Accepted Door Repair Mechanism Changes

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Jul 1, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Recently, a suggestion was accepted to change how door auto repair works. Unfortunately, this has a fatal flaw.
The current system for door repair
requires that the door be 100% broken in order for a Tech or Engineer to repair it.
What this has led to is during breaches, SCP players will break bulkhead doors until they are a sliver of a percent off, and then leave it for the next breach so it can be broken instantly next time.
Ordinarily this would not be a problem, however
there is no possible way for Foundation staff to tell the door is on the verge of failure.
Essentially, there is no counter-play.

So my suggestion is the following:
1. Allow engineers/techs to be able to see the damage state of a door if it is partially broken.
2. Allow engineers/techs to be able to fix partially damaged doors.
3. Increase the repair time heavily for bulkheads, or add a cooldown for repairs after being broken

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

As mentioned, there have been changes suggested with doors and bulkhead access, but not specifically for repair mechanisms.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More engagement for tech experts as they would be professionally needed in order to tell if a door has been broken partially.
+ Better breach counter-play since bulkheads would actually function if repaired properly.
+ Incentivizes E-11 to bring techs through HCZ.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
+ SCP Players complain their creative use of game mechanics are no longer exploitable
+ I really don't see any negatives of this

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall would benefit the E&TS department which finds little usage outside of breaches.
I have also been informed that this has been an issue for a long time, one that I firmly believe necessitates a fix.
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May 1, 2024
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Ruins the fun of having to go through breaches when someone prepares doors to be easily dismissible and ignored. The reason the bulk doors are there are to prevent the SCPs from getting out, so them being able to just almost break them and then wait for their next breach to just instantly break them makes it feel like they don't even matter.

Also, let the few Tech Experts who actually care about their job do something interesting.

Also negative effects of this: literally just people complaining in OOC about the door thing.
Let's be a little realistic here, if there was a damaged blast door, you would see that and have the ability to fix it. A tech expert should at least be able to fix a damaged door, not only a full broken one.
There should be a mechanism to repair partially damaged doors and the like. Most of the backing seems to already exist - you can partially damage, or partially repair, doors and other entities, and the status remains persistent. I believe you can also partially damage an ERT turret and the repair tool can then repair from that partially damaged state. The only issue I can see with this is on doors, if you can damage and repair in quick succession, an SCP might never be able to get through any BD if an engineer just stands on the other side constantly repairing it - so maybe some cooldown after the last damage taken before a partially damaged entity can be repaired, or something like that?
Jul 1, 2023
There should be a mechanism to repair partially damaged doors and the like. Most of the backing seems to already exist - you can partially damage, or partially repair, doors and other entities, and the status remains persistent. I believe you can also partially damage an ERT turret and the repair tool can then repair from that partially damaged state. The only issue I can see with this is on doors, if you can damage and repair in quick succession, an SCP might never be able to get through any BD if an engineer just stands on the other side constantly repairing it - so maybe some cooldown after the last damage taken before a partially damaged entity can be repaired, or something like that?
Edited to include a 3rd suggestion regarding this
Dec 25, 2023
I support this idea outside of breaches, an SCP shouldn't be able to keep a door "almost broken" until a future breach, that is stupid.

However I think during breaches SCPs only partially breaking doors until the right moment is a good imo, and leads to slightly more strategy - however being able to see this damage (even if it was just a techie thing) would be good.
I second what @YandereMuffin said tbh

During a breach the feature can be really useful. Considering the time it takes an SCP to destroy a bulkhead I think it should take an equal amount of time for a techie to repair it, if not even slower.
Maybe also implement a feature that stops doors from being repaired as they're being destroyed so techies can't sit on the other side of the bulkhead repairing any damage the SCP causes.
In short techies would now need to make a decision like: "Do I repair this massive bulkhead and keep the breach out of EZ (and repair nothing else for its entire duration) or do I repair the facility doors so MTF can fight the breach more efficiently?"
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