What does this suggestion change/add/remove: removing the Campaign system
Has something similar been suggested before if so why is your suggestion different?: No I dont think so
Possible positives of the suggestion ?(at least 2):
less competitivity
less focus on Campaign score
less toxicity
less emphasis on war so people just focus on having fun rather stressed out getting Campaign score
Brings back more hype for base raids and it feels like an achievement rather than expecting it
Possible Negatives of the suggestion?:
No base raids every 2 weeks becoming less repetitive and more rare
Could upset players who are used to the system
Based on the positives and negatives why should this suggestion be accepted?:
The old system in MRP back then was perfect
everyone was only focused on capturing the points to have a base raid and it was actually fun.
Nowadays it has become so repetitive to the point a lot of people dont wish to play it and having the same outcome for the past couple months it so repetitive it's the same cycle that won't stop.
Especially Campaign system has caused the player base to either leave or not stay for long on the server most of the members started to give up and not play until after the base raid knowing they can't change the outcome and most of them started to get bored of it.
its repetitive no matter how the content team change or add and even add more rules to it the results would stay the same
its the whole reason it got removed before the summer of 2024 and it was fun for both sides during that time of the summer
also back then the player base would get excited for the base raid rather than expecting it every 2 weeks it felt like they made an achievement for the faction to make it possible rather having Campaign system making it more focus on being very competitive.
Has something similar been suggested before if so why is your suggestion different?: No I dont think so
Possible positives of the suggestion ?(at least 2):
less competitivity
less focus on Campaign score
less toxicity
less emphasis on war so people just focus on having fun rather stressed out getting Campaign score
Brings back more hype for base raids and it feels like an achievement rather than expecting it
Possible Negatives of the suggestion?:
No base raids every 2 weeks becoming less repetitive and more rare
Could upset players who are used to the system
Based on the positives and negatives why should this suggestion be accepted?:
The old system in MRP back then was perfect
everyone was only focused on capturing the points to have a base raid and it was actually fun.
Nowadays it has become so repetitive to the point a lot of people dont wish to play it and having the same outcome for the past couple months it so repetitive it's the same cycle that won't stop.
Especially Campaign system has caused the player base to either leave or not stay for long on the server most of the members started to give up and not play until after the base raid knowing they can't change the outcome and most of them started to get bored of it.
its repetitive no matter how the content team change or add and even add more rules to it the results would stay the same
its the whole reason it got removed before the summer of 2024 and it was fun for both sides during that time of the summer
also back then the player base would get excited for the base raid rather than expecting it every 2 weeks it felt like they made an achievement for the faction to make it possible rather having Campaign system making it more focus on being very competitive.