Dmitri Yazov (Adamsov) Resignation Appeal

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Name: Dmitri Yazov
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:567922611
Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior Moderator
Who demoted you?: Resigned
Date of demotion?: 07/05/2022

What is the case against you?: Resigned due to some factors spoken about with Falcon.

Is this true?: Yes, Falcon is in the knowledge of it and we sorted the issues.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: Yes, this was Last year around August.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
Yes, I received warnings in the past for RDM, Metagame, NLR and ROE. and was banned for MRDM | LTAP But have been clean from warns since last year in October approx.

What is your side of the story?: The situation for resignation stemmed through verbal abuse from fellow peers in the community, lack of other staff member cohesive work management and the addon of the lack of SL communication for my progress as a staff member with toll of spoken abuse from sits burned me down to a crisp and thus I had to step down to stabilise my mental health and my enthusiasm for the community building possibilities.

Why should you return / what will you change?: Spoke with Falcon, a lot of information was cleared with a set pushing to a better place of communication between myself and the SL and with the request of Falcon and with the lack of blacklist which I strongly appreciate, I want to re-join and with the bitterness of communication and actions, can pic up the paces as I did prior.


CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
+ Active
+ Clearly good enough rule knowledge/maturity with the RP position he is in
+ Whenever I had sits with you, you always demonstrated perfectly good neutrality, always giving out fair punishments no matter what position they held/your personal opinion on them
+ Although you had your fair share of problems as staff, I believe you should of got another chance as Hmod instead of being left for months as an Smod
Dec 30, 2020
+Good rule knowledge

+I think you being in a high position in USSR as a GEN definitely says a lot about your commitment to the server and dedication, even though you had some problems as staff i definitely think you should be given another chance since you've shown lots of dedication and commitment towards the server in the past months.

Good luck


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

+Cracking lad
+Good rule knowledge

-Chuggs milk 24/7

Would be great to have you back


Active member
Mar 1, 2021
Appeal Accepted

Hi @Dmitri

Thanks for taking the time to make a demotion appeal

We would like to welcome you back into the team as a Senior Moderator, speak to an Senior Admin+ to be inducted back into the team. Kind regards, Beskar​
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