Which server are you applying for?
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:438131467
Discord name: _tpm
For how long have you played on MRP: Vtime = 3w 3d : first joined 5/24/2022
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT /BST
NATO name (regiment and rank): 17thAR MAJ Chaireston
NWO name (regiment and rank): AOR CPL Spaceship [403]
Civilian name: robby robington
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- I have been In the 17th CC For a month and have been a Major for just over a week . I have a lot of experience when it comes to leading 17th in a large amount of wars, I have also lead NATO a couple of wars which majority have resulted in a victory.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
- I have experience in leading
- I am know by others and have a good reputation
-I have a lot of experience when it comes to tanks which will be useful
- I am very active
- I enjoy the building of fobs making them to perfection is what I live for
- I work well in a team ( listening is key )
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
- 17thAR MAJ
List your strengths and weaknesses:
- Strengths
- I am experienced in tank combat and infantry combat
- I Always want to learn more
- I try to include myself in RP events as much as possible
- Keen to lead
- I listen to others ideas
- I'm able to keep my cool in high intensity situations
- I sometimes get carried away when pushing on attacks and over extend
- I don't work with other regiments as much as I should ( i hope joining NHC would help me with this)
Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Chaireston Grew up in a wealthy family , his original passion was playing professional golf. One day he saw a documentary on the horrific war crimes that NWO were doing to the civilian population . He quickly signed up for The 17th Armoured regiment.
Chaireston's Original Purpose In 17th was as a mechanic , were he was assigned to repair damaged tanks after they came back from the battle field. During one Especially Hard battle His Squad leader was injured , Chaireston took the initiative and took charge of the tank leading his squad in to battle resulting in a victory.
The 17th Armoured regiment COL was impressed by his leader ship skills and quickly promoted him, as he climbed the ranks of the regiment he won even more battles sometimes leading the entire regiment when needed. After reaching the Rank of MAJ Chaireston believed that his skills could be used else were this is when he Put in his NHC application.
What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
- To lead NATO in and out of war
- To maintain order amongst the troops
- To set a good example for others to espier too
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
- To Ensure regiments health is going well and supporting them
- all around being a good roll model to the rest of the server
- To help resolve issues with regiments
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:438131467
Discord name: _tpm
For how long have you played on MRP: Vtime = 3w 3d : first joined 5/24/2022
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT /BST
NATO name (regiment and rank): 17thAR MAJ Chaireston
NWO name (regiment and rank): AOR CPL Spaceship [403]
Civilian name: robby robington
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- I have been In the 17th CC For a month and have been a Major for just over a week . I have a lot of experience when it comes to leading 17th in a large amount of wars, I have also lead NATO a couple of wars which majority have resulted in a victory.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
- I have experience in leading
- I am know by others and have a good reputation
-I have a lot of experience when it comes to tanks which will be useful
- I am very active
- I enjoy the building of fobs making them to perfection is what I live for
- I work well in a team ( listening is key )
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
- 17thAR MAJ
List your strengths and weaknesses:
- Strengths
- I am experienced in tank combat and infantry combat
- I Always want to learn more
- I try to include myself in RP events as much as possible
- Keen to lead
- I listen to others ideas
- I'm able to keep my cool in high intensity situations
- I sometimes get carried away when pushing on attacks and over extend
- I don't work with other regiments as much as I should ( i hope joining NHC would help me with this)
Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Chaireston Grew up in a wealthy family , his original passion was playing professional golf. One day he saw a documentary on the horrific war crimes that NWO were doing to the civilian population . He quickly signed up for The 17th Armoured regiment.
Chaireston's Original Purpose In 17th was as a mechanic , were he was assigned to repair damaged tanks after they came back from the battle field. During one Especially Hard battle His Squad leader was injured , Chaireston took the initiative and took charge of the tank leading his squad in to battle resulting in a victory.
The 17th Armoured regiment COL was impressed by his leader ship skills and quickly promoted him, as he climbed the ranks of the regiment he won even more battles sometimes leading the entire regiment when needed. After reaching the Rank of MAJ Chaireston believed that his skills could be used else were this is when he Put in his NHC application.
What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
- To lead NATO in and out of war
- To maintain order amongst the troops
- To set a good example for others to espier too
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
- To Ensure regiments health is going well and supporting them
- all around being a good roll model to the rest of the server
- To help resolve issues with regiments