Name: Clap
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:554968959
Previous Rank (convert if required): Administrator
Who demoted you?: Cloak & Bogdan
Date of demotion?: 02/07/22
What is the case against you?: I resigned from staff however I received a MRDM ban 1-2 days later (foggy memory) became a perma and is considered a demotion
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Yes latest one was: MRDM in 2021 refer to the attached file for all warnings
What is your side of the story?: I was messing around and racked up a couple kills and accepted the fact I would be banned
Why should you return / what will you change?: It's coming up on 2 years since that altercation and I believe with my past experience and knowledge I can be a valuable member of the MRP staff team again

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:554968959
Previous Rank (convert if required): Administrator
Who demoted you?: Cloak & Bogdan
Date of demotion?: 02/07/22
What is the case against you?: I resigned from staff however I received a MRDM ban 1-2 days later (foggy memory) became a perma and is considered a demotion
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Yes latest one was: MRDM in 2021 refer to the attached file for all warnings
What is your side of the story?: I was messing around and racked up a couple kills and accepted the fact I would be banned
Why should you return / what will you change?: It's coming up on 2 years since that altercation and I believe with my past experience and knowledge I can be a valuable member of the MRP staff team again