Accepted Downing System Change

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Jan 2, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion would change the animation, style, and system of when a player is downed and revived

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not as far as I know

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Better hitbox
- Less buggy
- Looks way better
- Players would probably prefer this to the current one we have

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- Possible code errors will come along the way
- Maybe its too big of a file size

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe that this suggestion should be accepted because I've noticed people started getting upset about the current down system with terrible hitboxes, players moving and jumping around when downed, and all sorts. So I believe this addon can be a big upgrade for players to be comfortable with. It adds realism to the game and possible roleplay with these add-ons. I'm sure CT can remove or keep the pistol to the last-stand animation to make things balanced or not. But in my honest opinion, way better than the current one, and I'm sure most people can agree (respectfully).
I do sure hope this does get taken into consideration and Im sure players would love this, thank you :) (Animation) 0.128 MB
1702089535526.png1702089554105.png1702089569995.png (Revive System) 4.503 MB
1702089600238.png (Anim Mods Base) 23.734 MB
Total File Size - 28.365 MB
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Deleted member 1078


It would also be nice if when the downed person bled out the kill went to whoever downed them. If you bleed out it doesn't count as a death and whoever shot you doesn't get the kill. + The downed hitboxes are genuinely awful. No pistol though.
Each time that I play I get more angry at the fact I shoot someone that is down, and doesn't die, I do it 10 times and doesn't die, until they bleed out, also annoying how there's a bug that makes it so u can still walk while down, making it more annoying, also fixing the kill going to the wrong person would be really good, idk if it's possible with Source restrictions, but would be much appreciated
Jan 2, 2021
Makes the system more realistic and less buggy
The current one is completely fine
No idea how hard it is to implement
Unfortunately, I have to disagree with the 2nd statement as the current one has been and ALWAYS has been terrible with the lack of proper hitboxes and terms of looks, It is a basic 3-5 frame animation that just looks boring and no one likes it as far as I know.
Mar 15, 2023
Unfortunately, I have to disagree with the 2nd statement as the current one has been and ALWAYS has been terrible with the lack of proper hitboxes and terms of looks, It is a basic 3-5 frame animation that just looks boring and no one likes it as far as I know.
I can understand what you mean here but it isn't something that heavily affects the gameplay of the server. Sometimes, the hitboxes can be agitating however it rarely causes you to for example die because you can't kill a downed player. In this case, I am staying at Neutral.


Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2022
i cant even begin to count how many clips people will get from gettin downed kills or just toxicity.
so i hope they put this in the server.
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