Drk App

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Jun 13, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Drk

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 6 Days+ (At the time of writing this application out)

Age: 14 - Had an exception made by Winkie.

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

Time zone: BST

In-game name: Drk

Steam ID:

Steam Hex: 11000013cb630f8

Discord ID: 1125785943027240960

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

1 Warning For LTARP - Was Kind of false, because of the reasoning my PC was frozen, And I had to re-log.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:

Yeah, ton's. Can't remember much of the names, but I used to be a staff member on a few server, Head staff etc, Admin And below.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

Yeah, I've dedicated 1700+ Hours on Dark RP in general, And most of them hours where on the Old server Civil City.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

5+ Hours Daily, I can dedicate more time if need be. ~ Saturdays And Tuesdays I will be only able to do a little less.


Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:

I would like too become staff apart of this community because of how much I will dedicate my time towards, and make sure that the server is there for everyone too enjoy. I also would like to become apart of this staffing community because will be able to show every new player the standards of the server, and too also make sure that anyone joins is in a safe space. ~ But not only that, but too get myself deeper within the community, And help people out when they are in need of assistance, I also would like to become a part of the staffing team too make sure that the server is cleaned of rule breakers, too make sure that the Role play meets the standards that people decided to join the server for, and also make sure that all bugs etc will be reported too the higher ups, but too also make sure that the server is there too enjoy, get rid of all of the rule breakers etc. And I have indeed noticed that there isn't extreme amounts of staff especially judging by the fact that the sits are taking a while too be responded too when I have made them, So I also want to assure that I can take the sits and finish them as quickly as possible, without them being rushed of course because then stuff would not get done, I want too become a part of the staffing team to make sure that there is more staff so peoples reports get dealt with, because yesterday It came to the point I was waiting a good 10-20 Minutes for a staff to come to my report, but that's understandable as the staff can't dedicate every second of there role play.


What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I think personally I can help with making sure that there is enough staff members, and also making sure that everyone has an enjoyable experience, I can help with improving roleplay, and making some stuff that the community will like, also trying to get some event planners to do some more events, I also think that I am special over other people because of how much time I will put into the server when I am staffing. And I think I should also be accepted becasue I can assure that tickets and reports in game are not rushed. Because of the fact a lot of them are getting rushed, And I also think I should be accepted over other people because of how much time I have already dedicated towards the server (5 + Days at the time of applying.) And I will also be able to make sure that the server is appropriate for all age groups, and I do indeed think I am special over other applicants because I am good at making sure that there is the minimum rule breakers as possible.


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 5, 2021
+seen in-game, most of the time
+decent understanding of rules

+/- touch up on 2 to 3 rules about basing
You have a solid chance at being Mod and you would do a great job if you got it and you would definitely put the time to help.
Hope you get it.

Captain Obvious

DarkRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 5, 2022
United Kingdom
Hi @drkplayz , I'm going to give you a:

- Support

+ A good application.
+ Active in the teamspeak
+ Active in-game
- The age is a bit on the low side, and it has been reinforced by some poor interactions I've had with you, where you seem a little of the immature side.

Assuming the confusion of the age differences on the two applications are sorted by server leadership, I would be honest in saying I don't think you're ready to take the next step in becoming a moderator. My interactions with you haven't been great and don't give me confidence with supporting this application yet. I suggest you make yourself more known to the community and improve that image. Good luck.


Oct 8, 2021

You have matured alot since you played CC and your change in attitude reflects this. Whilst I am concerned with parts of your conduct I do really think given the right mentor you could be an asset to the DRP Staff Team!
Dec 19, 2020
Application Denied

Hi @drkplayz ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

We currently do not think you have presented yourself as mature enough to be a member of the staff team. I recommend you work on how you conduct yourself with others so that we can evaluate you better.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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