Accepted Combat score sniper jobs

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Apr 2, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
No one uses the combat score sniper jobs, they're just very expensive additional slots for the Recon jobs and are just pointless

Im suggesting making it so their snipers don't ping when they kill someone, this way they would actually be used

The slots should be changed from 2 to 1 and the combat score price increased, if needed.

The only problem is that the way pinging works, the current system doesn't care what job you're on it only looks what weapon was used to kill but this is easily fixable

Simply give the combat score sniper jobs different snipers and make it so these snipers (that are not used in any other loadouts) don't ping kills and each faction would have their own and it would be used by the same regiment


IVG Recon : AMR2 (Ping)
STS Recon : VKS (Ping)
IVG Sniper: Cheytec (No Ping)
STS Sniper : Cheytec (No Ping)


15th Recon : S-Tac (Ping)
SOTF Recon : L115A3 (Ping)
15th Sniper : Orsis (No Ping)
SOTF Sniper : Orsis (No Ping)

These snipers are just a suggestion, any sniper on the server that is already not in a loadout would work

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Combat score being spent on something else than jugg and flamer

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Could be too OP but this could easily be adjusted with combat score costs

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because the job is not being used at all and the combat score is always spent on the same shit
Upvote 1
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.


Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2022

it might bring the feeling of OP but as you said combat score adjustment might solve it. although I do suggest lowering max HP for snipers if the cost isn't change so it would be a huge punishment if they were revealed/spotted by someone's call in ts3 or local chat

Less HP would mean higher skill sealing for not getting spotted

Higher combat score would mean same skill sealing during job but higher skill sealing or farming of job.
Dec 21, 2021

You put work into showing how this could work, and as PianoDog said, the pros and cons are fairly balanced. This would definitely benefit combat score being used on something other than Jug and Flamer, so I definitely support this.
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