Recently on discord I was forcefully given the coolioo's kitten tag but I am human.
Spoke to coolioo in game he removed it from me wich I was very thankfull for. I don't like giving the people the confusion of them thinking I'm a kitten I'm clearly not a kitten.
Kenny (superadmin) Gave it back basically minging not very rp wise since I am not a kitten.
I demand a sorry and YouTube rank
I'd my request do not get fur filled you will be received with a distrack wich is no coming back from career Wil be over time to quit CG
You got 2 weeks @Coolioo @Kenny having trouble tagging him also very mingy thing to do.
For the record I'm not a minge
Very serious rp enthusiast
Never get warnings I never do.
Spoke to coolioo in game he removed it from me wich I was very thankfull for. I don't like giving the people the confusion of them thinking I'm a kitten I'm clearly not a kitten.
Kenny (superadmin) Gave it back basically minging not very rp wise since I am not a kitten.
I demand a sorry and YouTube rank
I'd my request do not get fur filled you will be received with a distrack wich is no coming back from career Wil be over time to quit CG
You got 2 weeks @Coolioo @Kenny having trouble tagging him also very mingy thing to do.
For the record I'm not a minge
Very serious rp enthusiast
Never get warnings I never do.