Denied Change The Metagaming rules for AOS

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Allows IA or others to call an AOS on somebody without seeing there keycard.]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[We will be able to actually call AOS on People instead of getting killed and being able to do nothing about it since most rules breakers dont want to show there keycard.

Stops minges from going about and improves everyone's time in the server]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Literally none]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This should be accepted as there will never be an AOS ever again since again nobody is gonna show there keycard.

Making minges and general rules breakers who can abuse 106 basically be untouchable.
Hold up you telling me you have to look at their keycard to call out a AOS on them?

If so I know at least 50 people which have broken that rule. I've just always assumed there's a name tag on the person's shirt.
Yep it was a rule before but now it's being heavily enforced and SL dident think it through on how bad it will effect the server
Yep it was a rule before but now it's being heavily enforced and SL dident think it through on how bad it will effect the server
Yea yea I just saw, I fully agree with your post. A cadet can abuse an SCP, use 914, unethically terminate D-class, and shoot people with harpoons from medbay, yet while arrested he can just say "that wasn't me in the clip, you didn't see my ID".
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Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2022
I quite enjoy that you can't just AOS anyone you want by using their floating name above their heads. People have to actually stop the person and ID check them before they can call an AOS is realistic and means people can actually potentially do corrupt RP shit and not get powergamed. Fat L for bozos who arrest people tho
When it comes to this change (Or actual enforcement of a present ruling), I kind of can't state enough how much this actually disrupts RP rather then promoting it. Having to capture someone to figure out who they are works for undercovers because your supposed to not know until you verify. But on regular foundation members, all this does is promote minging as in about 90% of cases, most people just use this to minge around, not to promote proper roleplay.

This also screws with video evidence importantly. You are now no longer allowed to use a clip to identify a person per the ruling itself. This quite literally messes intensely with active investigations. For those who argue you need to just fearRP the person, that is not always possible and if the person gets away from you, all you are allowed to do is comm "This x looking person" which is useless in a server like this.

Its a very poor ruling that only disrupts roleplay as there was nothing wrong with the current system as it stood. It does not promote RP, does not promote positive interactions for new players. It only opens up more abusive opportunities that make it even harder to enforce proper rp on what is supposed to be a professional environment. (We have had several people punished for doing stupid shit in off hours due to clips for example, if you are no longer allowed to identify via names above their heads, these clips become null and void. Some of these clips, came from SL)

Because of the reasons above, this gets a +Support. I do not have a single person in command who feels this ruling was even remotely a good idea from site command to junior CL4. Just make it that most foundation members have a name tag of some sort and that fixes the issues entirely or if we really want to double down on this, remove names from above heads (as suggested by my SD).
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When it comes to this change (Or actual enforcement of a present ruling), I kind of can't state enough how much this actually disrupts RP rather then promoting it. Having to capture someone to figure out who they are works for undercovers because your supposed to not know until you verify. But on regular foundation members, all this does is promote minging as in about 90% of cases, most people just use this to minge around, not to promote proper roleplay.

This also screws with video evidence importantly. You are now no longer allowed to use a clip to identify a person per the ruling itself. This quite literally messes intensely with active investigations. For those who argue you need to just fearRP the person, that is not always possible and if the person gets away from you, all you are allowed to do is comm "This x looking person" which is useless in a server like this.

Its a very poor ruling that only disrupts roleplay as there was nothing wrong with the current system as it stood. It does not promote RP, does not promote positive interactions for new players. It only opens up more abusive opportunities that make it even harder to enforce proper rp on what is supposed to be a professional environment. (We have had several people punished for doing stupid shit in off hours due to clips for example, if you are no longer allowed to identify via names above their heads, these clips become null and void. Some of these clips, came from SL)

Because of the reasons above, this gets a +Support. I do not have a single person in command who feels this ruling was even remotely a good idea from site command to junior CL4. Just make it that most foundation members have a name tag of some sort and that fixes the issues entirely or if we really want to double down on this, remove names from above heads (as suggested by my SD).
Got be confused with the negative for a second lmao as my email showed that


Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
  1. Minges dont care about fearrp
  2. ID stuff is bs anyway, people say eachother's names all the time anyway without checking keycards.
I quite enjoy that you can't just AOS anyone you want by using their floating name above their heads. People have to actually stop the person and ID check them before they can call an AOS is realistic and means people can actually potentially do corrupt RP shit and not get powergamed. Fat L for bozos who arrest people tho
Metagamed not power game and also I have had it where GENSEC when they commit a crime and I ask for ID often run or gun. "Corrupt RP" sounds like a free pass to murder someone saying you switch sides and are part of CI after breaching 3 SCPs with a hacking device and leaking O5 documents to open comms
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Dec 10, 2022

This was an incredibly bad change, made in horrible taste without any consultation done to IA, on either US/UK - along with basically zero consultation to other staff members (from what we have been told). This has always been something IA would use so they could use video evidence for tribunals/etc, and this massively impacts our ability to deal with both legitimate, In-RP cases, and near-OOC cases of shitters.

I, personally, think this change should have never occurred. As tactfully pointed out before. IA have been allowed certain OOC exceptions, this should be no different, and as pointed out by Critical, this does nothing but encourage minging. It has no In-RP benefit.

Internal Affairs Ambassador Jack "Dragon" Vincentio



Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2022
Metagamed not power game and also I have had it where GENSEC when they commit a crime and I ask for ID often run or gun. "Corrupt RP" sounds like a free pass to murder someone saying you switch sides and are part of CI after breaching 3 SCPs with a hacking device and leaking O5 documents to open comms
Smh, obviously it falls under metagaming but using someone's floating name above their heads to call out an AOS should be power gaming as you literally did nothing to obtain their name and it's just as OP as using /me unrealistically. "Corrupt RP" sounds like something that occurs all the time. You are only pointing out times when people kill each other specifically, how about when researchers do something unethical for the memes? That's corrupt RP also and they should have the chance to elude IA without them just being able to know their names by using something that is OOC against them. That last part about CI was a shit example because that's not corrupt RP pretending to be CI when you are foundation... You'll definitely get banned for FailRP if you hack SCPs out on foundation. Feel free to give examples (other than murder and rule breaks) that ruin RP so bad you feel this rule needs removed, thanks.


Active member
Dec 26, 2022
Croatia, Republic of
Smh, obviously it falls under metagaming but using someone's floating name above their heads to call out an AOS should be power gaming as you literally did nothing to obtain their name and it's just as OP as using /me unrealistically. "Corrupt RP" sounds like something that occurs all the time. You are only pointing out times when people kill each other specifically, how about when researchers do something unethical for the memes? That's corrupt RP also and they should have the chance to elude IA without them just being able to know their names by using something that is OOC against them. That last part about CI was a shit example because that's not corrupt RP pretending to be CI when you are foundation... You'll definitely get banned for FailRP if you hack SCPs out on foundation. Feel free to give examples (other than murder and rule breaks) that ruin RP so bad you feel this rule needs removed, thanks.
Mfw "what about the time researchers do something unethical for the memes".

If an IA agent is stationed or observing a test and a researcher does something goofy they shouldn't have to then stop the whole show just to go like "Umm sir, can I see your ID?" while trying to be diguised as a Doctor or Chef or any other role that doesn't need to check IDs.

In reality with that one quote I've figured out what you want - a free pass to minge, I understand the general idea of CorruptRP but if you want to do it - ez, don't get caught by an agent. I've done questionable things previously and it was simply a question of not getting caught.
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