CL4P-TP HC Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:554968959
Discord name: CL4P-TP#7370
For how long have you played on MRP: 3 months
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
In-game name and Previous Names: Just CL4P-TP
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No I have done a MOD application
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I had a warning for FailRP on the 14th of Feb due to thinking I could see the issue with a NATO Spy's ID
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: I am CPT on ABT
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: I feel I am a lower ranking than what is expected but I feel a Month as CO+ is alot of time to learn the skills neccesary for HC, my leadership skills have improved massively since becoming the rank of a CO, I use tactics I see fit and during the wars they go to plan and if there is a hiccup or a plan doesn't work I am quick to think of a new solution, not to mention most of the time I direct ABT what they should do during war but have recently been leading ABT less because I want to see how well our future CO's do, also as you can see ABT are trained extremely well not just because of me but we hold multiple trainings a day e.g yesterday was 2 ABT vs 15+ JAF and ABT took out 3 enemy helicopters in less than 5 minutes, I look and find the talent in every soldier I meet and try my best to bring the best out of them. I think I would be able to hold the responsibility of 50+ USSR Soldiers, I also have quite good management skills I have also had substantial increase in maturity, discipline and qualities. I am extremely active 8+ hours on TS and IG and I feel that is something that needs to be brought to the table. And finally, I never really get stressed I'm always in a relaxed state unless my RP intends me to be stressed, so I cannot crack under pressure instead push through and see it out to the end.
List your in-game ranks on MRP: ABT : CPT JAF : LCPL
List your strengths and weaknesses: Strengths would be; Management, leadership and discipline Weaknesses would be; Overcommunication
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CG Super VIP
Dec 22, 2020

+good at leading (not better than me)
+people listen when you tell them
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020
You don't look like a good fit for HC, you seem like a player that's there to kill and not really RP (lack of rp, improve and verdict may change)
You don't look like a good fit for HC, you seem like a player that's there to kill and not really RP (lack of rp, improve and verdict may change)
Clearly I have given off the wrong impression, if by kills you mean in war I'm the person building FOB's, I do feel I have lacked doing enough RP it is something I am still trying to improve on and encourage others in my regiment to do by doing more trainings and I have been thinking of doing mini-events with other regiments e.g. '1 of our men has been kidnapped in the kill house this is a rescue mission his elimination will result in PT'

That is just 1 idea I have to keep me and other regiments interested and inspired (also because every actual rescue mission becomes elimination)

I do not know if this will change your mind at all but I can promise I'm not on this server to kill people.
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Reactions: BarnyCalhoun
Jan 8, 2021
You don't look like a good fit for HC, you seem like a player that's there to kill and not really RP (lack of rp, improve and verdict may change)
I too would like to confirm everything cl4p has said is true. Whenever he's in the co-pilot seat, its normally me asking him, he'd prefer to go help out the entire USSR. He is constantly out placing FOBs (i notice cause he calls it out every time he places one in ts3/comms), he does encourage current CO+'s to do trainings, he constantly offers help when needed, and does things with the intent of purely trying to help USSR. In my opinion, all bias aside, cl4p is not a k: d warrior and truly cares about the regiment and enjoys the rp the server offers. this is just mp 2 cents and i hope this doesnt count as trying to clutter/boost the uhc app, but yeah, this is just my opinion and what I see from my side.

edit: some grammar and shit but also want to add - cl4p also constantly pushes for us in ABT to use the correct ten-code, use grid references, and lots of other RP aspects of the game. I'm not sure what impression you got of him, but I think you misinterpreted. The last time you were in ABT, you didn't really get to know cl4p (at least i think) so i dont think you really even got a good interpretation of him. also sorry this is super sloppy and shitty, its 3am and i havent slept in over a day. also cl4p isnt making me write this ;) i just genuinely think you misinterpreted him incorrectly. :salute:
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