any clue about it, except both supers and Chad. I argued about the demotion including how Caleb, the one demoting me, had the same Vtime as I did, but half being afk time as a super admin. I was pretty mad at this whole thing and decided I would like to be removed from the staff team rather than stay and be put down as an H-mod after everything I did. During this, I tried to talk with Cloak personally about the demotion for over a month with little to no responses, until he finally said to just make a demotion appeal rather than talking with me and deciding if the demotion was worthy or not. And so I did and was accepted back as H-mod, however, I was still really disappointed with what all happened and just decided to check out SCP again shortly after where some old staff members I knew said the SL team could use some help again.
Main Reason for Blacklist. MRP -> SCP-USA -> MRP-USA (November 27th - Janurary 19th)
After being told by some SCP SL that they could use some help, and with everything that just happened with MRP, I decided to attempt a transfer to SCP-USA. I got approval from both supers from MRP and SCP-USA, as well as a community supervisor. I then put my transfer in, just for it to be denied by Cloak. When asked, he said he would not like to transfer me. When I asked the reason he said, it was because I recently was reinstated into the staff team. He then says he would like for me to resign from MRP, the make a resignation appeal for SCP-USA. This confused me as I assumed it would make everything easier to just make me a transfer through the SL team, rather than telling everyone on MRP I'm resigning, and then immediately post an appeal for SCP-USA, which gave me a bad look in the community. When I asked if there was some guideline for transferring on why we couldn't just do it the easy way, all cloak said was "The only guideline for transferring is that it needs my approval". So I made an appeal for SCP-USA and got reinstated as H-mod, although the SCP SL was trying to get me SL so I could help right away, Cloak denied them and told them to put me at Head mod with a 1-month promotion cooldown.
And then with my luck, 2 weeks later, MRP-USA was announced and applications for the helper team were made available. Ever since I joined this community and joined MRP shortly after its launch, I have been waiting for MRP-USA. A bunch of old players from MRP, and SCP-USA were all talking about playing it and applying. And of course, I had to try and talk with Cloak one last time to allow me to staff and help the MRP-USA server. On December 12th, I tried to talk with Cloak, however, he kept saying he had plans or "I'm still thinking about it" when trying to talk with him. In the meantime, I got approval from the SCP supers as well as MRP supers for the whole situation. I also mentioned that I would still stay in the SCP staff team if I was denied, as I was planning on going for SL again at the time. Honestly, it was shortly after the Community supervisor role was announced and I had some thought of going for it through SCP-USA. Finally, on December 31st, Cloak said he would allow me to be on the staff team and the helper team. I then left the SCP team and started playing MRP-UK waiting for MRP-USA.
I was told I would be S-mod when the server would come out. And so I waited for the server. After a while, there was some small chat within the helper team, some more teasers, and talk about ranks and whatnot, but there was an issue with getting the server. The Server kept getting delayed and soon it was just silence and sitting around waiting for this server. During this time, I got bored of waiting for the server. I was working 2 jobs at the time, and focusing more on my life than g-mod to be honest. So after a month of waiting, I finally told Cloak to just remove me from the MRP-USA staff list. It was then that I was blacklisted from the staff team. I was told by Cloak I would be blacklisted from staff if I "messed with him"
I will add that I continued in the helper team, and the server launched with me in the SC team. During this, the server had some issues, with both players and the staff team. Half of SC left the server 1 week in, multiple experienced UK players were playing and giving no chance for the new players to learn the server, bringing the player count down. Even after Cloak told UK players to stop playing, the player count never really went back up. I tried my best to help Legion Kuo :salute: keep the SC team alive, until finally I too decided to give up on the server as there would only be 1 or 2 wars a day happening. I found no point in spending more time on the server. A few months later, the MRP-USA server was shut down and merged into MRP-UK. This means that all the trouble and work for me to get staff was going to be pointless in the end anyway.
Is this true?: Yes. Although this was a while ago and I don't have a good memory this is all to the best of my knowledge.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: I have only been demoted from MRP Admin.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I have been warned once in the community in Oct 2022 on MRP during an event for base camping. (bs situation)
What is your side of the story?: In my opinion, receiving a permanent blacklist from the staff team only for resigning/transferring multiple times in a short duration is completely unacceptable. I understand that what I did was frustrating or annoying, but to give me a permanent blacklist is crazy. The only other people who got permanently blacklisted were people who actually did something bad that harmed the server. Such as abusing powers, harassing players, trying to damage the server, or worse things (if you know you know). From my perspective as an old staff member, I think 6 months, maybe even a year would have been more acceptable than what I was given.
Why should you return / what will you change?:
It amazes me that after the crazy amount of time and work, I put into the staff team, from being staff shortly after SCP-UK was launched, to helping out the SCP-USA helper team, building the staff team, the rp team, pushing its launch trying to get us up to the #1 spot on game tracker. Even when I wasn't staff, helping the MRP-USA server. And the help I did with MRP-UK. I made so, so many friends in this community. Some who left years ago, that I still talk to, even while typing this. After being gone from the community for almost a year, I decided to come back, knowing we are closer to the release of Site-9 which I and a few old players are interested in. I've only been playing for about a month now, and I've begun to remember why I love this community so much. Seeing old players remember me and meeting new players, some already being people I talk to regularly in-game is such a good feeling to have again.
I've really enjoyed my time back on the server so far. Even if the staff team may not be looking to accept me into the team at this time. My main reason for this post is for my staff blacklist to be removed.
To anyone who was staff during my time as Senior Admin on SCP-USA or Admin on MRP-UK. Thank you for all your help and all the amazing time we had. Those moments were generally some of the best times I had on PC. I hope to be a part of the team once again in the future.

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