Cain "IrishMann" Morris Internal Affairs Ambassador Application, UK

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Aug 27, 2023
Steam ID: This is my steam ID, 76561199365720459

Discord name: My discord name is, cainmorris0

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing on CG SCP for 390 hours.

Age: I am currently 13 years of age.

In what country are you located?: I am located in Ireland.
Time zone: My time zone is GMT.

Character name(s): Cain "IrishMann" Morris is my current name for foundation on CG SCP.

Civilian name: My Civilian is Cian Morris for my Civilian role on CG SCP.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am applying for the SCP-RP UK server.

Do you have a mic?: Yes I do have a microphone.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I held MTF Epsilon-11 and I held LCPL before I got blacklisted for faking duty hours, I held CI Alpha role before being kicked due to inactivity,
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have, within the last month I have received a ban for minor glitching, and to warn recently for FailRP (B) and FailRP (C).
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I believe I could be a great help to the department of Internal Affairs as an Ambassador as I am starting to get a lot more professional, mature, reliable, trustworthy and helpful, I believe I am starting to be a lot more professional as I have not been messing around recently I have been doing my job without messing up at all recently and I can make a good Incident/Arrest Report, I also believe I am mature as compared to many others I do not make inappropriate jokes or do something severely toxic to others and I can keep a good mood at all times no matter the situation, I believe I am reliable as if you ever need something I am your man for example if you need to know where something is around site I will be able to give that information if aloud and it is not classified information the person is requesting, I am also trustworthy as if you need something to get off you chest or need someone to talk I am always and I mean always there for you and if you need a secret kept I can keep a secret, I also believe I am helpful as if you need help with a task being done or some help with arresting someone or being protected or support I will be there ready to help out at almost all times, these reasons are why I am applying for Ambassador.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: As previously stated I can be, professional, mature, reliable, trustworthy and helpful in all situations during code black's, code 5's and code 1's I might also be able to help if there is a riot in progress at D-Block (code 2) I can arrest anyone that has been asked to leave and wont or denied access and still entered as a sweep was taking place, about to take place or the de-brief is happening, if a non-combative is lost during a code black and wants to get to garage then I can guide them or tell them where to go and I would make sure everyone manages to get out and live, if a code 5 is in affect I will be able to guide or bring people to the breach shelter keeping the safe from any breached SCP's that are in the facility, and all the reasons above this question are also what would make me suitable for the role of Internal Affairs Ambassador such as, professional as I have stopped messing around and being a lot more serious recently, mature as I do not make inappropriate or sensitive jokes or comments towards others, reliable because if you need any help what so ever I will be able to assist, trustworthy as if you need to tell someone a secret or need to get something off your chest I will be there always listening to you or if you need help with something I can help you with it and helpful if you need guidance around site or a new to site and need to learn how every thing works on site I will be there to assist you with anything, these are the reasons why I believe I am suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I have so far written about 7 incident/arrest reports on the job of Internal Affairs Operative for people obviously getting in trouble/doing something and noting it down/arrested about 5 for arrests that I had made and the other two are people that were reported to me just in case they would try something and I would keep a close eye on, and what makes a good document is the incident report template and filling out all of the information on the template such as, the job and person being filed on the incident report, the Internal Affairs crest/logo on the cover and last page of the document, then to finish off the last page the name of the Agent/Operative/Ambassador/Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs, then on the second page you would include, first of all the incident description, then the actual incident itself such as thaumotoligist using his materialize ability to give himself a weapon in a non-combative situation where he was being attacked, after that the conclusion will be next such as how long he was arrested for and what he did the finally the person who had made the incident report will sign the document with their job, position and name with the Internal Affairs crest/logo at the very end.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: The following are the responsibility's of Internal Affairs Ambassador,
. Ensuring that all Internal Affairs Agent/Operatives are behaving and not mis-behaving or breaking the Foundation Legal Codex.
.Arresting any MTF or clearance level 4 junior's .
.Making sure everyone stays to the Foundation Legal Codex.
.Job banning or kicking any Internal Affair Agents/Operatives that have been acting up to much and need to be removed from Internal Affairs.
.Signing Arrest/Incident Reports made by any Internal Affairs Agents/Operatives that would like the Arrest/Incident Report to be archived
.Representing the department of Internal Affairs.
.Helping anyone who is new to site and helping them to get familiar with the Foundation Legal Codex
.If someone is trying to sue the department of Internal Affairs and it is being brought to a tribunal the Ambassador will represent Internal Affairs at the tribunal.
. Investigating any department that may be violating the Foundation Legal Codex.
.Doing Internal Affairs training for people that would like to join Internal Affairs.
.Doing investigations if reported personnel have been reported doing something going against the Foundation Legal Codex, example, a Chef has been reported to be selling weapons to non-combative personnel, so you would take a Medical Trainee's disguise and see if the reported Chef is willing to sell a weapon to you, if he does sell a weapon arrest him then charge him for his crimes and put him in jail.
.Doing interrogations if say a Medical Trainee has found out some severely confidential information example SCP 008 or the Alpha Warhead an Ambassador could interrogate the Medical Trainee as ,how he found out, if he knows anything else, when he found out and then you would call for amnestics to be delivered to interrogation and amnesticate and depending on when the Medical Trainee for however long he found out ago.
These are the responsibility's of the Internal Affairs Ambassador.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: When Cain was a young but smart when it came to computers and one day while out with his mom and dad on the drive home after a wonderful day out, and just as they passed by the military base young Cain pointed out the window and said "LOOK MOM LOOK DAD IT'S A SPACEMAN!" and his dad responded with "That's nice son." then suddenly Cain saw a bright purple light coming towards him and suddenly there was a loud scream from Cain his mother and his Father, and just like that everything he had and loved was taken away from him the smile wiped off of all of their faces when the last thing the all heard before an explosion and then becoming unconscious, after about ten minutes Cain woke up from the heat of fire and when he woke up all he saw his father's lifeless body beside him with tears and blood on his father's face Cain sprung up from the cold ground of the road and saw his mother's decapitated head behind his father's body.

