Denied Buff E-11 !

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Buffs E-11, either through a Speed Boost, Loadout change, or Health Boost(preferably all of the above!)

The reason SCP Breaches are so damaging and last for so long is because theres no E-11 to focus on SCPs; Nu7 often times get called to do the work of E-11. Most of Nu7 is complaining about this issue, and so is most of the server(though they blame SCP breaches). E-11 have to run from HCZ every life, which can take minutes even in the best scenarios, only to be 2-3 shot and repeat.

Thats why E-11 hasnt had activity for a long time, not through the fault of it's COs or NCOs, but because the MTF itself is poorly balanced and not fun to play(in my opinion), and genuinely is becoming a negative for other MTF.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
My suggestion differs in the fact the Typhoon-12 was nerfed for a job that no longer exists, and it takes E-11 ages just to get a Mk8 or M249, when a DEA Senior Agent gets that AND a different loadout with sticky grenades on spawn.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
E-11 becomes more playable
SCP Breaches become less damaging or long-lasting
Less stress placed on Nu-7, A-1, and O-1

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Development time maybe
CI or GOC might complain that E-11 is too strong
E-11 might take over the server

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
E-11 really needs a buff of some kind, through either a speed buff or health buff, or a loadout update or change that buffs or swaps some of the weapons out from E-11. Theres no reason the Typhoon-12 needs to be nerfed still even though it was nerfed for a role that no longer exists(fuck containment specialist fr).
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Anything like speedboosts and health buffs is completely mad, no way
A little while ago all DPT Directors and MTF COMs where approached by content team and asked for loadout change requests, this was maybe a month ago, that was the time to do it.
Finally, speaking from personal experience, there not being enough e11 on site at any given time, though there can be meta factors, can come down to the CO teams management, the CO team should make changed that suit the regiment and make it more fun while still functional, eg UK E11 removed checkpoints back in July and ever since there is rarely a severe lack of e11 on site doing things

However I do agree with the tyohoon-12 buff and like maybe getting to spawn with a grenade


Oct 8, 2021

Breaching is already near impossible, E-11 never do sweeps of HCZ and just wait for the hacking notification. Taking proactive steps to stopping breaches would make your job like 1000x easier.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 19, 2022
No thorough thought of the suggestion, asking buffs to speed and health without any good explanations will be instantly denied to the fact that you cannot give a whole regiment buffs that are not human like.

There are going to be changes to the loadouts, its just taking time for the content team to figure out what to change and what to add.

DEA get these loadouts because they are at constant threat of CI. (TBH, there is no need to these really powerful guns given to DEA when they do not know how to use them properly.)

Also for breaches, there are MTFs, Gensec and DEA helping E-11 out which can do a lot of damage to SCPs, there are turrets in LCZ, HCZ, EZ, F2 (don't forget about tesla's) that can weaken the SCPs a lot. E-11 have been given many buffs and they're still complaining:skull:
-Support for the "Buffs", this suggestion is poorly thought out and you should have checked whether or not there are any reworks in development WHICH THERE ARE, most weapons including the T12 are getting changed, as well as a major loadout update in the future, instead of asking for increased speed which is just insane, and you still have duloxetine. Plus this would cause major balance issues on UK which is doing quite well with E11, and E11 is definitely not "Poorly Balanced" as they have some of the best weapons, at least in my experience. You could always ask your CO's to do more tryouts.

+Support for an alternative spawn if possible, because, both servers need it
I duno then.

If the issue is the CO team on the US side I think they need a review from our SC... which are also inactive... lol
No thorough thought of the suggestion, asking buffs to speed and health without any good explanations will be instantly denied to the fact that you cannot give a whole regiment buffs that are not human like.

There are going to be changes to the loadouts, its just taking time for the content team to figure out what to change and what to add.

DEA get these loadouts because they are at constant threat of CI. (TBH, there is no need to these really powerful guns given to DEA when they do not know how to use them properly.)

