Partially Accepted Change High Command

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Jack G

Senior Administrator
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MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This aims to give High Command more accessibility to lead their side and keep them busy during peacetime. The first thing that would need to be done is a crack down on applicants to High Command, making sure that they have a good record and are genuinely good for the side. This could be done numerous ways however, I think there should be meetings designated between Server Leadership and the Faction Leader where they take into account the new applicants for High Command and decide whether they are genuinely a good or bad addition. It could be Server Leadership gives their opinions and Faction Leaders get the ultimate say for example however this is not my main suggestion, this is just something that would need to be worked out to make the next part make sense.

Think of any Star Wars server or even other Military Roleplay server/s. Their 'Faction Leaders' USUALLY creates events and missions for their side to do in peacetime using tools and commands such as NPC's (I'm not saying use NPC's im giving an example) where they go off to battle a rebellion squad or they reach a certain objective. They get an understanding on how they want their events and missions done and within the constrains of their commands and without abuse, they can create some seriously good roleplay which keeps the server active.

I think we should introduce something similar where in which an applicant for High Command is treated as a 'gamemaster' in which they can create certain roleplay for their own side using commands that they wouldn't previously have had access to. This can literally be small things such as lost document that needs finding or a Murder style event where RMP/KGB need to factor clues together on their side to lead them to an arrest that's thought out by High Command. These are just examples however, I think the current tools they are given makes it really hard to do anything but ask to build FOBs and do Trainings.

I'm not asking for any Give Weapons or the Ability to Give Money no. I just want GM Objectives, Noclip and the basic few commands to be trialed and we can see how it goes. It makes more sense and it's more comforting having an event held by someone you know and that actually makes sense rather than some random guy using voice amp who you don't know and announcing an event.

Think broader than them just being seen as a 'semi game master'. It just means they can create their own missions and create their own roleplay meaning GM's can be relieved a bit from pressure to constantly do events and instead can focus on the big map changes where we factually do pull the most numbers and getting them done on a more regular basis.
Again, no over powered commands but commands that can really help get some roleplay done in peacetime. They would NOT be seen as a gamemaster. It would just now become a regular duty of a High Command to keep their side entertained.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No. It works successfully on any roleplay orientated server and it's how these servers stay alive. They maintain constant events and roleplay and engage in it whenever they can, it just makes sense.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
We engage more people during peacetimes so we pick up a huge amount of retention for new players joining and not understanding what to do. High Command is seen as a more privelaged role and we maybe see more applicants to both sides. It brings out creativity in those that have it but don't quite want to fulfill a staff rank in its entirety

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The main one is obviously going to be ABUSE. However, as stated at the very start, the overall high command acceptance would be at the very least 'discussed' with Server Leadership to make sure that they are all on board.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
We already create Roleplay and Lore for the High Command when they apply so it's already a basic level of Roleplay that they are expected to try with when applying. We should at least give it a try. Player retention is piss poor and surely this would be a great way to at least see the positive effects of roleplay in peacetime. Again, I can see it being denied for the simple reason of 'abuse' however I think seriously we need to give some more hope and at least 'try' with the players we have. The servers not exactly on an upwards trend and it wouldn't take that much dev time.
Upvote 6


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Content Team
Dec 24, 2020
I think giving High command some GM commands could really benefit towards creating RP for their respective sides. Just giving HC access to GMobjectives could open a wide range of interactive peacetime events for their regiments.

This can even allow NHC and SSHC to get together and come up with some kind of event or "mission" for both sides to take part in to give the whole server something to do during peacetime, and not only have to rely on GMs which don't have all the time in the world to make an even every peacetime.

This is something the server has always needed as HC are always told to "create rp during peacetime" but without actual commands, props, and certain tools, they are very limited to what they can create on the spot with the current server content we have. That and GM's are not always available to host or supervise events for HC to create something unique instead of "sim room training" or building FOBs, which we know people do not really enjoy.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Sep 7, 2022
Neutral, SL usually interact with a limited amount of players from the server so they can't offer an informed opinion about most people. However they have access to people's warnings so they could inform HC if the player will be bad for HC.

+Support, it's hard to keep players active during peacetime due to the fact that it's boring to keep building fobs all the time. It could be nice being able to do mini events for people that gets them to do more than sit around.

I agree with some of the points in this suggestion, but firstly, no it should be not be SL who has the final say, it should always be a he highest ranking HC of the side at the time.

With GM tools, I agree with this idea, being in a the role of HC you need to already be a trusted player with good intentions for the side he represents. Obviously any abuse with these permission should be taken very serious by staff.

I like this suggesting😋
-Support on the SL part.

Telling someone who put months, maybe ever years of time into a faction to get marshal to then tell them you can't have this guy on your HC team is braindead,SL should have minimum interference with any faction management actions each side makes. (Also SL don't exactly have the best track record for good faction management.)

Neutral leading to +support on the GM thing.
People will abuse them, nothing more to add to this.
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020
eh, I really wouldn't trust 80% of this playerbase to get noclip and such through HC. But on the other hand I really do agree that HC shouldnt just be leading war simulator, but due to the already low standards I don't think HC will get a drastic change especially one that will make them actually do stuff.

Suggestion Accepted

Hi Jack, Your suggestion has been accepted.

We will be asking NL for permission to give some ULX perms to HC, and will be raising the standards to join HC, there will obviously be limitations on their access to these perms such as not having access to them during war. We will not be making it so that SL pick HC.

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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