Accepted Dark RP Basing Reform

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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I will try to stick to the format as best I can, but there's a lot to cover

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion is to bring about the process of reforming how basing/mega basing works, this includes player retention, rewards for basing and the overall dynamic of basing/raiding.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not so sure?

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
It'll encourage more people to base which would lead to a higher player retention. It would also encourage people to play more frequently.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Upsets the current dynamic by bringing about reform.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

So currently the basing dynamic is insufficient at best and entirely pointless at worst. The only real way players can realistically make money by basing is by remaining AFK for long periods whilst staring at monitors waiting for a raid to happen. For new players, this is incredibly boring, especially in the case of VCmining which takes around 4 hours to even break even, in which time they will most likely be raided or log off out of boredom.

Reforming Basing-Based Activity Profit

The first step would be to reform how basing can be rewarded for players. I would recommend the following for various activities:

VCMining: A rework of the way VCoin is mined and at the rate of which money is gained. Perhaps introduce a standard lifespan for miners of around 8 hours, with a decreasing efficiency, with money being made back relatively quickly (maybe after an hour or two) but with an efficiency drop-off after 4 or so hours as to ensure the profit gained is not absurd. This is similar to how printers work if not cooled down, with a lessening return on money.

To encourage large 24 hour bases, an entity that allows for more durability could be used, but that is much more expensive (meaning you would begin to make profit after 6 hours or so).

New players: A community-run mega base should be active at least once every couple of weeks for new players to learn the basics of basing and vcmining, this is more of an idea and not a massive reform.

Printers: Currently printers are relatively well balanced, with higher earning printers losing battery more quickly. However, the rewards for new players are far too low unles they get VIP. The Counterfiet contract takes an absurd amount of time for new players to complete (I have attempted this myself with the first four printers and it took almost 2 hours of staring at my base defenses). I'd recommend increasing printer effiency for new players, or allowing 2 of each starter printer (at the very least, Gold).

Weed/Meth: Both are reasonably balanced, although the new weed addon is not as good as the old one. I understand there is performance considerations, but it is definitely a downside. I'd definitely increase the payouts for both, perhaps with the payoff of louder meth noises for PD to hear, or a longer time for weed to grow.

Reforming Base Defenses

I'm not going to pretend to have an answer for this, but I would suggest looking at reforming how bases are defended and the tools given to raid. This mainly falls in to two categories:

Police Raid: The PD raids are less risky as you aren't likely to lose your miners, only your printers and illegal equipment for drug making. It should be easier for the police department to be raiding bases and mega bases at the current time, but they don't have the equipment to do so. This is due to the three fading door limit and the fact that hex shields - the only reasonable form of protection - are fairly expensive. A newer player is not going to be taking part in a successful raid on a base unless the CGSF break in there first, at which point all the equipment in the base is probably already gone and the bad guys killed or arrested.

Criminal Raid: These raids are the devastating ones, where you either pay a kings ransom to protect your items or lose them altogether. These are much more frequent as criminals typically have the resources available to run a proper raid. There will also be more varied jobs and weaponry to protect against. It's much, much harder to defend against a group of criminals with hex shields than it would be against he PD. However, for a new player playing thief looking to steal some stuff, they have no chance to even remotely make an impact or make money this way.

I would suggest looking at the removal of hex shields and the removal of base tunnels to compensate, or somewhere inbetween. Hex sheilds and base tunnels are a result of an arms race that happened before the server closed that shut out new players from an entire branch of gameplay. Removing hex shields gives defenders more of a fair chance to defend the base, whilst the removal of three fading doors and tight corridors allows criminals more of a chance to successfully fight against defenders. Of course this would mean a universal raid timer for both attackers and defenders so that a counter-raid is not easily pulled off.

At the most, one fading door and a tunnel without one-way visible props would be a reasonable balance. Everyone can see each other and there's a slight advantage for defenders. You could even buff or introduce tools to the criminal jobs to further balance things for attackers, or make more use of the shields you can but from the vendor.

For the Police Department - this would also work fine if they had tools to adequately storm the facility. Most police jobs should have a raid kit available from the armoury that provides them with more armour and a riot shield, making police raids more tactical and viable for newer players. Perhaps removal of the raid kits if there's more than 8 PD online would also help balance it out as to make it still equally challenging.

This is a radical and dramatic reform and I accept it may not be popular - however this is for the ultimate benefit of the server in the long run if a correct balance is found as it will encourage more engagement from newer players whilst also making basing more favourable for players.

It's no real secret that the playercount has been a bit unfortuante in the past few weeks. This is obviously down to school and work starting back up which is expected, but many players I'd expect to see on the weekends aren't joining. There's a consensus in the air that the community isn't being listened to. People want to base and engage with other players, but theres no benefit to doing so. You have to be on for at least 4 hours, for a casual player on for 2 hours on a weekend there's no real point in doing so. These reforms could possibly begin to de-escalate the arms race between basing and raiders whilst welcoming newer players back into the fold of this dynamic. Either way, the server has had no meaningful changes to these very important aspects since relaunch, other than rules being made up seemingly on the fly.

Looking forward to hearing feedback, I know many of these changes won't be implemented but opening the discussion is a good way forward!


Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 10, 2021
The raids right now are pretty boring for the defenders side, take out a weapon and keep randomly shooting at the hex shields even though they won’t break, and for the raiders is harder because they need to make it through the shooting by throwing 3 perfect hex shields, even if you mess only one, you are a dead man, since with 3 fading doors, not having one hex shield for the last is gonna leave you dead.

The ideia of having no one ways and hex shields is just way better, fair and square shooting with both parties being able to see eachother, defenders having a slight advantage because of the cover they have, and that raiders have to keypadcrack, nothing skill issue won’t resolve.
Mar 28, 2022
+Support One ways and Hex Shields are not fun. They both require the other party to have the other in order for it to be a semi fair fight. I don't have much to say as I don't base or raid a whole lot but when I do these are both awful to deal with.

Captain Obvious

DarkRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 5, 2022
United Kingdom
What I'd say mainly on the matter is y main gripes are relating to ones ways being the size of essentially the wall prop (which gives the defender free reign to just shoot at the attacker with a full body shot) and shooting holes really. If we increased the shooting hole size and only allowed one ways to be used with that size, on the shooting hole, I think it'd be a good balance.
My comments from the Discord channel:

"Personally I think the building rules are just sort of okay. The biggest issue I have is the incredible prevalence of insanely difficult bases to raid, which put off a great number of players within their first few hours on the server. Without being CGSF or having a load of hex shields, meta guns and a 4+ man team, which 90% of the server obviously do not have raiding bases is simply impossible. And owing to the fact that things such as hex shields and CGSF exist these rules cannot be tweaked in any meaningful way without making such tools and jobs INSANELY overpowered. It's an absolutely vicious cycle of unbearable grind and power creep as it stands atm tbqh"


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Feb 21, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Valkon

Thank you for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

We will be trialling the removal of hex shields soon, if this is a success then this suggestion will be implemented. The rest of your points have been touched on by recent updates, including big buffs to vcmining, printing, and the weed addon. We will have a look at raid kit options in our next meeting.
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