Dmitri Adamsov UHC Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:567922611
Discord name: Paul_#3411
For how long have you played on MRP: 7 Months
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: BST (British Standard Time)
NATO name (regiment and rank): FSB LTCOL Dmitri Adamsov
USSR name (regiment and rank): RMP PSC [Lawyer] Dmitri
Civilian name: Duckling Dmitri
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes, has been withdrawn due to self consideration to focus on KGB/FSB -
And here is the application for NHC just in case if requesting to provide:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, ashamed of it. 1 MRDM | LTAP ban, 1 Mute from Discord for a day for engaging on an argument rather than being cordial. 3 Warnings for RDM, 2 for FearRP, 1 for NLR and 1 for Metagame. The 1 mute from the incident was part nearly 2 months from the most recent GMOD warning, other than that I am keen to stay out of trouble where possible.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: Of course, I have been a CPT in MP, BGEN of MP in Nato, and have been LTCOL and JLT of KGB/ now FSB. I have thoroughly engaged in strong leadership in regimental sectors such as: reforming and rebuilding of the activity sectors in the policing regiments (reforming the MP groups to make them more adaptive, understandable and not collude with server rules), helped the revival and lead the KGB/FSB up a path of work, comradeship and have contributed a lot of time/effort and coordination to make KGB/now FSB stay strong and to make them a proud regiment. Furthermore, I have huge experience in war leadership in the High command level as RMP BGEN and as then MP CPT and 1LT.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: Being a good candidate is someone whom are a person of their word as High Command, I can clearly see that in the group and I want to expand the activity and help in the endeavours of leadership to make USSR the best it can ever be. I am a man of my word and when told to do something/ and to be done in a high quality, I do it. I am happy to show it and maintain it under tight watch. I want to see the USSR succeed as a mega power now and into the future.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
RMP PSC (former BGEN) for NATO
List your strengths and weaknesses:
-Respectful of CoC (Chain of Command)
-Ambition for amazing quality MRP
-Have been at times overly strict in RP, however its been changing as of the past.
-Can get annoyed when someone is teasing, lying or generally being a toxic person.
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CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
Have seen first hand you showing little respect to higherups in UHC
Has received a mute in discord recently for his behaviour and comments
Seems to always use his power and higher rank to bully lower ranks and make it unenjoyable for them
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CG Platinum VIP
Jan 17, 2021
You could work to a good degree of competence from the ranks CPL to SLT but when you got LTCOL you threw it all down the drain and gave up on putting in the effort like a lot of people. Getting a LTCOL or COL position is not a milestone that you get and forget about. it is a responsibility and you have failed to fill the boots of that responsibility. When I was in KGB it was in a good position. One of the flagship regiments of the USSR being recognised for its organisation, leadership, discipline and overall effectiveness. KGB nowadays is a fraction of that failing to uphold its prior self glory it once had.

So my main reasons for the -Support is that you do not meet the requirements of the core values for a command position:

Leadership - Lacking massively. I don't even play the server often but I still hear that KGB/FSB do not a lot and moral is low for people in the regiment. Work with the regiment to create RP and make people in the regiment have fun which in tern will boost moral and make people stay as well as want to join the regiment.

Communication - A bit weak. Sitting in a TS3 channel muted instead of communicating and talking to people is not the way to go. I also feel like you spend more time on MRP Discord moderation then physically speaking to any KGB/FSB on TS3.

Discipline & Organisation - One of the core values used to shape KGB/FSB into what you want. Your paperwork may be organised but your people will not be without discipline. Sometimes you need to break the line of being nice and fair and show the side of you that says 0 tolerance. I have not seen a lot of that side, maybe seen it once or twice.

Overall Conclusion
Being in a command position is not an award, it is a privilege and a privilege can be revoked. My message has always been that "I don't care if you can shoot a gun or if people like you. If you cannot lead by example, have discipline and order then you will fail as a commander and therefore are not fit for the role." This especially goes for HC as being in the HC team is not a jump ship role for when you get bored as a officer and fancy some new guns. You need to show that you are keen to make big changes in the USSR and put in the effort. Most people that apply for HC resign a few weeks later due to boredom and not fore filling their role to its full potential. At this time YOU are one of those people and I do not want to see you on the HC team in this current state unless you improve your attitudes, effort and all the core values listed above that makes not only KGB/FSB tick along nicely but every good commanding officer work to their maximum potential.

Best of luck with your application.
Kind Regards Volkov Blackwood


Active member
Jul 20, 2021
- support

+ sometimes good war plans

- some bad war plans like sending 10th to mosqe despite there tanks cant do anything there and they just get bombed

- abuse voice amp you use it way to much and most times its not related to the war

- expecting to much of a regiment with low numbers 10th this war only had 1 member for most the war and you asked them to kill a tank without considering this fact you could have asked abt to bomb it or asked sha to at it

all in all you would not make a good leader unless you improve your leading skills by learning what to do in specific scenario's, i have been in 10th and most your orders don't make sense for 10th i only represent a single member of a regiment but you could if your un sure on what a regiment is good at ask the regiment what they enjoy and are good at.

but best of luck getting uhc in the future however you still have much to learn for this roll as a bad uhc will make wars less fun then if no one was leading at all. thanks Olego
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Neutral leaning to +support.

Alright, time to add my two cents (because everyone cares about what I have to say)

Dmitri has had problems in the past, and recently his behaviour on discord has prompted some concerns from myself. It's important to remember in the vast majority of these instances, he has been targeted and baited into giving a response, which has then led to arguments within the discord, which has embarrassed not only both sides, but made the community look immature and unwelcoming.

In terms of leadership, Dmitri has stepped up more often than not when it comes to leading the USSR, it's not something he's a stranger to, and sometimes, he does it fairly well. With a little direction and work on his communication, he could easily out-perform some other people who've been given HC in the past.

With the FSB situation, they're in a much healthier position now than they were in last week, and this has been because Dmitri has been grinding out tryouts left-right and centre, as well as keeping those players playing by encouraging RP within the base, such as bunk-raids, or asking the GM team to help with impromptu events.

I was not around for his last stint as staff, and my first interaction with him was negative, I understand for some that's enough to simply write him off, but that's a horrible injustice of character.

The only reason I am not giving a + support as of yet is because of the discord situation, as UHC you are constantly being heckled, you're in the spotlight, if you lose a war, people look to you as to why it was lost. You have to have good command over people, especially as UHC, and for that it's so vitally important that you maintain a stiff upper lip and bite your tongue whenever someone annoys you.

My main concern is how you'd respond under pressure from people not following orders, minging about or simply just poking fun for a reaction, as UHC you really have to mollycoddle the ever-living spirit out of everyone and constantly keep up a good face in order to keep up moral. It's no good saying at the start of peacetime "bulid up FOBs", you have to be out there and lead by example.

I'm happy for you to be in UHC, I think a lot of people are giving verdicts based on how you were, and it's not fair on you to be bombed with these verdicts, however, I would like to see you keep up this level of commitment to FSB and continue growing it for a few weeks before I'd change my verdict to +support.

Best of luck mate
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