Cain was going in and out of consciousness, everything was going black, it was hard to breath, Cain was panicked, shocked, then suddenly a hand reached out him a mans hand reaching out offering to helping hand, Cain out of pure desperateness grabbed the hand which helped him up, Cain was back on his two feet the mysterious man in the black outfit said "You okay kid?" Cain was still in shock, it was still hard to breath, but Cain managed to get the words out and said "Y-yea I-I'm okay, is my dad going to be okay?" and the man in the mysterious in black said "We will try as hard as we can." in a firm voice, then the man spoke into his radio saying "we need back up at the main road outside I have a injured child, male and an adult also male and an adult female, confirmed dead, decapitated, send medical units to the main road as soon as possible, this is most likely The Spaceman's doing, over", a voice responded in the radio saying "sending medical units to your location now, over"

After what felt like an eternity but was really 5 minutes 3 people in medical suits showed up and ran over to Cain and Cain's father helping them both up and walked them inside of the base with blindfolds over their eyes and when the blindfold they were in what looked like a medical centre and the three medics that were helping them were with them and one of the men spoke up and said "we need to get this child and adult male medical attention as soon as possible!" a woman then ran over and said "Can we get more people over here to assist me with these patients." The woman that first came over took Cain to a room and asked him questions

Medical Woman: Okay what's your name little boy?
Cain: M-my name is Cain.
Medical Woman: Okay... so Cain how are you today?
Cain: I was good until... *tears start filling Cain's eyes*.
Medical Woman: It's okay if you don't want to talk about it.
Medical Woman: Alrighty Cain are you particularly good at anything?
Cain: Yes I am really good at working on computer's.
Medical Woman: That's good!
Cain: Thank you.
Medical Woman: Okay so are you in any pain at all?
Cain: Yea my right shoulder, my left wrist left shin and my ribs.
Medical Woman: Okay we can help you with all of those.
Cain: Thank you very much... but...
Medical Woman: Yes? What's wrong
Cain: Will my dad be okay?
Medical Woman: We don't know yet but we are trying our hardest to make him feel better.
Cain: Alright
Medical Woman: Okay that's everything now we are going to get an x-ray to see if anything is okay.
Cain: Okay I have never had an x-ray before... does it hurt?
Medical Woman: No it won't hurt at all *smiles at Cain*.
*Cain smiles back*

