Denied D-Block Power Balance - New RRT Job Addition

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

- Adds the Riot Enforcer job with the following kit. Weapon: M4 Para (the rifle), other RRT loadout items Key Card Level: 3 Requirements: RRT License, Heavy Weapon License, Total Level 50, Combat Level 25 Slots: 1 HP: 250 | Armor: 100

- Adding a 300 second job ban after death.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Changes the power imbalance between GenSec and D-Class to be more even
- Adds a new reason to pursue a career in GenSec

- Improving capabilities to counter riots, make effective sweeps, and raid defense

- Gives more of an edge to counter and balance out the fight against the reality bending D-Class

- RRT can take more of an active role with assisting with containment breaches and defending D-Block from anomalies protecting the personnel inside

- Gives more of a purpose for the HWL within GenSec as heavy weapons are prohibited within D-Block.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- If this class was to perish within D-Block the probability of dropping a more powerful weapon to D-Class

- The job slot would be nearly always filled and not everyone would have a chance at the position

- Gives less of an incentive to riot on D-Class and attempt to escape

- Power imbalance between foundation and other factions

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

- Since the D-Class type blue has been introduced the combative balance between D-Class and GenSec has been tipped greatly. The layout of D-Block is already in the favor of D-Class which has always allowed for the more experienced D-Class to have an edge over GenSec. This will balance out the playing field and allow for a more even fight and defense of D-Block.

- Allowing more people to actually want to play on GenSec, as it stands a lot of people do not wish to play GenSec due to the power imbalance. People feel overwhelmed and feel powerless to the more experienced D-Class combative.

- With the lower numbers of Gensec, it also means less RP for researchers since they can't be served as fast. This addition that will cause an increase in Gensec activity will also allow for more researchers to be served and leading to a more enjoyable RP experience for both our division, research, and the others.
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Also there's a reason many people that main Research don't main it anymore. Because the time it takes to get a D-class is longer than the time it takes to do the test. D-class in RP would not have a "scrap trader" sitting in the bathrooms, and would only riot maybe once every week. SCP-RP is not combat or D-class RP. Research is a part of that too, and over and over I see researchers lining up in mass amounts but the amount of them actually getting d class is very low.

I feel like people should keep in mind that RRT has more duties then D Block. This job would be a site wide role. Sure they can respond to D Block riots but that's only during low man power or a code 2 where D Class usually have more then just pistols and SMGs. This job will help with giving more purpose to actually main GENSEC as we dont have much. 5 Level 3 slots doesn't give much room for maining GENSEC when it has the possibility to always be full. I also want to state that the whole starter branch thing only applies to Cadet and Officer. Any other job in GENSEC can be arguably as much of a challenge to get as other MTFs (RRT Specifically).
First of all if you are not permitted to take and share screenshots of servers we don't give you access to for a reason. Second of all the O5 you are talking about is not an O5, he just has that tag because it's funny. Next time before making a post using screenshots maybe ask the people in the screenshots. It's not your job to voice other people's opinions.
Forgot to add this, but Mrs./Mr. nameless gave me this screen shot of couple of ex or current 05, a1, and high command on what they think about this idea.
(don't try to ask me on what their name are it will be censored because I do like to keep people as anonymously so they don't get harassed or other shit)

View attachment 6723
look mom im there
SGT used to be Combat Level 20, it was actually better then.
And, "TLDR: GENSEC Juggernaut = cool, but armoury rifle + 250 HP will make escape impossible." I disagree. I think with documentation and rules in place and by making it whitelist only. We could have a very decent class on our hands. It would expand on GenSec as GenSec as a whole is really lacking right now.
This does not invalidate the points I mentioned, and it seems many people echo my sentiments. It’s not about how GENSEC leadership will manage access and restrictions for this class, it’s about how the Enforcer would be fundamentally different to every other GENSEC class, which are somewhat lightweight and disposable in a sense. Fact is, this class would make it difficult, nigh-impossible to escape D-Block both off and on peak hours where GENSEC, MTF, DEA, and Combat Medics will be an ever-present force through and through.


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2022
+-neutral if it were added i think armor & health should be switched up (150hp, 250 armour maybe?) since one field kit will effectively give the RRT400hp (not to mention any combat medics in the vicinity or chems they use)
They could just work like brutes I.E once it's gone it's gone and you can only heal up to a maximum of 100 with 100 shield.
No Verdict Just my opinion

I dont see this worth adding due to it being pretty much another Useless job that wont do anything to gensec itself. A big reason i think for making this suggestion was because of Type Blue AND because the lack of gensec but the real problem is people not reporting Cadets running around foundation and not in Dblock helping. I sometimes see 20 cadets on and then 3 cadets in Dblock and the rest roaming around.

But i can see this as a cool addition i think it could still make Gensec have a advantage (which is should) while still not making it Super OP. If it were to you Must stay inside of Dblock (its a riot enforcer not a SCP stopper) and with some other things listed in this Forum I would say it would be pretty nice. and i think the death time should be 300 seconds (5 minutes) from Dblock Scout (60 Seconds) and Dblock Brute (180 Seconds)

Filip McSpazz

Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023

This whole job is to combat Class Blue… a job that opens up and is used once every 3 hours but your job is only 2 minute ban….

Also it’s nearly impossible to escape on peak time when all of MTF,DEA,Doctors, and other Randoms are all tryin stop a running D-Class


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Content Team
Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hi @Slab,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion because this job could lead to some imbalances in D-Block, since GENSEC is already armed enough in order to deal with D-Class riots and e.t.c.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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