Cloonsy's Moderator Application

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Well-known Member
Jul 16, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Cl00nsy1 is my login name for steam.
For how long have you played on CG MRP: 1 year-ish, took a hiatus due to family problems.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time
NATO name (regiment and rank): O. Cloonsy, 17th Armored Division, PSC
USSR name (regiment and rank): 0. Cloonsy, Airborne Troops, Corporal
Civilian name: Incognito Pope
Steam ID: 76561199037146521
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes, this is the first application for any Civil-gamers server.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received warnings before, however, I have not received any kicks 'nor have I received any bans.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- Yes, I was once a moderator for a VRchat 40k warhammer group.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Yes, I have experienced with Mil-rp, City rp, Dark rp, and SCP-Rp.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- Mon-Fri I can be on from 3:10 PM EST to about 11:00 PM EST, Fri-Sun I can be on about 9:35 AM - 11:00 PM, however I still have a daily life, and times might be temporarily adjusted for the day.
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: I have created good memories with the 10th SD, memories that I will continue to hold with a melancholic feeling. I want others to have an experience like I did. I also can guarantee that I will be invested in my Moderator position and Will not abuse it.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I notice that during times I am awake, other admins are asleep or living their daily lives. For example, if it's 3:00 pm in the US, it's 8:00 pm in Britain, the area where the servers are located. If its 5:00 pm here, it's 10:00 pm in Britain, where the servers are located. If other admins are asleep, I will most likely be awake, as EST to British time is a five hour gap, and five hours is a very big gap between time zones, ensuring Civilgamers mil-rp is never without consistent moderation.
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-Support (subject to change)

+/- Activity is not know fully since the hiatus
+/- Not sure on Rule knowledge

- Application feels not properly made, the rank and names isn't written properly, and the application is relatively challenging to read and follow through.
- Application lacks detail, please read through and add information in order for us to see better on how and who you are towards the community.
-Warned Recently twice.

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Deleted member 1078


-You rdmd me at around 2am back on the 18th when there had been 0 previous interactions between us. You then went to the nato base and killed 2 people who I believe were afk.

-Weak application


Well-known Member
Jul 16, 2021
Neutral (Leaning to -support but subject to change)

+/- Activity is not know fully since the hiatus
+/- Not sure on Rule knowledge

- Application feels not properly made, the rank and names isn't written properly, and the application is relatively challenging to read and follow through.
- Application lacks detail, please read through and add information in order for us to see better on how and who you are towards the community.

I hope you don't mind me responding, but I now remember what you meant by rank and names, sorry about that. But how is it challenging to read? I feel as if I added enough detail and added lines under my response's so you can better see which ones are my answers? Thank you for telling me my mistakes, you can assume they will be corrected instantly.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 28, 2021

I havent had any interactions with you so i can't form a proper verdict

Good luck.

Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021

+ have seen you active recently
-/+ not sure about rule knowledge
- discipline/minginess could be improved (from personal experience with you in abt)

best of luck!
- Chad

Jeff Carson

Active member
Dec 1, 2021
I Haven't had enough interactions with you to give a full verdict, however I wish you luck!
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I hope you don't mind me responding, but I now remember what you meant by rank and names, sorry about that. But how is it challenging to read? I feel as if I added enough detail and added lines under my response's so you can better see which ones are my answers? Thank you for telling me my mistakes, you can assume they will be corrected instantly.
Underline your questions or just change the colors of your questions it is rather hard to read.


-Not enough interactions for a proper verdict and is more of a statement that you should build your name within the community so people can give proper opinions on you and how you would be as staff.

Eden Hawkings

MRP Patriot
Mar 24, 2021
+/- Neutral

Haven't gotten many interactions with you therefore I cannot give you a verdict but good luck nonetheless
Hi Cloonsy, I will unfortunately go with -Support today.

I have had no interactions with you, and I have only seen you on the server a few times.

One of the reasons for my -support is that you got warned today. Although everyone can make mistakes, I think if you take some time and get yourself more known in the community and stay clean of warnings you'll have a good chance.

Best of luck.
Dec 25, 2020

I'm often a big fan of the idea that 'if you've nothing nice to say, don't say it at all', but in this case I'll put aside my own principals

I've been back a few days off my ROA and today especially you've shown me that you're not ready or mature enough to be given the responsibilities of staff.

There have been several times in debriefs and in RP where I've had to have you arrested for disrupting behaviour, it doesn't bother me personally, but it can negatively affect the RP and enjoyment of other people. Case and point: The smoke grenades in the DB hall.

You have also unfortunately been demoted today for your behaviour.

I'm not saying I won't support you in the future, but for now I need to see an increase in intent to RP and maturity before I'd be willing to give you a chance.

Regardless, best of luck, and I hope to see you improve in game.




MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

+ Active IG/TS3

- 5 warnings in the last 8 days.
- Recent warnings for toxicity
- Poor application


Active member
Mar 1, 2021

-No Interactions
-Bad ruleknowledge
-Recent warnings

Due to the reasons stated above I cannot support your application. Best of luck.
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