Denied Damage Registration should be Client Side!

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jun 6, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove
This Suggestion will redo how the server will register hits on targets.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe its been suggested before

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
  • Makes combat less sided for who ever lives closer to the servers.
  • People don't feel scammed for when they land shots that would decide how a fight ends and it Mis-hitregs.
  • All weapons will feel like they were buffed.
  • No one weapon will be adherently better than others as any fight victor will be determined by who gets the jump.
  • All weapon TTK's will be improved.
  • Less of a load on the servers.
  • Suppressive Fire will matter in some fights.
  • Hit registration wouldn't be a burden to those with high ping.
  • Hit registration will be equal to both High & Low ping players

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Someone with intense ping will be out in the open & take more damage longer once their in cover.
  • Combat will become very intense.
  • Likely new players will find the combat too hard and not try the server out.
  • Guns could be nerfed in the future if found too powerful.
  • Players with High ping may suffer in combat more.
  • Dead people may still be able to shoot alive players despite dying on someone's screen (mostly reliant on Dying players ping.)
  • Exploiters may have more power when cheating
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

  • Address the issue players have with hit registration and how it fails because it was a server fault and not player fault

  • It adds a much need change to the weapon system.
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To be honest, kind of an awful fix for the hitreg issues but it would be really funny to have clientside hitreg as someone who plays on 300 ping
also the point of high ping players would suffer more is just kind of untrue, if the hitreg is client side then its worse for low ping players because all the other side effects of high ping are still there, like how you can peek a corner and see people before they see you
Jun 6, 2022
To be honest, kind of an awful fix for the hitreg issues but it would be really funny to have clientside hitreg as someone who plays on 300 ping
also the point of high ping players would suffer more is just kind of untrue, if the hitreg is client side then its worse for low ping players because all the other side effects of high ping are still there, like how you can peek a corner and see people before they see you
When I mean high ping players suffer is this
If you have high ping your character is Behind whatever direction your going, that behind character is your server position, High ping players have an advantage for when their jumping, but also have a major disadvantage when getting jumped. They (i) lack the ability to fight back outside of a reaction speed.
Jun 6, 2022
theres literally been times where i shoot someone 7 times in the head and 20 times in the body and it takes all that to kill 1 person because of how utterly dogshit the registartion is sometimes
it happens with server side as a packet takes ms to travel across oceans to a server than to take more time to register, it suchs.
- support

this will get denied for sure

not only because it will: change/cripple pvp as a whole, high ping will be even worse to play, gmod isnt built for this, dev time
but also my epic nerd explanation below

tldr: exploiters

nerd explanation: from a dev standpoint, you typically shouldn't trust information coming from the client this is because it will cause exploiters to tamper and send false information. if you make damage clientside the server won't properly check if the hits are actually valid - although other games do accept some form of clientside hitreg, this is bad especially in an ancient game like gmod which has no anticheat or wasn't built for it in the first place
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Jun 6, 2022
- support

this will get denied for sure
not only because it will: change/cripple pvp as a whole, high ping will be even worse to play, gmod isnt built for this, dev time
but also my epic nerd explanation below

tldr: exploiters

nerd explanation: from a dev standpoint, you typically shouldn't trust information coming from the client - this is because it will cause exploiters to tamper and send false information. if you make damage clientside the server won't properly check if the hits are actually valid - although other games do accept some form of clientside hitreg, this is bad especially in an ancient game like gmod which has no anticheat or wasn't built for it in the first place
I get your point about the exploiters part, but its rare for exploiters to appear on the server and usually when they do. they just aimbot and thats dealt with by admins quickly
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