Denied D-Class Riot System Rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jun 4, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Reworking of the D-Class Riot System

Currently a lot of roleplay leaders are frustrated with the current state of the riot system recently added. The system seems to be heavily weighted in favour of D-Class and as such ruin the experience of the few people who choose to mainly play GENSEC. Before the riot system, D-Class could already regularly and easily access decent weapons and kill for higher tier weapons and cards. They were able to door fault doors, hold the outer D-Block area for an hour, and generally be a nuisance during breaches or raids. While this was annoying to combat, these were exceptional cases that felt special both as D-Class or as GENSEC. However, with some of the recent changes, the power has shifted completely into the D-Class's hands. Easy access to assault rifles, PDWs, magnums, and keycards at a massively reduced scrap while GENSEC's only benefit is they spawn with a sub-par SMG is frankly absurd.

Reworking the Riot System to claw back some of the scrap reductions, weapon additions, etc would help immensely with allowing GENSEC to have a more fair fight would massively improve their experience on the server.

I'm not great at giving exact values for suggestions but some examples would be:
Remove CL2 scrap cost reduction (Change from 200 > 500 during riots). They already can kill people more easily for cards, you don't need to make it easier for them to get out. Let them kill people and earn their freedom.
Remove sticky grenades from the shop or make them more expensive. Cadets would be the only ones to be one-shot by sticky grenades, everyone else has enough armor to tank it so they can get to a medic. This item specifically targets the newer players on the server and makes their experience worse.
Removal of the upcoming scrap cost reductions. It is already easy for people to gather large quantities of scrap (I have close to ~21k and I barely play D-class), a .44 magnum which is an incredibly effective weapon should not be 120 scrap.

This section may be update with more ideas but at the current moment this is what I've come up with. I'm worried about the upcoming changes to allow D-Class to spawn with armor during the riots effectively making them deal with people with 100/50, 250/50, and 150/50 on spawn.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
While it was discussed and changes were suggested informally, no forum suggestions were made to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Improve new player experience when playing GENSEC
Decrease some of the overall havoc of the site to allow for proper roleplay to be conducted
Shift some of the balance back so personnel are fighting prisoners with weapons rather than effectively CI 2: Electric Boogaloo

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Make D-Class underpowered and not viable if balance changes are not done right
Worsen new player experience when playing D-Class (it's pretty fun for a new player to be able to easily access weapons and shoot whoever they'd like during a riot.)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

The new player experience is actively be hampered by the shift in balance in favour of D-Class and disrupts the roleplay initiated by roleplay leaders. While I play SCP-RP for the combat (hence why I'm the Dep. Director a combative department), many of my fellow RP leaders are frustrated with the amount of chaos on the site actively disrupting any plans they had for roleplay involving other personnel like medical. We already have to deal with CI and automated SCP breaches that disrupt roleplay but making riots apart of that ecosystem would just give no time for anything to happen. The few players that dedicate their time on GENSEC and mainly play GENSEC roles, their experiences are being worsened by changes like these and I don't want GENSEC to go into hiding because their CL1-CL3 personnel get frustrated while dealing with D-Class who out-gun, out-run, and even have higher clearance cards then they do.

While I understand some players may not be supportive of this change citing reworking/nerfs would result in a system that is seldom used which I don't disagree with, if proper testing and feedback is done a proper system that is fair for both sides can be made.
Dec 18, 2022
- support

While the system isn’t perfect I would almost argue the other way, the amount of work and scrap needed to even start a riot is very high and on top of this a server restart wipes it all away. The one time I’ve seen a riot activated the strength came from all the D-Class flagging on; the riot quickly ended but we still fended off sweeps with just knives. I play D-Class more than GENSEC but I’m going to teach you how to counter any riot. Just don’t try and fight it, once you see Akm’s and mp7’s in D-Block stop going on the catwalk and letting them snowball, rather position your men at the single door leading out of D-Block. They either go through tower (where you kos them) or they run through a long hallway (where you kos them) Once the riot ends sweep D-Block and the riot was for nothing. Worst-case scenario you can call a mass term and steamroll any chances the D-Class has. GENSEC can easily overpower D-Class you just have to play it smart.
i'm ok with everything except this:
Removal of the upcoming scrap cost reductions. It is already easy for people to gather large quantities of scrap (I have close to ~21k and I barely play D-class), a .44 magnum which is an incredibly effective weapon should not be 120 scrap.
i don't play much d-class and i only have a few thousand scrap - but i do like to occasionally go play d-class; and i plan on suggesting something regarding d-class that would make me more interested in playing more d-class. i find large quantities of scrap just a general slog to grab; i don't mind not doing cost reductions for weapons, but i feel that keycards are a bit expensive, especially since can often get one, then just immediately die when you shouldn't, because gensec are minges


Active member
Nov 12, 2023

Gensec already have the means to combat D class this just makes them have to play a bit smarter.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 19, 2022
You can get mtf to help you, some of gensec jobs are designed to counter a riot with their equipment. This suggestion just shows how gensec cannot use their utility properly provided by the content team and cannot cope to the fact that you're getting killed to a D-class that can only use the guns provided that requires a lot of scrap to get that is given with minimum ammo which they require to spend even more scrap just to get keycards so they can get ammo every 1 min, it is also hard to get a lot of scrap in the first place as a lot of dclass would be scavenging for scrap. Gensec should be doing their work in adapting and planning carefully to counter a riot than suggesting a rework when it is a totally new system.


Blacklisted Player
Oct 7, 2023
-support the new riot system has not lead to any sort of significant increase in d-class escaping from d-block, nor has it lead to some sort of "unfair disadvantage".

Gensec are far better equipped than anything that d-class could get their hands on (except maybe the sticky grenade), where they have shields, map advantages where d-class are confined to an open room and gensec can sit in their little corners. The riot system brings a way more fair system that d-class can take advantage of when they're practically always at a disadvantage.
Jun 18, 2023

SCPRP not call of duty, don’t need a call of duty event every few hours where :

- If D-Class do manage to break out and get to 914, there will be disguised D-Class MRDM for hours.
- Research RP is ruined for 30 minutes because it is frankly IMPOSSIBLE to get a D-Class out that won’t stab you to death during a riot (London RP.)
- Even is D-Class don’t manage to break out, all the MTF and combatants will be preoccupied with the 20-30 D-Class with mini-jugs, speed demons, etc cause the site to go into chaos is ANYTHING happens besides that riot.

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to add a goddamn PVP event to SCPRP. Game Masters get degraded and warned when they do PVP events because there is no roleplay but, ohhhhhh it’s fine if CN makes a PVP event that loops every couple of hours that will destroy the server health when low pop and even destroy RP for 30 minutes at the most populated times?
I have not played the current system, but from what I have read here and in the change logs, I feel like the goal from the dev team is to make riots shorter but more frequent? If so, make scrap costs increase every 2.5 min or so by 25%?

As in an Uzi, which normally costs 700 (i think?), after about 2.5 minutes would increase to 875 and would increase every 2.5 or 5 min. Idk im not a genius
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