Dukem's NHC App

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MilitaryRP Staff
Nov 22, 2021

Steam ID:

Discord Name:

For how long have you played on MRP:
For about 1 year and 2 months


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

NATO name (regiment and rank):
SAS 1LT Dukem

USSR name (regiment and rank):
10thSD PSC Soviet Dukem

Civilian name:

Do you have a mic?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes it is

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes, 4 kicks for AFK/Lagprevention, 2 Warns for base camp, 2 for FailRP , 1 for NLR and 1 for Toxicity

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- Yes I do have alot of experience, as I have now played on CG for over a year and have used alot of time as an CO/SCO, I have been in ISAF where became a atleast a CPT if not MAJ for around two months working that reg, where I then chose to step down to transfer to MP/RMP and help out there and became COL of RMP where I held the rank for about two months I believe and now I have become a 1LT in SAS.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
- What would make me the best candidate is that I have been here for a good while as High ranking CO and have helped out alot in different regiments and learned how they work, so becoming a reg gen for almost any reg would be easy as I know how they work how they wanna be lead and how to utilise them best possible.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:
- 10thSD PFC

List your strengths and weaknesses:

- My strenghts are that I am very confident in making decisions and that I stick to that decision and that I am adapteble in way that I can make plans and change them in the ways that is needed. I am also a very dedicated and some what strict person as I know when to be a strict and "mean" person but also know when to have a bit of fun with the guys.

- So my weaknesses are that as I also said in the strengths part is I can be very strict at times which may impact the way people see me and respect me which isn't good if you are an NHC. Also one of my weaknesses would be that I might have been reg Command before but I don't have the experience as a High Command and lead multiple regiments at once.

Thank you for taking your time to read my app and hope to see you out on the battlefield, fightning of those communists :salute

SAS 1st Lieutenant Dukem "Gunner" Green
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MRP War Criminal
Oct 5, 2021
+Major support

when he was in RMP he was dedicated to it only taking 1 LOA and he lead RMP so well that numbers when up and we had like 5 on at least most days.


Active member
Nov 3, 2021
Neutral to +1 (my favourite Danish man)

Dukem, I can't come up with many things to criticize you for. You have so much experience already within MRP, in fact, you have been around for almost a year longer than me. As the royal military police colonel, you were always out there working on things and doing your best to improve the regiment. You set an example as a great leader and not many people would argue against that. I could always trust your judgment, skills, and knowledge when I worked under you. I never heard anyone properly complain about you and there never seemed to be drama around you. I always feel like I can freely talk to you and you would never go behind my back to spread shit. You give your honest, fair, and unbiased opinion on things, and do not start mixing in some petty drama other people in your regiment may cause.

Currently, SAS is in need of an active overseer who does not have to worry about other regiments at the same time (as poor Luz has a lot to do). One big reason I wouldn't mind you as NHC is exactly because I want a good experienced regimental leader for SAS who I can trust with handling it. You have proven yourself very much capable before, and honestly, out of all the current SAS members, you would probably be the best option for a SAS general.

Only negatives I can come up with are: attitude and activity. I have brought the attitude part up to you a few times before, as you may remember. During my time within RMP, you sometimes perhaps said things in a way that was unnecessary or straight up rude. A lot of people would say it was just part of your personality, but I personally do not think 'dick' is a personality trait (though I must say, this wasn't how you acted 24/7. It was just some occasions. You weren't being a dick every moment, not even close). Mostly it was jokes, but I remember feeling a bit off after some of the things you said to me. But, to my joy, you actually started working on it and honestly I have not had issues since. Sure, we banter with each other often and you call me a salty bitch (which still hurts my self-esteem), but those situations are mutual and not meant in a bad way. I am not too sure about how others feel, but personally this issue has been pretty much solved. It's something to pay attention to though, as people tend to report NHC even for the smallest things.

My other concern is your activity. Near the end of your colonel period, you were not active. You seem to have burned out, and honestly I cannot blame you, but it does concern me when it comes to you becoming NHC. NHC takes way more time and responsibility than being a regimental leader, and I am afraid you will burn yourself out as NHC faster than as a colonel. I haven't seen you online that much either. You are not inactive per se, but I would definitely want to see you online more, especially as NHC. Currently we need active and dedicated members, not someone who comes in for a bit and then resigns due to burnout. This is the main reason for not giving you a complete +1 - I would want to see you online and active a little bit more. You also don't seem the most involved with SAS leadership, though I of course do not see everything. I am just going off by what I see in the chat logs and on the server. If I could see a change in this, I would definitely give you a huge +1.

Lastly, as the grammar writing fanatic I am, I am not the happiest with your application. Honestly, probably all applications except from 30K's disappoint me with their lack of effort. It looks pretty enough, but I would like to see more work put into this to prove you are actually dedicated to your position.

