Steam ID:
Discord name:
El New Order Drew#0726
For how long have you played on MRP:
Joined in September 2020
In what country are you located?:
UK (Northern Ireland)
Time zone:
NATO name (regiment and rank):
SAS 1LT Dr Drew
USSR name (regiment and rank):
Infantry PVT Soviet Dr Drew
Civilian name:
Civ Dr Drew
Do you have a mic?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
First app
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, one for fear RP back in 2021 (Can’t remember the details of it) and one for base camping in which I was getting shot and I thought it was a guy behind the signs turns out it was just the bullets being funny and not coming from the right direction.

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
Yes I was a Major in MP as well as the head of the Special Investigation Branch of MP.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
Well I have been here for a long time so I know my way around the server I am also very active. Leading wars in nothing new as I have done it multiple times. As SAS I have also learned the importations of having NHC on at all times when we had a lot we took the air support and ADV UAV for granted now we know how much they will change the fate of the war.
List your in-game ranks on MRP: SAS 1LT and USSR PVT
List your strengths and weaknesses
Active - On alot 7PM and after Mon to Thur any time of the day Fri to Sun.STEAM_0:0:106216517
Discord name:
El New Order Drew#0726
For how long have you played on MRP:
Joined in September 2020
In what country are you located?:
UK (Northern Ireland)
Time zone:
NATO name (regiment and rank):
SAS 1LT Dr Drew
USSR name (regiment and rank):
Infantry PVT Soviet Dr Drew
Civilian name:
Civ Dr Drew
Do you have a mic?:
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
First app
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, one for fear RP back in 2021 (Can’t remember the details of it) and one for base camping in which I was getting shot and I thought it was a guy behind the signs turns out it was just the bullets being funny and not coming from the right direction.

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
Yes I was a Major in MP as well as the head of the Special Investigation Branch of MP.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
Well I have been here for a long time so I know my way around the server I am also very active. Leading wars in nothing new as I have done it multiple times. As SAS I have also learned the importations of having NHC on at all times when we had a lot we took the air support and ADV UAV for granted now we know how much they will change the fate of the war.
List your in-game ranks on MRP: SAS 1LT and USSR PVT
List your strengths and weaknesses
Know the server - Like I said been playing on and off since Sep 2020.
Never quitting - Even when the going gets hard is not often I quit mid war.
Full accountability - If I mess up I will not shift it onto someone else.
SAS field knowledge - Playing as a Infantry main the last few months taught me that the infantry is nothing without air and armoured support
MP law and order knowledge - As a old MP main I know how importin it is for the base to be secure at all times now more than ever with hacking added. It also taught me that all NHC should be model troops so the moral of NATO stays high and we don't look bad.
War leading - As I said my highest rank was Major meaning I have only lead a few peek wars most were late or early so I will need to lean a litte bit.No air or armour experience - I know that air and armour support is needed in war but I have no experience with JAF or 17th meaning I will have to learn their tactics if I am to lead them.
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