Denied E-11 Class Changes

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
+ All E-11 Classes get Containment Beams
+ All E-11 Classes get Elastic Restraints
+ New Class with a different purpose to replace the E-11 Containment Specialist Class

- E-11 Containment Specialist Class

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ E-11 don't need to waste time getting beams from a dispenser
+ E-11 are able to effectively handle trespassers without the need to grab cuffs from a dispenser

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Development Time
- An entire E-11 class will be left without a purpose until a new purpose is made

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
in E-11 have many complaints on how the current system works:

- For an elite task force who specializes in the containment of SCPs, we don't even get containment beams by default, we need to pick them up in our bunks and wait a cooldown, or fetch them from a dispenser.
Do I really need to explain? We need to be able to effectively contain SCPs rapidly, why don't we get beams by default? We get containment cuffs, but not beams which is bizzare to me.

- We GUARD a checkpoint, give us elastic cuffs
On the daily, infact, no, on the HOURLY we deal with minges at the checkpoint - we deal with people who run past illegally, we deal with D-Class who have escaped, we see civilians walking past, we have people generally being an annoyance and people who are interfering with our duties. Every single E-11 will agree that cuffs are a necessity, we should not have to make our way to the nearest dispenser in order to escort somebody away, or wait for somebody with cuffs to show up, especially in the event they are trespassing in HCZ and may pose a threat to the security of the site.

These changes are a no-brainer to those within E-11, and for those outside of E-11, you likely don't know the amount of pain this gives us, but believe me, it is a real nuisance.
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Ava Cabrone

Active member
Feb 6, 2023
As a member of E-11 everything pointed out and referenced in this suggestion makes a lot of sense and would it be helpful overall and just a nice change that can be used for better.
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Jun 15, 2022
I can understand why it makes sense for E-11 to have beams with them off-spawn but balance wise it would be very broken, the cuffs aren't needed as if someone is causing problems at HCZ CP or inside of HCZ then put them under FearRP to leave or call an IA agent to handle them.


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
Extremely unbalanced and cuffs are unneeded, if there's a minge at hcz cp just fear rp them and get another person to get cuffs. Also you never explained the new class. Overall just seems like its a skill issue
Jul 5, 2022
I can understand why it makes sense for E-11 to have beams with them off-spawn but balance wise it would be very broken, the cuffs aren't needed as if someone is causing problems at HCZ CP or inside of HCZ then put them under FearRP to leave or call an IA agent to handle them.
how would it be broken?? we basically already spawn with containment beams because we have them in our bunks
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
+ All E-11 Classes get Containment Beams
+ All E-11 Classes get Elastic Restraints
+ New Class with a different purpose to replace the E-11 Containment Specialist Class

- E-11 Containment Specialist Class

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ E-11 don't need to waste time getting beams from a dispenser
+ E-11 are able to effectively handle trespassers without the need to grab cuffs from a dispenser

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Development Time
- An entire E-11 class will be left without a purpose until a new purpose is made

I'll give my input on this as ex-commander.
E-11 doesn't need elastic cuffs on spawn, you don't need them constantly.
You can FearRP people against the wall and use metal handcuffs or elastics from a dispenser.
You can always use GenSEC and IA as well, just a simple all on comms.

E-11 doesn't need containment beams on spawn, you have containment specialists for a reason.
Giving jobs more and more things such as elastic cuffs takes away the utilization for other jobs. There is no reason to make one job do everyone's job.
It takes away the point of some jobs, that's why you don't see medics with m249's and GENSEC with the ability of arresting people using the NPC.


Active member
Dec 26, 2022
Croatia, Republic of

Let's start off with the semi-good. Unlike my colleagues I'm not quite against some form of containment beam addition or lowering the respawn timer of it or something since there have been times where less competent people choose to play contaiment specialist and you cannot do as much despite being present - However depending on the availability of said containment beams it might make the class itself pointless which would be kind of a stinker.

However I am in complete agreement with my colleagues about the elastic restraint - There really is no need for it, if someone is causing a nuisance and is loitering you can call up IA at any moment to come and arrest them, they're clearly breaking the LC. Also you can put them under FearRP at any moment.

The only thing to be said here is that E11 should be cut some slack for executing any tresspassers who use their CL2 keycard or over to enter the area despite someone telling them clearly to stop - This could literally be a CI disguised as Foundation personnel and I should be allowed to pepper them if they walk past telsa ( I mean seriously guys, E11 are supposed to be the main task force responsible for HCZ ).

Sorry but neutral it is.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Geronimo,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. You should be using the assistance of other classes and the utilities provided to work with others. As we've stated before, making one class entirely utilitarian does not promote RP.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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