Also for breaches, there are MTFs, Gensec and DEA helping E-11 out which can do a lot of damage to SCPs, there are turrets in LCZ, HCZ, EZ, F2 (don't forget about tesla's) that can weaken the SCPs a lot. E-11 have been given many buffs and they're still complaining:skull:
First off if you check my signature I am not E-11.
This suggestion was made after Nu-7 were complaining about being dragged down yet again for another SCP breach because it isn't their job.
Other MTFs, GSD, and DEA should not have to do a majority damage to SCPs during a breach. Turrets are only placed in specific regions to prevent SCPs from making it to surface, or spawn camp. I don't know why you think they're a force multiplier.
First off if you check my signature I am not E-11.
This suggestion was made after Nu-7 were complaining about being dragged down yet again for another SCP breach because it isn't their job.
Other MTFs, GSD, and DEA should not have to do a majority damage to SCPs during a breach. Turrets are only placed in specific regions to prevent SCPs from making it to surface, or spawn camp. I don't know why you think they're a force multiplier.
i mean, u were still an E11 CO and an E11 fanboy
- support
I’m just gonna say it, since I’ve seen the exact opposite on uk, this is somewhat of a US problem in terms of some breach issues as I’ve seen UK E11 pop off and contain a triple SCP breach with “meta” SCPs in like 10-15 minutes. Besides that the fact of the matter is that NO ONE wants to essentially go afk for 3-4 hours with next to nothing in between and then when an SCP finally does breach they either:

A. Get killed 40 times in 20 minutes trying to wittle down an SCP to 1 hp so they can put it back into its CC just to die and have to play cat and mouse while the SCP’s boyfriend protects him religiously until eventually ERT is called and they brute force a containment or get slaughtered wholesale.
B. The SCP gets gets contained in 3 minutes and they have to go AFKing again essentially for another 3-4 hours.

It’s not a fun gameplay loop at all and a buff won’t change jack shit. I think it would boost numbers for a bit because people would like to be better then the normal person but besides that it’d eventually decline into inactivity as it’s just not fun to do what their job is normally.
Honestly? I'd rather give them the extra spawn AND another buff, because the Typhoon-12 is dog shit which basically nullifies the CSG job. Its also the reason E-11 has low-pop on the US server(mostly because there's no RP and its not fun playing them). You could say theres a lot of issues with XYZZY, but I personally think E-11 NEEDS a buff, at least for the US side.
If it’s a US specific side Issue, I don’t see why a suggestion has to be made. If UK E11 have figured it out then I don’t see why you guys can’t
I duno then.

If the issue is the CO team on the US side I think they need a review from our SC... which are also inactive... lol
i held a meeting with one of the older COMs a little while ago, Brad Flyin about what works for UK side and could work for US side, unfortunately i believe his concepts where shot down so i think its a mix of trying to get change done to make E11 fundamentally not boring, cuz sitting at a corically not fun, so get them moving around and doing things, it can be a bit of a jump but imo its a ncessary one for the life line of the regiment, butheckpoint is categ that has to be the responsibility of both CO team and SC, even a trial period
-support to health/speed changes
+support to some loadout changes, but that needs to be balanced and selected properly.

One idea I personally have is that Breacher should spawn with TE-5, as the dispenser cooldown is like 30 minutes and sometimes we end up with the entirety of online E-11 on cooldown unable to do anything against 079 (e.g. because we were mid-way through and another SCP came and killed us). I understand the reasoning for the long cooldown, as it prevents a hellish amount of easy breaches and D-class hoarding them, but for E-11 it is often a huge hurdle to getting 079 contained if any other combative SCP/GOI is involved in the breach and actually supporting 079 sensibly at any point, and 079 is one of our top priorities due to its breach and interference capabilities.


Well-known Member
Apr 17, 2022
- Support

just sounds like e-11 has some major skill and leadership issues nowadays
when i used to run e-11 shit was fine and we didn't have the current drug system or the notifications
fr just sounds like the co team can't keep people satisfied in e-11 so they just don't play anymore
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