Campaign System Removal

What does this suggestion change/add/remove: removing the Campaign system

Has something similar been suggested before if so why is your suggestion different?: No I dont think so

Possible positives of the suggestion ?(at least 2):
less competitivity
less focus on Campaign score
less toxicity
less emphasis on war so people just focus on having fun rather stressed out getting Campaign score
Brings back more hype for base raids and it feels like an achievement rather than expecting it

Possible Negatives of the suggestion?:

No base raids every 2 weeks becoming less repetitive and more rare

Could upset players who are used to the system

Based on the positives and negatives why should this suggestion be accepted?:

The old system in MRP back then was perfect

everyone was only focused on capturing the points to have a base raid and it was actually fun.

Nowadays it has become so repetitive to the point a lot of people dont wish to play it and having the same outcome for the past couple months it so repetitive it's the same cycle that won't stop.

Especially Campaign system has caused the player base to either leave or not stay for long on the server most of the members started to give up and not play until after the base raid knowing they can't change the outcome and most of them started to get bored of it.

its repetitive no matter how the content team change or add and even add more rules to it the results would stay the same
its the whole reason it got removed before the summer of 2024 and it was fun for both sides during that time of the summer

also back then the player base would get excited for the base raid rather than expecting it every 2 weeks it felt like they made an achievement for the faction to make it possible rather having Campaign system making it more focus on being very competitive.
Oct 18, 2023


- The campaign ensures there are base raids happening at least every 2 weeks, it also confirms a lot of people getting on during the baseraid.

- When the Campaign was removed the server pop was reduced and we weren't getting base raids at all, we literally had to agree on some with NHC/ UHC/ SL.

- I think the issue of NATO loosing campaigns over and over should not cause it to be removed.


- The campaign ensures there are base raids happening at least every 2 weeks, it also confirms a lot of people getting on during the baseraid.

- When the Campaign was removed the server pop was reduced and we weren't getting base raids at all, we literally had to agree on some with NHC/ UHC/ SL.

- I think the issue of NATO loosing campaigns over and over should not cause it to be removed.
You and i both know around late October we started to do more Map change event lead valk which thanks to him caused the players to come back but adding the Campaign back was not the solution
Imma Neutral this one chief

Personally I see the campaign as something positive for how MRP is right now.
The last time it got removed the playercount dropped like crazy. The system makes the server very competative but without it people just leave as there is nothing to fight for really.

Back when it wasn't implemented yet wars were a constant back and forth as Nato and Ussr were pretty equal on numbers/experience but as we all know, Ussr is still crushing on NATO and by removing it right now there will still be baseraids on Nato almost every week.

I do get your points but straight up removing it wont work in my opinion, there has to be something to replace it if the server wants to stay somewhat healthy.

The campaigns are good in MRP
I dont reckon USSR wanna be defending the whole time most likely without being able to base raid due to NATO leaving before it

most things you put at the bottom is due to nato activity for example giving up to easily and leaving the game before any base raid or any war they think they may lose despite having non of the map and not even putting up a fight for points