Cain goes for an x-ray and he has a fractured shoulder, fractured wrist, bruised shin and fractured ribs, they but bandages on Cain's ribs and shin, a sling for his shoulder and a cast for his wrist, then a doctor walks into the room Cain is waiting in for any news on his dad, and then a doctor walks in and says "We are so so sorry we tried everything we could but unfortunately your father has died...", silence fills the room, and then a blood curdling cry fills the room with Cain's pain grief and emotions all built inside of him with him knowing his mother is dead and now his father was dead and all the emotions from this was now leaving his mouth the screams with cry's with tears flowing down his cheeks and then Cain fell unconscious and when he finally woke up there was no emotions anymore, it had been an hour since he fell unconscious and the doctor who spoke with him walked in the room to see if he had awoken just yet and saw that he did, with no emotions what so ever, not in his eyes and not in his face just a blank expression, she asked Cain if he was okay and Cain just responded "Yea I'm fine." in a firm voice and disturbed voice.

The doctor said to Cain "Well good news... we need a new IT Technician and we might let you take that slot but before you do we are going to have to send you into multiple different situations when it comes to computers... and before you ask.... yes you will be getting paid." Cain responded to the doctor with "Okay sounds good." Cain is then sent into the test for the IT Technician and passes flawlessly after he had fully recovered from his injury.

Cain started quickly advancing from IT Technician to Engineer after learning how to fix not only computers but cameras, doors and building all kinds of stuff, after about 4 months of being an Engineer he had advanced to Tech Expert which was a clearance level two position which was a step up from clearance level 1 to Cain.

Cain then switched from his Tech Expert job and turned to the GENSEC Department and started off as a Security Cadet and spent a year at the GENSEC Security Cadet position but then got promoted to Security Guard which brought him back up to clearance level 2 and after 2 years years as Security Officer which was a clearance level 3 and that was the highest clearance level he had gotten yet. One day while doing his normal duties until a Security Cadet killed a D-Class for doing nothing wrong when a Researcher requested a D-Class but killed him purely because of being blood lusted this then brought back trauma for Cain when he saw saw that saw lifeless look in the D-Class's face as he did in his father's face before he died.

After this happened Cain started having a panic attack and PTSD from when... the accident happened he then woke up after becoming unconscious from the panic attack and he recognised the face of the doctor that walked into the room and she recognised him, it was the doctor that he had first met when he first got to the foundation, they first delt with what happened and then caught up and discussed hoe there lives have been.

While they were talking Cain said that he just left GENSEC because of what happened and didn't know what department to go to now that he had left GENSEC, the doctor recommended the Internal Affairs Department because he said that he wanted people to never do something like that again and Cain started looking into the Internal Affairs Department and decided to join the department

Cain had just joined the Internal Affairs Department and began as an Agent and within his first six months had made over 100 arrest's, he was an outstanding Agent and finally got promoted to Internal Affairs Operative, and after 2 years Cain decided he was ready to apply for Internal Affairs Ambassador and applied now he awaits his response...
Thank you very much for taking your time to read my application

SCP Internal Affairs Logo.png
- Support
I will be giving you a - support due to the following:
- I myself have witnessed you almost giving someone a 30 minute arrest timer without performing the correct procedures (not asking for proof, not allowing the arrested to speak).
- As far as i'm aware and from also what u have said above you have not completed any duty reports, now i understand duty reports are not mandatory for ambassador it extra brownie points for an application.
- I am also a little bit well concerned about your age, now once again i understand that this isn't really a major issue but i believe it to be a cause for concern.

I have nothing against you as a person but i do believe you are not yet ready for the ambassador role i still bid you good luck.
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