Denied Change High Command spawns.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It stops SAS and STS from having to deal with people in god mode while hacking, essentially making it impossible to hack if detected.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More balanced and fair for both sides.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
longer travel time for high command to go to servers???

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because it just makes it more balanced for both NATO and NWO?
Upvote 3
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


Oct 8, 2021
Please for the love of fucking god this is like the 1000 times ive seen this suggested, both sides have a server near their HC spawn, so it is equally hard for both special forces regiments, both NWO and NATO have servers inside the CC which you can go for. NATOs server was just moved to the NHC bunker to make it equal, I would also like to point out @Astolfo stole around 100mil when the NHC spawns were next to the server so it is possible.


Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2023
Please for the love of fucking god this is like the 1000 times ive seen this suggested, both sides have a server near their HC spawn, so it is equally hard for both special forces regiments, both NWO and NATO have servers inside the CC which you can go for. NATOs server was just moved to the NHC bunker to make it equal, I would also like to point out @Astolfo stole around 100mil when the NHC spawns were next to the server so it is possible.
It doesn't matter if its possible or not? Either move both spawns or move the servers?? Its not about possibility its about fairness and the fun of it? No one enjoys getting killed by someone in God mode. I think the support for this only proves that lol.
Suggestion Denied

Hi Tyler, Your suggestion has been denied. There are two different servers to choose from and therefore, it's not a massive issue if one is blocked by High Command spawns. Furthermore, the High Command need to go through a door to even reach their own servers and pushing them further away from their own office region wouldn't make much sense.

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