Colonel Fielding's NHC Application

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Oct 8, 2021
+ Support

+ Cares alot about SAS

+ / - Activity has been bad in the past but is alot better
+ Amazing mind for tactics
+ / - Never seen him being toxic unless provoked

Hi Fielding I believe you would be perfect for NHC :D

Good luck!
Big -Support

-Warnings are recent and close between
-Argumentative, not had much if not any positive interactions with you.
-Application lacks detail Although fixed, making a quick application shows lack of respect to the cause you are applying for.
-Admitted to have bias which is a major concern.

Due to the reasons stated above, I simply cannot offer you my support to NHC as an ex-BGEN myself. Frequent rule breaks, poor interaction experience, Argumentativeness when challenged by Staff and frequent displays of toxicity within RP and OOC give me no confidence in giving you support to NHC.



-Edited with new findings-
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Delta Molfar

Well-known Member
May 23, 2022
+ Support
+ Active af
+ No joking around when in a serious moment (which is a great plus for NHC)
+ Really dedicated to NATO
+ HotHeaded
BUT not inadequate. (I have seen many people mention it, but please make a difference between a hot-headed person, and an inadequate person. The first one have emotions - the second makes stupid decisions out of them, that's definitely not about Fielding, and even USSR has to agree with that)
+ Soft-hearted inside, rock-solid outside. (That is also amazing for NHC, as in any IRL Army Command Officer. He wouldn't get offended or revengeful because of losing or something, he probably
WILL punish or shout on someone acting stupid/bad, BUT as from my regular experience with Fielding i definetely can say he will NEVER punish someone that didn't do something they couldn't make. Yet again, perfect trait for a NHC officer, USSR, and everyone else cannot really disagree with me here ;) )
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 17, 2021
I'm not going to do a big response on this, but just keep in mind I had it all recorded, and lying won't get you far.


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

Fielding, you are a figurehead in SAS and everyone knows how you run your regiment, like a tight ship. Your knowledge and experience alone make you a prime candidate for a position on the NHC team. You work well with others and demonstrate strong leadership skills. You can be perceived as very shouty and demanding but from my experience working alongside you on NATO, I can see you do it to benefit others as this is how you are taught IRL in the army. You provide a good RP experience in this aspect and this has allowed you to lead and build up SAS from the ground up, turning it into the great reg it is today. You can be hot-headed at times, this is where some players may see this as slight toxicity. I hope that if you are accepted into the NHC team you work on the way you are perceived by others. I think you will be able to help NATO with combat and discipline, the ideas you have had so far impressed me and I hope these come into fruition.

I think you would be a great fit for NHC!

Lieutenant General Doofy
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Active member
Apr 21, 2022
Doofy did an oopsie and deleted my context case study, Not joking he did actually.

Quick case study to sum up my minus support. I arrested two of his men for murder, gross incompetence etc etc.

I summoned him to Prison to request a demotion for the men, he literally started cussing me out the moment I requested him to enter Prison, he said "You prick, you need to be polite to me as I am a Colonel and deserve respect" (This was even when the message I sent was very polite "SAS Colonel to Prison ASAP, Thanks" (Somehow that was enough for him to get toxic, so how can he be good NHC????????)

He also DEMANDED that I release a SAS man that one of my team members had arrested (After I refused, he abused his NPC power to release him himself(which is grounds for a demotion btw).

For the second man. he STRAIGHT up told me what charges I NEEDED to give the other man (which he cannot do, he can only suggest) and threatened me multiple times with illegal disciplinary action.

I had no choice but to comply to ease the situation.

End Case Study

As well, when he is in-game, he is like a "gang leader". He walks around with half a dozen SAS and threatens everyone for the most minor of things.

This man provokes tension and conflict within the SAS and is KNOWN to get toxic from almost nothing.

This man SHOULD NOT become NHC as he will personally introduce a precedent of hate, toxicity, and more which will negatively effect NHC (NHC RN is pretty good ngl, with people like Lyra, Jakob, Doofy etc)

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+Been a great COL
+Good activity
+Nice guy

-A bit hot headed
-Might have a hard time giving up control of SAS as you have lead it for a long time now

You got more - supports than most people get but you did get two of them banned and most of the - are from USSR mains who don't really play NATO so I could not care less about their thoughts.


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 25, 2020

+Amazing leader
+Nice guy

Ever since I joined the server fielding welcomed me into the SAS with open arms even though I am awful at the game and very new to MRP. He knows how to lead a regiment during war and what decisions to make in certain situations such as when to divert people and who should be on certain points. He is one of the best leaders I've seen and even when we lose he's not a bad sport about it.
People in USSR may call him toxic but in reality every gmod server is a little toxic and tbh during wars or kidnapping for the sake of RP you don't want your enemies to like you so being a little rude is honestly enjoyable in my opinion instead of just some awkward silence. Nobody is perfect everyone has made mistakes or said something they shouldn't have but I really believe when it comes down to it Fielding would do great in NHC
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+ Support

When I first joined SAS, he was very friendly and I felt very comfortable in the regiment because of him. The way he leads wars is really enjoyable, and he always motivates the regiment to try their best. Fielding made SAS a very great regiment and his dedication shows how great a leader he is. I never had any bad interactions with Fielding and never seen him being toxic.

Best of luck!

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Damon Smith

Well-known Member
Apr 24, 2022
+ Support

+ Active
+ Mature
+ Great leader

-Some times gets a big mad when the war is not going as expected.


Well-known Member
Jan 7, 2021
Well here's my two cents

+Very reasonable
+Demanding, But not too much
+Experienced player on both MRP and Gmod (Almost 7000 hours)
+Taking great care of SAS
+Very good tactical placements and re-arrangements

In all means, Fielding is what NHC needs right now. He is bold, honest, he gets shit done, pushes for it with all he can, and straight up tells you you fucked up if you fucked up. People mistake him for being Toxic, But in my eyes it's just him saying how it is. He's not a soft man, and he's certainly not soft with SAS, Yet we've grown so much that people use us as a front line regiment and call for our help now. He will speak the truth and when he is being silenced he will shout. That's just how it is with him, And that's how it should be. Personally I think the whole server has softened so bad and I think a lot of people would agree with me on it.

Huge +Support.

Enzo Pierce
Feb 6, 2022
+/- Neutral leaning to +Support
+ Active
+ Dedicated
+ Mature
+ Built SAS from its foundation

+/- Biased towards ex regiment
- Hot-headed
- Can get pretty toxic
- SAS loses it's best

From the moment I joined SAS to the second I got SAS 1LT this man was nothing but a brother I would call. Even with this said I don't think you leaving SAS would be a good idea considering an active member at the moment (Bread) is saying the current CO team is incompetent.

I know you would do well in NHC but you would have to crack down on the toxicity, this is coming from someone who was in your regiment for 2-3 months. You being biased towards SAS will also have to drop MASSIVELY as of course every NHC has his favorite regiment, you have to treat every regiment with the same amount of love and support.

With all this said I'm still leaning to a +Support considering the fact that I personally believe you would be a good NHC and Harry could definitely lead SAS and keep it active

Yours sincerely,
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