Denied Chef Spawn Access changes.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jun 5, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It would make the door to the D-Block kitchen level 1 Biometric on both sides.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Reduce RDM/Spawn kill in D-Block kitchen
-Make D-Block kitchen a more controlled area
-Make the D-Block kitchen not be the first place all running D-class go
-Make it so that when D-Class are granted kitchen privileges they can't leave without an escort.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-D-Class won't be able to get in without a foundation member and this may upset people who main D-Class

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think that this should be accepted because there have been many issues with spawn killing/RDM during riots and in general causing many people to avoid the kitchen in D-Block. Also, it would make the kitchen less of a problem zone in general as gensec wouldn't have to remove D-Class from the kitchen constantly and D-Class wouldn't be able to go in and disrupt things by throwing pots and pans and in general be a nuisance.

+/- Neutral leaning to - Support

I can't honestly see a lot of appeal to this suggestion, although I don't personally go in kitchen as D-Class often, it is a favourable hiding spot. Whilst making these keypads biometric would reduce frustration for Chef players, you have to bear in mind that they are a small minority. D-Class is always highly populated at peak times, and if this area is sealed off there aren't many places to hide when escaped.

Maybe adding back the standard clearance 1 would be a good idea, since that way D-Class can still access it, but will require a keycard.
Jun 5, 2022
-support no. if you want to cook for your own purposes there's lots of other places to do it, d block kitchen is one of many kitchens and (as others have said) it's a nice hiding spot
Only two total kitchens are available for cl 1 chefs, one in PW and one the one in D-Block, chefs should be able to cook in the kitchen they spawn in and it is unfair that the only D-class hiding spot that does not require a keycard in the place of work and spawn for a non combative job
I agree with adding a new spawn point for chefs but do think that a change to the keypad for d-block kitchen is necessary
I understand your points as to why it needs to be done, but there is a certain level of balance that needs to be maintained when it comes to the D-Class/Gensec dynamic.

Its partly the reason why keypad changes rarely get done, it can tip that balance rapidly even if it does not seem like it in the suggestion. D-Class use the Kitchen as a rendezvous point, a hiding spot, a place to get a keycard from a chef. If they needed a keycard to get in, they would not be able to kill a chef for a keycard therefore making escape at the d-block exit impossible. A small change can change the balance entirely and removes an option from D-Class.

The spawnkilling issue needs to be resolved which is why the secondary spawn point would be sufficient, but adding a CL1 keypad would just make a lot of needless complaints.
Jun 5, 2022
I understand your points as to why it needs to be done, but there is a certain level of balance that needs to be maintained when it comes to the D-Class/Gensec dynamic.

Its partly the reason why keypad changes rarely get done, it can tip that balance rapidly even if it does not seem like it in the suggestion. D-Class use the Kitchen as a rendezvous point, a hiding spot, a place to get a keycard from a chef. If they needed a keycard to get in, they would not be able to kill a chef for a keycard therefore making escape at the d-block exit impossible. A small change can change the balance entirely and removes an option from D-Class.

The spawnkilling issue needs to be resolved which is why the secondary spawn point would be sufficient, but adding a CL1 keypad would just make a lot of needless complaints.
What about the balance for chefs
What about the balance for chefs
chefs have multiple places they can cook, d class only have one place to hide
Precisely what Bill said, they are not in need of "balance" for server health as they have a way to remove themselves a situation that can disrupt their gameplay.

The spawnkilling is the main issue which is solved by a second spawn point.
Suggestion Denied

Hi Nathan Smith,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

As we have a rule about spawn camping this is highly unneeded.
However, D-Class have only 1 location to hide in D-block.
Therefore for balance, we won't be doing this.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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