Partially Accepted Drone / Mortar / CMission Group Suggestion

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Jul 10, 2021
First and foremost I'm sorry to those of you that need to review this suggestion but I've separated them into 3 to make it slightly more bearable.

Suggestion 1 : Drone Changes / Balancing
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion proposes that, after a drone pilot achieves a kill using their drone (Gun Drone / Bomb Drone) , the user is marked, as they would be if using a sniper rifle. This would serve to balance the drones while not negating the fact that they are extremely powerful, it would incentivise using the drones more tactically and while still exposing the user instead of constantly spamming one after the other.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Drone users are more incentivised to move around and change positions
- Those on the receiving end of drone usage have a better opportunity to tactically assault the drone user's position
- Drones remain powerful, while having a clear downside for their usage

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Drones are nerfed in this suggestion
- Both drone types would become weaker to use.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this is a fair way to balance the drones, perhaps with the gun drone this system should be changed to every (x) kills, such as with the current system of snipers, if this is seen as too much of an extreme nerf to the gun drone. The bomb drone however definitely could use a nerf. I say this as I have been on every side of the equation with both drone types, and neither are in an enjoyable state to fight against currently.

Suggestion 2 : Mortar Ammunition Change
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion proposes that the mortar emplacements use more ammunition per shell fired following the change that makes them effectively the strongest emplacement in the game.
As of current, the mortars are extremely powerful, delivering a blast the same size as the S&D bomb detonation at any given location spotted by the user with pinpoint accuracy. The amount of ammunition taken by mortars is so laughably low that with an effective mortar user, you can destroy an FOB, and every time an FOB is replaced subsequently multiple times, stopping any chance at the enemy being able to fight back due to the sheer inescapable barrage.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Likely, I don't think so though.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Mortars are still strong, just cannot be used for too much of an extended period
- Those on the receiving end of mortars have a better chance at fighting back

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Developers will need to have a look at the stats and decide what is appropriate to change the mortar ammo usage to

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
After being on the receiving end of mortars, it's really not fun to play against. It's like fighting a bomb drone that you can't escape, can't kill and you're permanently marked in their crosshairs. Yes, I understand mortars are meant to be powerful, however each emplacement has its own downsides, the KWK cannot be used on anything except tanks, A-A against air, etc. The only downside of the mortar is that the FOB eventually runs out of ammo. It can easily dispatch tanks, infantry, FOBs, any threat given to them.

Suggestion 3 : CMission Update
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is more directly for the developers, as from my knowledge they are the only ones with CMission access.
This suggestion would add more CMissions for players to do, as well as a proposed 'Personal CMission' system.
To start, the current state of CMissions is I believe an exact copy from those that SCP have, bar the paradrop mission that relies on JAF/ATR. I think this system is royally underused and could help the server flourish in peacetimes, something that is the main struggle of MRP as of late.

Personal CMissions
Now, I am not a dev, nor do I claim to know fuck all about it, but if possible, I believe MRP would benefit significantly from implementing a system for personal CMissions, such as those that could be claimed by players in.. lets say KGB, who would be able to select a 'patrol' CMission and patrol the base to gain Mastery XP and a small amount of money, lets say £2,000. A subtle change, but one that would, for me atleast, definitely keep me more active in peacetimes.

Personal CMission Suggestions:
Patrol -
The player must move from point A - B - C - D across their base, or an exterior patrol of the map or surrounding areas. Upon reaching the final point, they must return to point A.
Document Redaction - The player must locate a document marked on their map (Likely exterior to the base), and return to the base and shred the document in a marked shredder.
System Breach - The player is given a Te-5 ETD hacker and must access a server in base and hack it to revert the base systems to normal.

CMission Suggestions:
EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) -
A location is marked for a regiment where multiple mines are located, the team must approach the mines and disable them through use of a Te-5 ETD (This is already possible with the IED swep).
Extraction Operation - A location is marked for a regiment and they must fight with the enemy over the retrieval of crates containing supplies and weapons. To secure these, the teams must take the crates back to their base, upon which they will be 'Secured'. Per crate secured, the team will receive £100,000 warfunds and £2500 to each person who secured a crate.
Demolition Raid - Teams are given Timed C4 that they must use on a marked location in order to destroy barricades set up by the enemy team (Props that were spawned by the CMission).

I've run out of ideas, so I'll cut it there.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably, I can't imagine no one thought of using CMissions more to increase peacetime activity.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More player retention in Peacetime
- More activities for individuals
- More activities for regiments

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Dev work my beloved

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think it's a meaningful thing for developers to focus on, I know that the server is struggling to retain players during peacetime, and contrary to some opinions, more forced trainings aren't the answer, it's more content and more things to do. Adding more things to do CMission wise I'd assume is an easier task than just developing it from scratch.

Apologies again for the length, thank you for reading the suggestion.
Upvote 1

Aleem Abdul

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
May 16, 2023
Suggestion Partially Accepted

Hi Jason M, Your suggestion has been partially accepted.

We talked about drones together and decided that making them based on combat score, rather than money would be a good fix towards the issue with droning stopping people from sitting far away from the action and constantly droning all war.

The changes to the mortar we decided against, the mortar ammo has remained the same during the entire life cycle of the server and we do not feel the need to edit this currently.

About the personal Cmissions, we believe adding something similar to the SCP npc which gives out quests would be beneficial to the server and we will be looking to add this in the future if it is possible.

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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