Captain Rex HighCommand App

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Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:421604434
Discord name:Elias_678#4795
For how long have you played on MRP: 8-9 months
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Sweden
Time zone: CEST
NATO name (regiment and rank): COL Captain Rex
USSR name (regiment and rank): PVT Commander Micheal Jackson
Civilian name: Commander Bill Cosy
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? No this is my second one
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes I have been warned for illegal FOB'S (2 times) and for Failrp once if i remember right , base Camping.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: Yes I am currently a COL of JAF
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: Since I got LT COL+ within JAF i have learned how to deal with lower ranks in a good way and improved the way I lead my Regiment. At first when I got LT COL my activity was okey but after some time my activity is good and I am on everyday for 2-3 wars I have been leading a lot of wars since I got LT COL and knows where each reg can stand out and do their best job. Since I got Reg command i have lead about 25+ wars. When I have lead JAF as a Reg command and been leading wars I have learned how to keep my cool and being opened minded when it comes to change.
List your in-game ranks on MRP: COL Captain Rex, USSR PVT Commander Micheal Jackson
List your strengths and weaknesses:

Streanghts: open minded, able to lead a big group, Nice person that anyone can talk to, can keep my cool if its needed. As I stated on my old app that one of my biggest weknesses is that I will try to boss over people but luckly I have over come that issue now.

Weknesses: Might be a little too nice, might speak to loud from time to time.

updated: one of the main reason I am applying for NHC is that I feel that the CO team that I have built up is great and is stable enough for me to apply for NHC.
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MRP Patriot
Jun 9, 2021
+ Support

You're a friendly nice approachable guy, you are very funny. However you do take things seriously when they have to be, this is one of the key reasons why JAF as a regiment is functioning so well. We have an active CO team so I think your leaving would have an impact on us as we would miss you, however, I don't think it will make the regiment suffer, etc. I hope to see you move up the ranks to the next step BGEN as you have many months as COL under your belt and also experience leading wars.

PS - I know people joke about your activity and say you're inactive, I've never really gotten this as you are on almost every day for a good few hours. It's not like you would be seen as inactive compared to other NHC.
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Rex you have led JAF longer than anyone else to a certain degree of success ? You are really nice approachable and are mature, as a COL it comes with great experience in a high ranking role and puts you in the best position to join the NHC team, As a COL you have already developed war leading skills and will make a excellent addition to the high command team in my opinion anyway, I have seen you lead Meany wars in my time and id say you win about 80-90% of them.

I wish you the best of luck!

It has always been a mission for Rex to become High Command, I see no reason why he shouldn't receive it.
He's checked all the requirements needed to match an NHC member.

+Very Active
+Management Skills
+Has lead a lot of victorious wars
+Great Mentor

-Loves going AFK in peacetimes
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MRP War Veteran
Feb 26, 2021

Rex is incredibly worthy for the promotion to BGEN, and this is shown by how he has lead and made JAF into one of the largest and most successful regiments on the server. You've done a great job in training your CO's into being confident with what they do and I have no doubt you'd make a great impact by joining High Command.


JAF LTCOL Ozzy????? ?


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
-Activity needs improvement
+Good leader
-Needs to stop being AFK for so long

Good luck Rex!
Hello harvey i wanted to say that i completely agree with you in everything but i have something to add is that sometime rex just fuck up everything in the leading

Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021
Hello harvey i wanted to say that i completely agree with you in everything but i have something to add is that sometime rex just fuck up everything in the leading
Hello if you can please elaborate why you think I lead so badly. Thanks!

-Activity Varies

-Needs to Improve Peacetime Activity as this is the Most Important Aspect of an HC

-Not Seen Lead Wars

Obviously, I'm A USSR Main So My Opinion May Be Less Valid, However, I Do Play JAF Every Now And Again and Have Never Seen You On (This Could Have Just Be Bad Timing) However If You Weren't On LOA This is a Bad Look.


Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021

-Activity Varies

-Needs to Improve Peacetime Activity as this is the Most Important Aspect of an HC

-Not Seen Lead Wars

Obviously, I'm A USSR Main So My Opinion May Be Less Valid, However, I Do Play JAF Every Now And Again and Have Never Seen You On (This Could Have Just Be Bad Timing) However If You Weren't On LOA This is a Bad Look.

Weird that you haven’t seen me on as I on everyday for 4+ hours , Last war I lead was 2 days ago where Nato got a Victory.
Neutral learning towards -Support.
+Active IG&TS.
+Long time player - knows his stuff.
+You've done well as a Colonel so far,
however the step from Col to NHC is huge.

-From time to time your attitude can be a problem.
-Poor decision making in wars, specifically with war funds.
-Often AFK in peacetime which is bad as its vital we have FOBs built etc.

Overall Rex, you have some aspects of what we look for in NATO High Command however there are a lot of aspects that you need to work on. As mentioned above, the step from Colonel to NHC is huge. Although it may seem like just one rank, you go from leading a regiment to leading ALL of NATO which can be very stressful especially when things don't go your way. You have shown over the past few weeks that you have poor decision making with the war funds/tactical tablet and I fear that if you do get accepted you will take these funds for granted and waste them. I have nothing against you personally however, I just think there are aspects you need to work on before applying for HC.

Regardless, best of luck Rex.


Dec 22, 2020

I do believe you share a lot of the qualities needed in becoming High Command, but myself & the NHC team are not convinced you are ready at this stage to join the team, You may Re-Apply in 2 weeks.
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