Denied CI raids & SCP breaches at late night.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Aug 27, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It adds making CI raids past 11:15 PM not aloud & SCP breaches past 11:00 PM unavailable, and be available again at 9 o clock. Make raiding as CI past 11: 15 PM until 9 o clock FailRP.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Improve server health, No RP interuption.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
CI & SCP's dont get RP through these methods

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This should be accepted because it is heavily damaging server health and interupts RP so much. Recently CI raided at 12PM and started breaching SCP-076, 076 breached 8837 and CI breached 079, after 079 and 8837's RC 076 was left we almost had him but then a natural double breach occured and it took even longer to contain making E-11 very annoyed and frustrated. This impacts E-11 so much because even tho our job is to RC SCP's we do not want to deal with it that late especially when CI breach something and then another breach happens straight after. The SCP breaches are even more frustrating when there is little to no combatives on site but breaches and raids are happening at 3am.

For the CI raids it still impacts server health as them coming into foundation to breach SCP's and kill foundation is very aggitating and such a late time even more annoying.

Good server health and RP is required on any server to make it actually enjoyable and this just isint it hence this suggestion.


Game Master
Game Master
Sep 24, 2024

I think you forgot while writing this that it would also have to apply to the US, and unlike the UK, they have a lot more players and can deal with big breaches. If you're that annoyed about the breach, you could try speaking to CI COs.
This would be detrimental to CI's gameplay loop on the US, also Timezones do exist so assuming you're speaking BST time this would disallow CI on US from raiding during the day, and even if you meant EST time for the US what happens to the DELCOMs who can only play at whats usually considered night time in the US? like our Australian and British players on the US.


Active member
Jul 25, 2024

Breaches are already boring now, why the hell do you want it less.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 27, 2022

I will be given this suggestion a - Support

I understand the reasoning, but, as others have mentioned, it limits the CI loop, which is disappointing. I also find late evening SCP chemical sampling raids to be uninteresting. ( free chems for 0 effort both on DC or normal)​

Best of luck,​

Holland | Tulp​


This needs more time put into thinking on it, I get what you're going for but at the same time there's 100% better solutions.

So, what I can understand for this suggestion is that you as someone who focuses on RP are upset with how often and consistent your RP is interrupted by a raid/breach/raid to breach. So you would like a time solely for RP with no breaches or raids.

The issue with this suggestion is that it doesn't take into consideration time zones, or how CI could gain from it as well, and seems to solely harm them and gain for foundation even if time zones are considered.

What I would suggest instead is something like MRP has, with war time. Instead of raids being based on a hour to hour mixed in with DC and constant war on surface between foundation and CI, have a war time and different levels of it.

Level 0: Hidden. at this level CI and foundation do not fight or raid, it is a time for RP between surface, foundation, GOC, and CI.

Level 1: Skirmish. At this level CI and foundation begin clashing on surface as CI gains its forces, this still allows RP in the foundation but is a type of early warning for passives that their RP maybe disrupted soon.

Level 2: Prep. At this level DC can be run in a attempt to prep the site for a CI attack and destroy some defenses.

Level 3: Attack. At this level CI are able to raid foundation and cause havoc.

Of course, none of this can be added without a lot more consideration and rule changes and rebalancing to fit the new system in place, but I feel is a better solution you're looking for, and an area to start vs just making it fail-rp to raid for hours on end.
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