Dimitri parkov's UHC Application

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Aug 20, 2021

Hello Dimitri Parkov! Quite nice to see you make an UHC application, even though we have had our differences, you are a nice fella. You can have some attitude issues, which wouldn't make it the best.
You have lead a nice amount of wars, to victories even when 2:1 outnumbered.
If u work on ur attitude a bit more and Minge part then I hope to see u as MGEN.

Good luck!
+ Support

I'm Going to Preface this with a statement regarding the other responses this application has recieved, There's a lot of big softies sitting there saying "He's mean to me". I'm his COL and he still tells me to go fuck myself, this isn't always a negative though. He's got the Stone faced personality that's been missing from UHC since valk stepped down. Recalling back to the strictness and formality of Volkov this is where i believe Dmitri Parkov is heading as a character.

+ Hugely Active, would actually be online early enough to deploy tactical vehicles
+ Driven to achieve, tirelessly working on document and roleplay improvements to the regiment. would do the same for USSR
+ Rule knowledge, having been in enough staff situations he's built a repertoire of tips and tricks to have fun within the rules
+ Ability to lead wars, Unlike even some of the UHC currently can lead a war without the words "sitrep on all points" e.g. kenan
+ AG needs a reg gen who actually knows what's going on in AG. This is the best candidate we've been offered.

I will be honest, it'll be sad to see him leave AG though i feel it's necessary progression and will be a brilliant fresh start for the NWO campaign. It'd be foolish to pass up on this application, if you're unsure on his attidude then talk with him. Spend some time in comms and realise why he's earned the rank he holds.

I wish you the best of luck Dimitri. Don't fuck it up.
-Brian Bell
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Reactions: Valkon
Massive +Support
+He's incredibly active, almost too active.
+He's a very honest and brutal person, which UHC need rather than people who sugar-coat shit.
+Rule knowledge is amazing and as Brian mentioned, finds ways to have fun within the rules.
+Extensive knowledge on all regiments knowing the limits of their equipment, this leads onto:
+Really effective leading throughout wars.

People seem to dislike Axel's way of communicating which often includes "aggressive" remarks. I personally say you need to grow up and stop getting offending over the smallest of comments. If you can't take someone saying "shut the fuck up" in a videogame I recommend you stepping outdoors and re-thinking your decisions.

Regardless, I believe you will be a solid addition to the current UHC team. You by far meet all the criteria I'd want in a HC member. Best of luck and god bless,
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