Chad Power´s UHC Application

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Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40310083

Discord name: linkertobi#0583

For how long have you played on MRP: since beginning of august 2021

Age: 26 ( im old :.( )

In what country are you located?: Austria

Time zone: GMT+1

USSR name (regiment and rank): ABT MAJ Chad Power [GM][ORSx2][CTIC]
NATO name (regiment and rank): INF PVT Chad Power [HSR]
Civilian name: Chad Huovila

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- This is my first UHC application.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- none

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
Currently my experience comes from my ABT position as Major.
I have been co in ABT for over a month now.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
I am activly maining USSR for most of my time on this server and want to strengthen it the best i can. UHC would allow me to perform this task on a whole new level. Im online for at least 4 hours each day actively leading ABT in wars, engaging in RP situation and doing ABT training/encouraging FOB building (and building it myself) in peacetime. Im a calm person most of the time, but if the situation requires it i can be a strict leader aswell. Im able to bring discipline into chaos.

When im the highest on/or noone is willing to lead i will instantly inspect the map, stocks and available men and will form a plan with those given resources how to win/or in the worst case not lose any territories while beeing heavily outnumbered. That happened more then a few times while beeing CO in ABT. I would actively work with the regimental commands to come up with the best possible plan for the USSR.

I prioritise RP/fun over abusing loopholes in rules. I dont look at the server rules and think how can i leave this RP scenario the quickest way without breaking any rules. I try to engange in RP in a way thats fun for everyone instead of abandoning the situation.

2/3rd of my time on this server i have spend (and will continue to spend) on the staff team. The experience as staff gave me good insight so far into the in and outs of the server/mechanics and the whole community.

In the last month i have cooperated with pretty much all of the ussr regiments as ABT and i know how to efficently deploy regimets/assets in wartime.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:

+ activity
-> I have been online pretty much every single day since august and i try to avoid beeing afk for longer then 10 minutes.
+ maturity
-> With my age i pretty much expect to be mature enough for this task.
+ teamplayer
-> I really much enjoy playing in a team. There are people who enjoy beeing left alone while war is active, i respect that but i would rather join a group of people and come up with a plan on how to win the objective.
+ i get along with pretty much everyone
-> I like interacting with anyone on this server. (apart from rulebreakers MRDMers an alike)
+ rule knowledge
-> I live and breathe MRP rules as i am a staff member and enforce them.

- online times
-> Im mostly online at late afternoon/evening/night cause of reallife. that might be a negative
- not an "og" player
-> The time i joined CG MRP was august this year so im considered a relativly new player. But in my defense im online everyday and i think im pretty known in the community by now.


Let me be clear on this, I've not seen anyone on MRP who has been more friendly, outgoing and outright loyal to the people around him. Chad is such a great leader within ABT and he's never tried anything but his best.

He's constantly trying his best to improve ABT, and I can definitely see you in a high command position continuing that onwards.

Not only is he a great USSR player, he's an exceptional member of staff who has always been nothing but fair and balanced, he's also part of the late night crew whom collectively are just the best human beings.

He's helped me prior with events despite never being asked to, always wanting to help.

Only thing I can think of negatively is I haven't yet seen you lead a war, but given your communication and your prior experience in ABT, I don't think that'd be a problem, just give me a ping whenever and I'll let you lead a war.

You might not be an 'OG' player, but take it coming from me, someone who's played since day one, you've made that much of an impression within the USSR that you may as well be an OG player. Everyone knows you, everyone respects you and that's all that needs to be said.

Best of luck mate, I sincerely hope this gets accepted!
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I think we all know this mega chad at this point, He is a great ABT MAJ and has done nothing but his best, Most friendly active guy in ABT and I would love to see this man make UHC. Personally, I've never seen him lead before but I'm sure whoever has will say he did amazing even if it was a loss or victory. Chad May you get UHC And continue to thrive in the MRP Server.
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MRP High Command Verdict

Active In-game & TS3
Amazing CO out of all ABT
Your application is decent, could be better
friendliest CO I've ever seen in ABT

in overall conclusion, I believe that your ready to take high responsibilities within USSR and to join the high command team
the main reason why I'm giving you +support is because your the most friendlies CO I've ever seen when I was in ABT,
your good at giving advices and trainings to privates and Corporals and I think people can agree with that, although you need to work on your application a bit.​

good luck on your high command application Major Chad power.


- sultan regards 'Kyzent​
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Well-known Member
Oct 31, 2021
Huge + support
+never a minge
+always helpful
+very friendly
+gives constructive criticism
+excellent war leading skills
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

+ Active IG / TS3
+ Really nice player
+ Good app

+ One of the best USSR COs

I know I'm not a USSR player but Chad is a great member within USSR and definitely deserves the rank.
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