Connor Humphreys Moderator application

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Oct 8, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): FUDGESICLE
For how long have you played on CG MRP: Since October 2020
Age: 16 y/o
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: UTC+1.00
NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF SSGT Connor H | AVT-24
USSR name (regiment and rank): PVT Connor Humphreydoski
Civilian name: Louis Theroux
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41852131
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I currently have 7 warnings, 2 of which are intentional rule breaking from when I was younger and wasn't as mature as I would consider myself now. The other warnings are from unintentional rule breaking. I have never been banned and have never been kicked.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- Yes, at least 5 other staff positions including super admin.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Yes, I have around 200 hours on another Military RP server.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
-I would be on whenever I am available, meaning if I do not have any other commitments on that day, which includes weekdays starting from 1pm - 3pm until around 12pm. And on the weekends from around midday to early morning (after midnight).
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- I have always loved this server and started playing not long after it released and have always felt I would be a positive influence on the servers atmosphere, I have considered applying in the past but I waited until I would be ready to commit myself to the server and dedicate time into be an active member of the community.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
-I would consider myself a unique candidate for a few reasons. The first one being that I have played the server for a long time and have seen how it and the community has developed, I am very active on discord and teamspeak so I am always up to date on events/ news occurring on the server and Discord. The second reason that I would consider myself unique is that have a lot of experience as a staff member including roles as super admin on populated servers and I always ready for my responsibility both in and out of RP. The last reason I would consider myself a unique candidate is because I am always willing to dedicate time to sits, no matter the reasons, and I strive to satisfy any parties within sits whether that be resolving the situation or referring the player(s) to the appropriate place. I am always willing to assist new players with whatever they need help with.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application ?


Well-known Member
Oct 9, 2021

+ nice guy
+ fairly active

- don't know about his rule knowledge
- imo the app is a bit "dry"

- 7 warnings
( i know it was before when he was younger but i am stil not sure)


Active member
Mar 1, 2021
Activity in-game and on teamspeak is good. You're friendly and approachable although I have never had any bad interactions with you or had any problems I'm still unsure of your ruleknowledge. Nonetheless, best of luck.
Apr 3, 2021

-active in ts3 and IG

-unsure of rule knowledge
-friendly and approachable

Hiya Connor, since your time in the regiment I've watched you grow in the ranks, your maturity, and friendliness makes me believe without a doubt that you are fit for your current rank in JAF, I believe on top of this, that staff would be a good fit for you, and so I will be giving the verdict '+support' I would like to make sure your rule knowledge is good, so I can change my verdict, so when you're next on ts3 please feel free to send me a poke.

Best of luck


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

+ Active IG/TS3

- Unsure of rule knowledge
- Was warned today (10th Oct 21)

Connor, I've not had any bad interactions with you and I've seen you active a lot recently, however, due to you being warned today while your staff application was up, I am going to have to -support you.

All though you are friendly and approachable I have had some bad interactions with you which brings me to believe that I do not think at this time I am unable to support this application. However I do wish you best of luck and positive vibes.
Verdict changed to a .-support. as you have just recieved a new warning unfortunately. still best of luck.


Active member
Sep 6, 2021

Hi Connor,

I admire you for making a good application and I have had a lot of nice IG interactions with you. However, I think with the amount of warnings you have, as well as receiving one very recently, I can't give a support at this time.
Maybe we can have a chat on TS at some point to discuss your rule knowledge further and you can explain your warnings in more detail.

Good luck :)


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 20, 2020
Application Denied

Hi Connor,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Unfortunately, you revived a warning for kamikaze on the 10/10/2021. This is unacceptable for someone who is wishing to join the staff team.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks given you keep a clean record from now till then.​
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