Denied D-Block Power Balance - New RRT Job Addition

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

- Adds the Riot Enforcer job with the following kit. Weapon: M4 Para (the rifle), other RRT loadout items Key Card Level: 3 Requirements: RRT License, Heavy Weapon License, Total Level 50, Combat Level 25 Slots: 1 HP: 250 | Armor: 100

- Adding a 300 second job ban after death.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Changes the power imbalance between GenSec and D-Class to be more even
- Adds a new reason to pursue a career in GenSec

- Improving capabilities to counter riots, make effective sweeps, and raid defense

- Gives more of an edge to counter and balance out the fight against the reality bending D-Class

- RRT can take more of an active role with assisting with containment breaches and defending D-Block from anomalies protecting the personnel inside

- Gives more of a purpose for the HWL within GenSec as heavy weapons are prohibited within D-Block.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- If this class was to perish within D-Block the probability of dropping a more powerful weapon to D-Class

- The job slot would be nearly always filled and not everyone would have a chance at the position

- Gives less of an incentive to riot on D-Class and attempt to escape

- Power imbalance between foundation and other factions

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

- Since the D-Class type blue has been introduced the combative balance between D-Class and GenSec has been tipped greatly. The layout of D-Block is already in the favor of D-Class which has always allowed for the more experienced D-Class to have an edge over GenSec. This will balance out the playing field and allow for a more even fight and defense of D-Block.

- Allowing more people to actually want to play on GenSec, as it stands a lot of people do not wish to play GenSec due to the power imbalance. People feel overwhelmed and feel powerless to the more experienced D-Class combative.

- With the lower numbers of Gensec, it also means less RP for researchers since they can't be served as fast. This addition that will cause an increase in Gensec activity will also allow for more researchers to be served and leading to a more enjoyable RP experience for both our division, research, and the others.
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The points made here are mostly TRUE, if lacking in relevance to the suggestion at hand, barring the one about researching and riots. In the current game state, the catalyst inhibiting most of research roleplay is, usually, perpetual breaches. Having said that, a juggernaut-type GENSEC class would not fit into the meta at all, and especially relating to this suggestion.

While combat level 25 is not unachievable by any means, that's half of the total level prerequisite of 50. I think you can see the issue with setting the requirements for a GENSEC class that disproportionately high. Nobody actively on GENSEC will actually be able to play it.

As for the 2 minute job ban, frankly, it's way too short. Contrastingly, the D-Class TYPE-BLUE has hours of cooldowns between slot openings. A class equipped with 250 HP and 100 Armour, solely tasked with combatting predominately pistol or, on rarer occasions, SMG-armed rioters, coming back every 2 minutes, is overkill. And given their level 3 clearance, they can easily grab whatever armoury rifle they prefer everytime they spawn. The M4 Para is mediocre, but the spawn cooldown timings basically guarantee that every Enforcer will have a decent firearm that isn't the M4 Para.

On the topic of the HP buff, (correct me if I'm wrong here) disintegration and head-popping works just as well on a 100 HP target versus a 250 HP target, so I'm not sure why this is marketed as the nemesis to the D-Class TYPE-BLUE.

TLDR: GENSEC Juggernaut = cool, but armoury rifle + 250 HP will make escape impossible.
Jun 24, 2022
-Support on the "mini Jugg" suggestion
- Gensec is considered a starter branch its not suppose to have powerful class like that (however d class blue type shouldn't have escape card in the first place in my opinion.)

- This can also kill potentially d class due to them finding it hopeless to riot thus they will grind more to become gensec thus would completely kill rp and Research either that or they will refuse to go on the testing line.

-Having gensec class with 250 hp with a job ban of 120 sec is too op, instead I suggest it to be 10 mins as I feel this class is equivalent to reality bending researcher but merge together and having the job ban settled to 10 mins seems little bit more fair if this suggest does get accepted.

- Major reason why sweep sometime fails is due to lack of leadership, idiots who are leading the sweep and half of the people not knowing what they are doing
Gives more of an edge to counter and balance out the fight against the reality bending D-Class
- I can say that is false and all the reality bender needs to do is use either one of the kill sweep and they are gone or worse they detain them handcuff them and now they have a cuff hostage.

-Also what stop the type blue d class to grab a gun and use reflection magic to become a human turret when a sweep is happening?

- If this class was to perish within D-Block the probability of dropping a more powerful weapon to D-Class.
- Pretty much from what I hear is that if a dumbass gets on the class and kills him self and a brute or any d class gets the guns then gensec struggle even more, potentially even to the point that sweep won't work anymore.

I do not see the difference between this gensec idea and a CI juggernaut other than the RRT job will be carrying a Heavy Weapon.

It seems like a great idea, but it would make the CI jugg and CI raids impossible to raid and contend against the non-stop swarm of foundation members
-What I was going to say, but this person said it better.