Good luck,
BGEN Athena

Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021
+ Massive Support

Exceptional member of RMP when in the regiment, helping it to thrive and do extraordinarily well under his leadership.

Has proven himself to be a good leader in war whether he be leading a regiment or the entirety of NATO as well as having the perfect skills required to successfully lead an army.

In my opinion, Dukem would make a brilliant addition to NHC.
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Active member
Mar 1, 2021

-Friendly and approachable
-Was Regimental Command before
-Decent war leading

Best of luck Dukem


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

+ Very Active
+ Great at taking initiative
+ Very friendly and approachable
+ Great knowledge of tactics

Best of luck with the application!

Owl Hootingson

Active member
Sep 19, 2021

+Friendly and approachable
+Good war leading
+exstremly good at taking initiative
+Strickt when needed

+/- Lack of war leading, but good when he does.

-Many warn/kick


MilitaryRP Staff
Nov 22, 2021
Neutral to +1 (my favourite Danish man)

Dukem, I can't come up with many things to criticize you for. You have so much experience already within MRP, in fact, you have been around for almost a year longer than me. As the royal military police colonel, you were always out there working on things and doing your best to improve the regiment. You set an example as a great leader and not many people would argue against that. I could always trust your judgment, skills, and knowledge when I worked under you. I never heard anyone properly complain about you and there never seemed to be drama around you. I always feel like I can freely talk to you and you would never go behind my back to spread shit. You give your honest, fair, and unbiased opinion on things, and do not start mixing in some petty drama other people in your regiment may cause.

Currently, SAS is in need of an active overseer who does not have to worry about other regiments at the same time (as poor Luz has a lot to do). One big reason I wouldn't mind you as NHC is exactly because I want a good experienced regimental leader for SAS who I can trust with handling it. You have proven yourself very much capable before, and honestly, out of all the current SAS members, you would probably be the best option for a SAS general.

Only negatives I can come up with are: attitude and activity. I have brought the attitude part up to you a few times before, as you may remember. During my time within RMP, you sometimes perhaps said things in a way that was unnecessary or straight up rude. A lot of people would say it was just part of your personality, but I personally do not think 'dick' is a personality trait (though I must say, this wasn't how you acted 24/7. It was just some occasions. You weren't being a dick every moment, not even close). Mostly it was jokes, but I remember feeling a bit off after some of the things you said to me. But, to my joy, you actually started working on it and honestly I have not had issues since. Sure, we banter with each other often and you call me a salty bitch (which still hurts my self-esteem), but those situations are mutual and not meant in a bad way. I am not too sure about how others feel, but personally this issue has been pretty much solved. It's something to pay attention to though, as people tend to report NHC even for the smallest things.

My other concern is your activity. Near the end of your colonel period, you were not active. You seem to have burned out, and honestly I cannot blame you, but it does concern me when it comes to you becoming NHC. NHC takes way more time and responsibility than being a regimental leader, and I am afraid you will burn yourself out as NHC faster than as a colonel. I haven't seen you online that much either. You are not inactive per se, but I would definitely want to see you online more, especially as NHC. Currently we need active and dedicated members, not someone who comes in for a bit and then resigns due to burnout. This is the main reason for not giving you a complete +1 - I would want to see you online and active a little bit more. You also don't seem the most involved with SAS leadership, though I of course do not see everything. I am just going off by what I see in the chat logs and on the server. If I could see a change in this, I would definitely give you a huge +1.

Lastly, as the grammar writing fanatic I am, I am not the happiest with your application. Honestly, probably all applications except from 30K's disappoint me with their lack of effort. It looks pretty enough, but I would like to see more work put into this to prove you are actually dedicated to your position.

Good luck,
BGEN Athena
Hey Athena, thanks for the Support, but like to say that the reason you might not see me as active lately is possibly because I come on later than you as lately I haven't seen you on for the mid/latenight wars so might be why. Sincerely Dukem

+Friendly and approachable
+Good war leading
+exstremly good at taking initiative
+Strickt when needed

+/- Lack of war leading, but good when he does.

-Many warn/kick
Thank you for the Support Owl, off course there is not much I can do about the warnings, and leading wars is totally up to whoever is the highest on, but I am happy with the honesty and that you take your time out of your day to give me a support. Sincerely Dukem

And to the rest that so far has taken there time out of there day to read through my app, thank you for the support and hope you all have a great day/night, whenever you read this message.

1stLT Dukem :)
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Reactions: Athena


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Accepted

Please contact a Lieutenant General or above when you are on TeamSpeak to undergo the next steps of joining
NATO High Command.
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