Connor H NHC application

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Oct 8, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41852131
Discord name: Mike The Kike#6440
For how long have you played on MRP: Since September 2020
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF 1LT Connor H
USSR name (regiment and rank): ABT 1SGT Connor Humphreys
Civilian name: Jesse Redman
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
First app
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
2 bans, no kick and around 15 warnings. One ban was for MRDM (3 days(which was appealed)), The other ban was for toxicity (3 days).
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

I started playing the server not long after release and have around 5 weeks of V-time on the server. I would consider myself an extremely active player and have good relationships with people in NATO and USSR, any issues I have bad previously with players I have actively tried to deal with and resolve. I have lead a few wars in the past and have spoken with NHC on how to be an effective leader. As a current and ex JAF CO I have had to deal with discipline issues in the past and have no issue with confronting people when they're out of line. Lastly I enjoy working as a part of a larger group and look forward to leading wars if I get accepted!
List your in-game ranks on MRP:



List your strengths and weaknesses:


- Experience with high command from other servers.
- Approachable


- Not lead a lot of wars
- Can be toxic in split second decisions

Thank you for reading my application!

(edit added colour)
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Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021

I dont think you would be a good fit for NHC, you have put in any work with your application, you states that you can get toxic and that is something we dont want or need in NHC, Also that you just got 1LT so i would rather that you stay in JAF and evolve. Good luck connor
Deep -Support

I don't always place a verdict to a application often because I am not in direct involvement in NHC anymore, but due to past experience and an eye on what NHC is about, I feel it is right to chip in my 2 pennies.

Lets start with the positive, you are active and engage in the regiment, which is standard and good practice.

However, this is where the positives run out as of this date of writing this appeal.

The application written feels to have been done in the limelight of
lacking detail and does not portray fully to what NHC and their senior leadership is actively looking for
, noticeably the experience, detail on actions, strengths, weaknesses and the addressing of current pattern of actions. NHC look for leaders, but also compassionate, level headed, down-to-Earth, considerate people. Unfortunately in this time it cannot be said with your current acts. In addition, for NHC to be confident of your leadership, you must have experience either by warfare/RP or both, in which is specifically lacking within the application in itself and with other NHC verdict(s) I simply see that you are only just in receipt of 1LT and as Rex outlined, toxicity of any sort is not sought after in any shape or form.

Numerous times I have seen and witnessed your toxicity to both NATO players and USSR players over the most lightest of situations in which would have been best to sort in private, in NHC, you are seen as a role model, someone to look up to, and the lack of self control in lightest of inconveniences is concerning to both an EX-NHC and a current UHC. This is further outlined by the 15 warnings and 2 bans in relations to the current pattern of behaviour and a mute on discord for the same reason as the ban, with the bans and mute being rather recent and the actions seen in game do not reflect improvement at this time.

I suggest that it is too early to consider an application for NHC especially with such a background and suggest to you Connor to look back on actions throughout the coming weeks, and actively change how you act to your peers and how you confront anything that may be a form of criticism. NHC is a position of high authority, high mannerisms, high morale and high value leadership, this is what is looked at and this needs to be applied thorough.


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Hello Connor, I'm leaving you with a -support for these reasons:

You are very active in game and on TeamSpeak which is good however as you've stated in your application you can be toxic which is a big no no for NHC. As NHC you are a role model for NATO and its troops, if a brand new player seen a NHC member be toxic in OOC it would present a really bad look on NHC and the server itself. Everyone can get angry but it's up to you to control it.

Furthermore, you have only recently been promoted to 1LT which is the MINIMUM rank to apply. It is preferred that you stick around in JAF and progress further into the SCO ranks to gain more experience leading not only JAF but even NATO itself.

I think your next best steps are take some more time in JAF until you reach the SCO rank bracket, gain more experience in leading and prove to us that you can successfully. As for the toxicity issue, that needs to stop if you have any hope of becoming NHC.

Best of luck with your application.
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Active member
Nov 3, 2021

It is worrying when the criticism you receive is longer than the application itself. Your application has no effort put into it. Actually work on the application to show us you care about this position.

You have a bad history, ban and arrest wise. I have personally gotten you arrested several times for doing stupid things, but in my honest opinion, you have greatly improved from that. I have not seen you behave poorly or in a toxic way for ages now, which is a good thing. However, by what I am seeing here, others do not necessarily agree. I have not seen it myself, so you haven't at least pissed any RMP off, which again is an improvement from the past.

You were also recently promoted to the rank of a 1LT. I personally do not think you are ready for this position yet. I haven't ever seen you do anything that would represent leadership either. You need to play more as a CO and prove your worth to the people that have -1'd you here. If you ever want advice or feedback regarding these things, feel free to chat with me. I am warning you though, I am brutally honest with my feedback.

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Active member
Mar 1, 2021
Hi, I cannot support your application due to toxic events as this is not acceptable within high command. Next to that I'd like to see more experience from you with leading wars, for that I'd suggest you get SCO experience first. best of luck, connor
+Active IG/TS3
+/- Never seen lead a war
-Just became 1LT
-Not very mature sometimes

-App lacks detail

Hi Connor, for these reasons I'm going to give a -support, although you are really active you have a lot more things to consider when making a Nato High Command app:

-1st: Toxicity is a big issue in any way, shape or form, and you need to realise that when making an app for staff, high command, or any other position on the server, and this seems to be one of your biggest issues, toxicity.
I have seen that when you get mad over something, most of the time you start being toxic to whoever is getting you annoyed, mostly when it is related to helicopters, you start insulting them and you have even told ABT to kill themselves once, which is completely unacceptable.

-2nd: You have just become a 1LT on the server, which is the lowest rank to apply. Although you might have experience as a high command before, theres no way someone can prove this, apart from seeing you lead a war. I haven't seen you lead a war yet, so that's why you should be a higher rank before applying, so people see how lead and if you do a good job as a higher rank so then you can be judged by those people, if they like you as a higher rank or not.
I would suggest waiting out a bit.

-3rd: Your application is vey bad. It is really, really, really small, it lacks a lot of detail.
On the part where it asks you "What makes you the best candidate for High Command?" you should develop it more, this is a really good part to write some more about you and how you act, you need to make people see that you are a good candidate for Nato High Command, but if you don't develop it much, people are going to think that you are lazy on other situations, which is a big problem.

-4th: Last but not least (I think), your maturity. This part is also related to your toxicity. Sometimes, I just think that you are toxic because you are not mature enough. I know it might seem a bit dumb someone younger than you telling that you are not mature enough, but it's the truth, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one that thinks this.

Well, just this reply might have more words than your application, so this proves my point on where you need to develop your app more. I guess that's all I have to say.
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CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Application Denied

Hi Connor, Thank you for showing interest in joining the NATO High Command Team. However, at this time I do not feel you are fit for the role at this time. You may re-apply in 2 weeks time.​
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