Denied Chemist / Advanced Chemist Limit

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Blacklisted Player
Jan 28, 2023
I've been playing for 4 days now, and have only been Advanced Chemist once...
I find it kind of ridiculous that the limit for Advanced Chemist is only 4, and the Chemist is 5.

Every time I get on the server, I either base with my printers that last like 10 minutes until they run out, or I just walk around mugging people, which is not what I really want to do, I just want to become a Chemist, as it is my favourite job. But I just don't get the chance to become one.
I just get bored because I just feel like I'm waiting around to get onto one of the Chemist roles, which is around about a 3% chance, as only 4/128 people can become advanced chemist and 5/128 people can become chemist.
It just seems a little bit low, and I think the limit should be increased.
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Blacklisted Player
Jan 28, 2023
Advanced Chemist was allowed to use Rifles as far as I remember, which makes sense as you had to go outside to sell the meth, which is dangerous.
Chemist though, you can just sit inside and get money from your meth without leaving, and having rifles ontop of that makes it really hard to kill smart players who use chemist. (Or mega basing chemists). so yeah, chemist needs out on rifles

John Ion Wells

Well-known Member
Apr 24, 2022
Right now, both chemists are the best jobs to make money on the server, which is why I believe the slots should stay the same. Although I do think they should buff slightly the other methods, such as printers, weed and e.t.c to make said methods more reliable.
maybe new jobs as well like herion making opium or like counterfitts
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Jxsnn .

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because we currently have plans to balance the economy, in a way that will reduce the current meta around the chemist jobs, and therefore reduce their demand.

We feel that upping the slots for the job will exacerbate these issues.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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