Denied Economy balance

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Feb 28, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
this suggestion adds a money sink

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. This change will allow better conversion rates between the V point to IGM ratio that is currently experiencing inflation.
2. the value of items would be more balanced when grinding for materials as the total IGM is lower in the server
3. makes having more money more desirable as there's a purpose rather than having more than a vast amount of money (this would be subjective to each person) is pointless to one degree.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
None, inflation is bad for the games economy overtime as it is with the real world.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
For continual longevity of the server and being able to monitor and have a near definitive and stable conversion ratios between items, money and V points.

There are quite a few ways to earn money in SCP-RP but not many major money sinks that allow the balance of goods and items. This would naturally cause inflation of goods and could lead to worsening balance of V-point to IGM ratios. I suggest that we add a bail out for any jail time spent, so for example a 10 min jail time would be 10K bail out if they choose to do so or 5K dependent on how you want to charge per minute.

I would also suggest increases to MRE kits and desirable food items to create a greater need for good chefs and for people to be paid on this role better from P2P trades. Perishables such as MREs and NPC items should be charged at a greater rate such as at least 500-750 USD for 1 MRE. I would suggest that to further the balance, an NPC or event every month where people can buy almost anything for a limited time, at a premium rate, could be added and that money earned would be removed.

A money sink is good for the economy and makes grinding for items worth the grind in the end so I'm interested what others would think of this.
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Sep 20, 2023
+support (but edit to follow suggestion format)

this would definitely help long term.
just see how the vpoint price increased compared to the ingame money, its basically inflation.

raising food prices would finally make it have any sense to cook food instead of just eating MREs straight from the npc. now ppl only cook for xp and even throw away the food they make cuz its worthless.

the only decent way that money is removed in the game is the chemist NPC, but even then its not that large amount
you could also raise dispenser prices for some items
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Jan 2, 2023
hey @EpicNarrator, I just quickly used ChatGPT to change your suggestion into the correct format. Please edit your original post to follow it, thanks!

Edit: I see you already updated your post, so no worries! Have a nice day mate!

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

  • Adds a bail out option for jail time with suggested rates.
  • increasing prices for MRE kits and perishable food items.
  • Proposes periodic NPC or event where premium-priced items are available.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Economic balance: Introducing a bail out option and adjusting prices for items can mitigate inflation and maintain a stable in-game economy.
  • Enhanced gameplay dynamics: The suggested premium item events can add excitement and variety to the game, encouraging player engagement.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Potential resistance from players accustomed to existing economic dynamics.
  • Implementation complexities, such as adjusting prices and managing premium events, could require substantial development resources.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted as it offers a multifaceted approach to addressing economic concerns, enhancing gameplay depth, and ensuring long-term sustainability. By implementing these changes, the game can achieve a more balanced and immersive experience for its players.


Feb 28, 2024
hey @EpicNarrator, I just quickly used ChatGPT to change your suggestion into the correct format. Please edit your original post to follow it, thanks!

Edit: I see you already updated your post, so no worries! Have a nice day mate!

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

  • Adds a bail out option for jail time with suggested rates.
  • increasing prices for MRE kits and perishable food items.
  • Proposes periodic NPC or event where premium-priced items are available.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Economic balance: Introducing a bail out option and adjusting prices for items can mitigate inflation and maintain a stable in-game economy.
  • Enhanced gameplay dynamics: The suggested premium item events can add excitement and variety to the game, encouraging player engagement.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Potential resistance from players accustomed to existing economic dynamics.
  • Implementation complexities, such as adjusting prices and managing premium events, could require substantial development resources.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted as it offers a multifaceted approach to addressing economic concerns, enhancing gameplay depth, and ensuring long-term sustainability. By implementing these changes, the game can achieve a more balanced and immersive experience for its players.
Thank you for making this! I like the additional input and added potential negatives with this one too so really good addition to my post!

I hope you have a good day too mate!


Feb 28, 2024
i don't understand what the suggestion is specifically asking for. what are the exact changes that would be made here...

My Apologies. This is specifically asking for money sinks to be added to the game, you will see that overtime, due to the games inflation, all prices of items will continually rise, this includes V points. If an games economy goes past a tipping point E.G. The majority of people on the server have over 200k meaning that the desire for more money diminishes and the value of items go up due to more people having more money to trade and spend. The tweak would add things that would give the play a purpose of their money over the services or items they get from an NPC or Bailout meaning theres less money on the server, meaning more balance of economy. I hope this helps. Its an addition to economy through my suggestions and maybe other members on here can add their own.
My Apologies. This is specifically asking for money sinks to be added to the game, you will see that overtime, due to the games inflation, all prices of items will continually rise, this includes V points. If an games economy goes past a tipping point E.G. The majority of people on the server have over 200k meaning that the desire for more money diminishes and the value of items go up due to more people having more money to trade and spend. The tweak would add things that would give the play a purpose of their money over the services or items they get from an NPC or Bailout meaning theres less money on the server, meaning more balance of economy. I hope this helps. Its an addition to economy through my suggestions and maybe other members on here can add their own.
i guess?
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Feb 28, 2024
i dont really care
Hang on, all feedback that is constructive is welcome, whether it be positive or negative, I'm also happy to debate or explain reasons for the suggestions or even add to it, but if the reason is I don't really care then why comment?

MRE's are constantly bought out of ease, they are really cheap to fill your character, which bear in mind that the hunger drains very slowly anyway.

You might not care but I'm sure someone that wants to RP a chef and have further P2P trading interactions and make little money would care and more importantly it effects economy not just player based RP. People in the current economy would still pay a lot more because its easy, 30 dollars is way too cheap for an item that isn't an ingredient but fills you to full anyway from staving for only 120 dollars ( 4 MREs based on level 10).

I joined in November and i have over 800k IGM already, v points aren't 100k for 1k v points anymore, its more like 130-150k per 1k v points and it will only get worse. These simple things would mean better future balance, i can only understand not caring if you're thinking about quitting soon.
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Feb 28, 2024
players like leaving the server already take their wealth with them. Seems kinda pointless

Kinda pointless isnt pointless though right? for the 128 people that fill the servers that use the economic system it matters and the longevity of the player base. Anyone that knows they're leaving forever normally donate some portion of it. People leaving the server isn't a good money sink since they can return at anytime with their wealth again, its also more likely to stop people from playing all together due to bad economy balance. You want to incentivize people staying not hoping they leave to remove money.
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