Drako's UHC application

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Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on MRP:

from mid august in 2021 so around a year now



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


NATO name (regiment and rank):

infantry pvt john bean

USSR name (regiment and rank):

AG CPT drako dormus

Civilian name:

drakolius malvoi

Do you have a mic?: yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

-this is my first application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

-2 warns for fail rp

1 warn was for building a fob radio in a enemy territory (first time building a fob ) and second was one where I was a militia and killed 3 people with a rpg while destroying a radio

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:

-i have experience as a s'co for about 5 months now

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

-so i have been on this server for a long time now so I got some experience leading and knowing strategies. People know me so they can talk to me about things they worry about. I think that I have been a SCO long enough to understand how you need to supervise/lead a reg. I am also a great addition to the team because I have knowledge how to make the rp documents better and enhance the rp in the uhc team. I can see the flaws in regiments and i can help try fixing those flaws. i am open for improvement . i am friendly and thoughtful when socializing. i think that it will be helpfull that the uhc team already knows me and are kinda my friends if i say it myself atleast. i have led some wars and won those wars but sometimes you lose some wars. i have friends in other regiments so that can be usefull for a uhc member. i want to use my creativity to help make rp scenes.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

-EX- AG LTCol current AG CPT

List your strengths and weaknesses:



- have some ideas for rp enhancements (rp ability)

-because I have been long in mrp I know people and people know me

-avaibility , if you dm me I will respond in between 2 hours or immitiatly exept if I am asleep
- open for critics


-English grammar

-my autisme and dyslecy

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 22, 2021
+good leader - I have been serving under you when I was still in AG, I had no problems with you and I don't have any problems with you now. Also he does very well in leading wars.


+/-activity - The activity outside of Garry's mod is very good, the only problem is that you cannot get onto Garry's mod too often because you have to do school work, which is very understandable, and I believe activity outside Garry's mod is slightly more important than the activity inside of it (for High Command).

I believe you deserve a chance in HC, you have gone through many many obstacles that has demotivated you horribly but you still kept going. You don't give up and that is a very important trait in a HC candidate.

Best of luck.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021
+ good leading
+ played for long time
+ well known in the community
+not many warns

-IG activity isnt so good


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 26, 2020
Decent leader
-AG would loose a good member
- Support

+ Friendly
-/+ Decent Application
- Inactive
- Have never seen you leading a war
- Bad management skills
- Not responsible as an SCO

Hello Drako, I will be going with this verdict and will give some information.

First of all
your activity is just very poor because you only play on the weekends. I think UHC needs really active candidates at the moment. When I used to be in AG the way u dealt with complaints was just terrible, at the end of the day the people that made a complaint were wrong. You got demoted from LTCOL for immaturity and unprofessionalism after I made a complaint to UHC when you were not doing your job at all. When I was SLT and we had a meeting about the regiment, what we could improve on etc. When people gave feedback about what you could improve on, you took it personally and said we were targeting you. The only reason AG got reformed at the time was because of the SNCO team.
Feb 6, 2022
- Support

+ Friendly, chill guy
+/- Application looks decent
+/- Unsure on maturity since I left AG

- Poor activity
- Haven't seen you lead a war
- Lazy SCO
- Management skills need work
- Unprofessional

Good evening Drako, I have gone with a - Support , I'll explain why

Let's start with your activity, quite frankly you are not active enough for UHC. The last time you lead a war (from what I can remember) was back in February when I used to be AG. Next I would like to speak about how you deal with things as a SCO. I remember when AG was in a very bad state, Kvalax and I raised our concerns to you because you were one of the only CO's we trusted at the time. You promised us you were making changes but at the end of the day you didn't fulfill that promise. When the SNCO team has to step up to HC because their SCO's didn't make changes looks very bad, the only reason AG activity got better was because of the SNCO team taking action. I also remember when we used to hold CO meetings, I used to raise my concerns to you and you would immediately feel attacked and start to get angry which is very unprofessional .This would not be a good look for an HC member. Your managing was also very poor, when I asked you to update the roster because I wasn't a CO yet, you would say "Yes I'll do it" and then just not do it (This happened NUMEROUS times). Which lead me to go to different CO's to ask. You have been in the community for quite a while and have been a very longstanding member in AG. This doesn't take away that your maturity can be way better and this is one of the main factors I expect an HC member to have.

Please do not feel personally attacked or anything, I am giving my honest feedback and how I experienced my time with you in AG.

I never had any problems with you as a person outside of RP and stuff.
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-Rarely see you online
-Never seen you lead a war

Judging from the above two comments (Both of which have experienced your leading within AG) makes me question your ability to not only run AG but the entire USSR during wars and peacetime. Taking the step from a regiment to UHC can be quite overwhelming and I don't believe you can do it.

My recommendations for you is to start being more active. Try and actively assist in running your regiment alongside your reg command and CO team. Attempt to learn how to lead wars effectively by watching the current HC team, by this I mean actually try to understand the reasoning behind their decisions so it can assist your decision making in future.

Regardless, best of luck.
Application Denied

Hi Drako, thank you for making the time to submit a UHC application.

Unfortunately, there has been a strong concern about your activity, as such you are unsuccessful on this occasion.

You may re-apply in two weeks if your activity improves, although I would recommend waiting a little longer so you get opportunity to lead and show your activity.


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