Accepted Disable Auto-Breaches Under 40 Players

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Disable auto-breaching under 40 players. Breach queues will become "suspended" until the 40 player threshold is met. Time will pause once it dips below 40 players and resume when the threshold is met again.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Preserves server health below 40 players.
- Frequently D-Class or CI breach SCPs anyways during low pop. This gives a tiny nerf to an auto-breach happening on top of SCPs already being breached (happens all the time during low pop on US)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Not many, really - unless it's a slow morning for CI raids/D-Class escapes in which case playing an SCP to wait to be breached is kinda pointless.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?
Over the past 2 months I've been on during low pop hours (5am EST to 11am EST) and consistently nearly every morning D-Class have escaped and disguised due to the extremely low population of gensec, or CI has raided at the bare minimum MTF. Having this change where auto-breaches are suspended would essentially allow SCPs to continue to be breached without severely screwing over the site when they are breached. Several times as well, SCPs may be breached by D-Class or CI to have an auto breach happen on top of that. When that happens with less than 10 combatives on site, it triggers code black scenarios.
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Metro added neutralizing SCPs as a way to prevent SCP imbalance, and we don't want to nerf them.
Since I'm fairly certain it wasn't added, I believe you're referring to the post in the developer showcase channel, in which the disclaimer applies:
Disclaimer; items featured in our Developer Showcase represent work-in-progress content that may change significantly before release. These previews are intended to give our community a sneak peek into the development process, but they do not necessarily reflect the final look, feel, or functionality of the final product. Additionally, some of the showcased content may be modified, delayed, or even cancelled as development progresses.
It’s important to note that this isn’t a commitment from the Developer to release any specific item within a certain timeframe, but rather a way to keep you informed, as our Developers are volunteers and things take time to come to completion.
My understanding is that channel is generally to be viewed as a way of looking at where the direction of the server is going in terms of feature development, as a sort of way of gauging whether something in development is a good idea or not (Ideally so that we don't get repeats of launches of things like Dimensions & D-Block riots, and how negatively they impacted the server's environment).

No matter how much of a good idea it is, how much we want it as a community or even if the Dev team are highly interested/invested in a given feature, it is not to be taken as gospel that just because it was shown in the channel, that it will happen.

Otherwise - Again, as good of an idea as it is and as good as the current development on it looks so far; With the state of how breaches are presently, the actual feature of neutralising SCPs is not necessarily going to make enough of a dent in the prominence and severity of SCP breaches and how they adversely affect the server, to warrant not making other nerfs/balance changes.
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Community Manager
Community Manager
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Mar 20, 2022
Hello Recker,

thankyou for taking the time to write a suggestion, as per my previous poll we are looking into rebalancing breaches, as such I will mark the suggestion as accepted as I have plans to focus on this section once development has completed, however it is something I cant commit to fully by stating "i will do it for under 40 players" as it will all depend on the devlopment process.

However be rest assured this is a key area we will be focusing on with breach rebalancing.

Kind Regards
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