In conclusion I understand that gensec has been struggling on how to deal with reality bender and this suggestion is a decent idea, but I find this will not only cause unbalance between d class and foundation, but will also make it for CI twice as difficult to get inside and in the long run RRT class will probably help d class get more stronger due to d class find new strategies on killing the mini Jugg.

Instead of making suggestion that can look like that will harm you more then help you, make suggestion on stuff like "removing escape card or other types of powers. only on d class type blue" or "decrease their chance of getting a good gun" since the d class type blue doesn't fully understand their power and did not train a lot, while type blue in CI was training since they were a baby and now understand how to use its power.

(Also I just notice that their is more Negative impacts if this was accepted then positive impact which can look bad on the suggestion would suggest to have 5 possible positives of the suggestion, but its up to you).

Pretty sure from what this looks like in my opinion this is more less a mini Jugg suggestion which I believe any sort of a Jugg like suggestion is not allowed, but hey I am not content team so its up to them if they want to accept it or not

Larry timber/Judge
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Jun 24, 2022
Forgot to add this, but Mrs./Mr. nameless gave me this screen shot of couple of ex or current 05, a1, and high command on what they think about this idea.
(don't try to ask me on what their name are it will be censored because I do like to keep people as anonymously so they don't get harassed or other shit)

#?-announcments _ [US] Security Bunks - Discord 4_20_2023 10_47_55 PM.png


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022

The points made here are mostly TRUE, if lacking in relevance to the suggestion at hand, barring the one about researching and riots. In the current game state, the catalyst inhibiting most of research roleplay is, usually, perpetual breaches. Having said that, a juggernaut-type GENSEC class would not fit into the meta at all, and especially relating to this suggestion.

While combat level 25 is not unachievable by any means, that's half of the total level prerequisite of 50. I think you can see the issue with setting the requirements for a GENSEC class that disproportionately high. Nobody actively on GENSEC will actually be able to play it.

As for the 2 minute job ban, frankly, it's way too short. Contrastingly, the D-Class TYPE-BLUE has hours of cooldowns between slot openings. A class equipped with 250 HP and 100 Armour, solely tasked with combatting predominately pistol or, on rarer occasions, SMG-armed rioters, coming back every 2 minutes, is overkill. And given their level 3 clearance, they can easily grab whatever armoury rifle they prefer everytime they spawn. The M4 Para is mediocre, but the spawn cooldown timings basically guarantee that every Enforcer will have a decent firearm that isn't the M4 Para.

On the topic of the HP buff, (correct me if I'm wrong here) disintegration and head-popping works just as well on a 100 HP target versus a 250 HP target, so I'm not sure why this is marketed as the nemesis to the D-Class TYPE-BLUE.

TLDR: GENSEC Juggernaut = cool, but armoury rifle + 250 HP will make escape impossible.
SGT used to be Combat Level 20, it was actually better then.
And, "TLDR: GENSEC Juggernaut = cool, but armoury rifle + 250 HP will make escape impossible." I disagree. I think with documentation and rules in place and by making it whitelist only. We could have a very decent class on our hands. It would expand on GenSec as GenSec as a whole is really lacking right now.
- Support
Let’s be real here having a 250 health and 100 armour job on Foundation is going to upset the balance that is already put in place with all MTF having a max of 200 health (excluding Jugg and TB) having a GSD job that has a total of 350 HP is going to be abused elsewhere. D-Class already have a hard enough time even getting past D-Block due the mountains of CM and MTF that are on stand by for C2.
Jul 25, 2022
I say I have mix feelings about this, one hand GENSEC need something to tip the balance, every since Type Blue/Type Green has been introduce to the server. The other hand is that being a d-class is already had enough to reach 914 or the surface due to the fact, getting pass the door out of d-block is almost impossible, due to the amount of MTF or combative personal waiting outside for you; you get gun-down instantly.

I have feel like if enough change could be made to this, I think it could be apply.
Forgot to add this, but Mrs./Mr. nameless gave me this screen shot of couple of ex or current 05, a1, and high command on what they think about this idea.
(don't try to ask me on what their name are it will be censored because I do like to keep people as anonymously so they don't get harassed or other shit)

View attachment 6723
First of all if you are not permitted to take and share screenshots of servers we don't give you access to for a reason. Second of all the O5 you are talking about is not an O5, he just has that tag because it's funny. Next time before making a post using screenshots maybe ask the people in the screenshots. It's not your job to voice other people's opinions.
First of all if you are not permitted to take and share screenshots of servers we don't give you access to for a reason. Second of all the O5 you are talking about is not an O5, he just has that tag because it's funny. Next time before making a post using screenshots maybe ask the people in the screenshots. It's not your job to voice other people's opinions.
I sleep
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