David's Moderator Application.

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david blane

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Apr 3, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):jamiewarburton39

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):6w 2hr


In what country are you located?:United kingdom: England

Time zone:BST

NATO name (regiment and rank)David

USSR name (regiment and rank)David.

Civilian name:SIR David TPA

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:185398502

Do you have a mic?:yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
-no https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/davids-moderator-application.3071/

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- yes https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2813958097
all of the warnings of 2021 I wasn't really aware of the rules that was in place for civil gamers, I was a new player, new to GMOD. However the ban I was given for Ltarp I was unbanned for this 5 minutes after as I was loading back in when I was banned , I had crashed during kidnaping. the hitbox abuse on the 27th of February for combat jumping, I wasn't paying attention talking to people on ts and I was just pressing space bar, I wasn't aware that i was doing it since then I have made sure not to combat jump whilst enjoying life, to avoid any unwanted annoyance of others. On the 6th of April I accidently base camped SINS during a war on backwater, it had looked like from my angle on ps that he was a sniper, there was a sniper marker 2 metres next to him and I was using a 4x scope, this isn't an excuse however and as soon as i had don't this I sincerely apologised to sins. Since these warning I have red the rules a few times and i am getting better at not breaking them.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:

-no i do not however I believe I would be a great addition to the staff team.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

-back last year i played some SCPRP and i also had played a different Milrp server but it was removed due to inactivity.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

-I can play around 2-5 hours 2-5 days a week.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:

-I would like to help out players of the civil gamers community by ensure that the servers people follow the rules allowing this server to be fair for all players even though this can sometimes feel unfair on its own.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I believe that i am special over the other applicants because of my playtime and other qualities.
This playtime helps me with my experience of the server and how often a person has no intent to rp or to be fair for other people of the community.

Compassion - i am a very compassionate individual who does believe in right and wrong, i will help out the community even if i struggle with this, i do not care if they community needs help with something minor or something time consuming and major issues of which the mrp community needs help to deal with these issues.

i listen to others, i know when it is the right time to so something about them. i will be an active person who wouldn't over use the powers given.
=Neutral (Leaning to +Support)

+Kind and Approachable
+Good thought in the application

=Not sure on Activity
-Punishment list is quite extensive

Hello David,

For the reasons stated above, I am staying at a neutral, although I do believe you are a kind person, however the warning list does give me some concerns for which you must address by defining them in being a proactive, positive member of the community. Nonetheless best of luck.



Anakin Skywalker

MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Feb 7, 2021

+ active

+good rule knowledge

heyyy so ive had quite a few instances of meeting you and you seem like a very nice guy and i think you would be a good asset to the staff team you are very well known for someone who has had 1 month and a few weeks on the server ive heard some good things about you so hopefully you can make them true good luck

best of luck sincerely

- Vladameer

+Long playtime on the server

=No real interactions however you do seem like a nice guy
=Unsure on rule knowledge however most of your warnings are from a year ago and your more recent warnings, you have explained why you went wrong and that you have refreshed yourself on the rules.

- Some questions could have a little more detail in them

Hey David, for the reasons above I have gone with a Neutral verdict as I feel I do not have enough interactions with you to form an accurate verdict, however, feel free to poke me on ts and we could have a chat.

Best of luck,
Mar 14, 2022
  • Good playtime.
  • Active player.
  • Well-known in the MRP.

  • A bit young.
  • Not much effort for the formatting/detail in the application.
  • As said by others, a lot of warnings, however, vast majority are from a while ago.

  • I'm actually gonna give this a +SUPPORT. I want to see how well you do, I don't see a harm in bringing you onboard.
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